


What's the sound/music of a store?

Whenever you go to a certain place, there are certain sounds that you hear. Such sounds have a significant impact on consumer behavior. How satisfying a customer experience can you provide to your store visitors? The sounds you hear in a store are extremely important. The purpose of playing sound is not only to make it easy for customers to enter the store, but also to make them stay in the store as long as possible (comfortably). Do you want them to feel like it's their own place?


每当你去到某个地方,都会听到某些声音。 这种声音对消费者的行为有很大影响。 对于那些访问你的商店的人来说,客户体验有多大的满意度? 你在商店里听到的声音是非常重要的。 声音的目的不仅是使顾客容易进入商店,而且要使他们尽可能长时间(舒适地)留在商店里。 你想让他们有归属感吗?
