
Rabbit in the LovePalace

A shocking movie to be released at the end of 2022 in the rabbit world.
A new attempt in which the main rabbit only appears for 30 seconds in the first half and 5 minutes in the second half.
Rabbit world movie theater total mobilization record high.
Recorded the highest ever streaming distribution viewing record after the movie ended.
This article introduces the synopsis of the movie divided into 14 episodes. With director's comments at the end.

Episode 1
Oh my god...that my dear friend's engagement has been decided...

Episode 2
You can't make my niece happy. The fiancé I choose for my niece is a world away.

Episode 3
That girl's engagement will be decided first... I'm working so hard on my bride training every day! Mother only cares about her cousin, and doesn't care about me as her daughter!

Episode 4
Lady? Lately, I've been shutting myself up in my room without even eating my favorite Timothy's confiture. The young lady has someone else she loves, but in such a pitiful position...

Episode 5
Tell your fiancé. In our house, expensive accessories and silk dresses, everyone can have whatever they want. I will always be waiting for you, who has become my bride.

Episode 6
The reception orchestra is ready to go! It's a collection of only young master's favorite performers. I can't cancel.

Episode 7
Ordering a cake for a reception? You had a reservation before you heard the rumors of your engagement. I've heard that the color is based on white and my husband's favorite blue. I wonder if the young lady's opinion wasn't included in the order.

Episode 8
A young lady will not marry her fiancée! I've always been watching over you as a made! The young lady has been in love with her childhood friend for a long time! I will do anything for my lady!

Episode 9
Well, if you're a fiancée, you won't have any inconvenience in your life. I've heard that most of the land around there belongs to that fiancée. I'll take care of hourse in the carriage and go to various places with him, so I've heard good and bad rumors about his fiancée.

Episode 10
am i? I would be happy if that girl could be happy with the young lady, but she's in a different social position.

Episode 11
Daughter, tell me what's wrong with her fiancée. Are you still going to say that until the day of her wedding? It's time for the other party to be at the chapel.

Episode 12
I can understand your feelings too. But, daughter, she didn't want you to have a hard time, so she talked to the other party. It will be better for you and your future heirs if you are not worried about the future. You can't change the way you live now.

Episode 13
Father, mother, I will refrain from this marriage. I know it's hard work, but I'm going to go to that person. I will never set foot on this property again. Thank you for raising me until now. From now on, I would like to work hard with him and savor happiness.

Episode 14
I stopped whitening my coat and taking lessons with Timothy, but if I could go to him, I wouldn't regret it. I won't let you go, so I'm waiting at home now.


It's James Lavillon, who directed "Rabbit in the lovePalace," which I sent you a synopsis for two weeks. He's definitely not the boss over there.

Caretakers. How was the drama in the world of rabbits? Usademy Award for Best Picture/Director/Director If you want to see more of this award winning work, come to the world of rabbits.
