
Is WhatsApp Safe? How secure is WhatsApp? Should you use Whatsapp?

Is WhatsApp safe? This is a question that everyone is looking for an answer.Searching for answer is quite natural because we spends our lot's of time on whatsapp to share media / personal information.There it's important to know is whatsapp safe to use nor not ?

Here, in the article we have shared some facts about WhatsApp security, which can clarify you whether WhatsApp secure or not?

WhatsApp Facts That You Must Know
Media Files Can Hack Your WhatsApp

Apart from normal text whatsapp message, you me & everyone shares even receive media files on WhatsApp. Which can cause our whatsapp to get hacked. Because, recently Amazon Owner “Jeff Bezos” WhatsApp account was got hacked via a infected video file which was sent from the account of the Saudi Pince.

Anyone Can Join WhatsApp Group

While using WhatsApp, its natural that you are a member of at-least one known peoples group.However, strangers can join your known people group, when any member of your group copy the chat links and shared it with strangers.

WhatsApp Status

WhatsApp Status might be another concern thing, because everyone in your whatsapp contact list can see your WhatsApp status.

Luckily, WhatsApp now gives its users control over who can view their statuses but if your contact list is huge then it becomes a task to pick and choose a person you want to share or not share your status.

Malware on WhatsApp Web

For years, WhatsApp has allowed us to use WhatsApp in our computer through WhatsApp Web. But this facility might get opposite for us, Because for attackers, hacking a website is quite easy as compare to hacking apps. In back, we show that HBO website / system got hacked.As a result, using a whatsapp web to access own whatsapp account is quite risky.

WhatsApp Hub Of Fake News

Yes, from last few years, WhatsApp became the Hub of fake news.As well best platform to spread fake news on any topic.On WhatsApp any misinformation can get viral within seconds.Because what whatsapp allows user to chat in a group of upto 250 People, it's get easy for user to viral the fake news. Recently, a fake news originated on WhatsApp that incited panic around Coronavirus conspiracies and the 2018 mob killing in India.

WhatsApp Confirmation on Sharing Data

WhatsApp has confirmed that they share our details with other companies.In the legal privacy policy, WhatsApp has stated that they share our information with facebook family companies.

WhatsApp shares your phone number, contacts of your phonebook, Also whatsapp shares information with whom you communicate.

Now, when we came to end of the article, It's time to answer the question is whatsapp safe or not? WhatsApp is one of confusing platform, because on one hand its provide security features like end-to-end encryption, two-step encryption etc. On other hand it's data leaks news makes people confuse whether to use WhatsApp or not?

Since Facebook bought WhatsApp, we think WhatsApp has not been secure. Because Facebook has been the subject of much



