



soundscape design

Soundscape was proposed by Marie Schaeffer, a Canadian composer of contemporary music in the 1960s. In Japan, it is known as "soundscape" or "soundscape. Soundscape design is derived from the idea that sound is essential to a landscape.

Soundscape design is very important in the sound branding of a space. In urban areas, it is the sounds of people coming and going, trains and cars. In mountainous areas, it is the sound of trees scraping in the wind and the cries of wild animals. In coastal areas, it is the sound of waves and ship's whistles, etc. By creating the sounds that make up a place or region, it is possible to create the atmosphere that the brand wants to create.


声景是由加拿大当代音乐作曲家玛丽-谢弗在1960年代提出的。 在日本,它被称为 "声景 "或 "音景"。 声景设计源于声音对景观至关重要的理念。

在声音品牌的空间中,声景设计是非常重要的。 在城市地区,它是人们来来往往、火车和汽车的声音。 在山区,它是树木被风刮过的声音或野生动物的叫声,在海岸,它是海浪的声音或船只的汽笛声。
