
英語長文問題クエスト Part 14 (テーマ:生物学②)


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Title: The Human Microbiome

The human body is home to trillions of microorganisms, collectively known as the human microbiome. These microbes live in various parts of the body, including the skin, mouth, gut, and reproductive tract, and play important roles in human health and disease. Recent advances in DNA sequencing technology have allowed researchers to study the microbiome in depth, revealing a complex and dynamic ecosystem that interacts with the host in numerous ways.

One of the key functions of the human microbiome is to help maintain the health of the host. Beneficial microbes can compete with harmful ones for resources and space, produce antimicrobial compounds, and modulate the host's immune system. For example, certain species of bacteria in the gut can break down complex carbohydrates that humans cannot digest on their own, providing the host with additional nutrients. These bacteria also produce short-chain fatty acids that have been linked to lower rates of inflammatory bowel disease and other conditions.

However, disturbances to the microbiome, such as antibiotic use, can lead to dysbiosis, a state in which the microbial community is disrupted and the balance of beneficial and harmful microbes is altered. Dysbiosis has been linked to a wide range of health problems, including inflammatory bowel disease, obesity, and allergies. Researchers are still working to understand the complex interactions between the microbiome and host, as well as the mechanisms by which dysbiosis can lead to disease.

Another area of interest in microbiome research is the potential for microbial-based therapies. Probiotics, live microorganisms that confer health benefits when consumed in adequate amounts, have gained popularity as a way to improve gut health. However, the effectiveness of probiotics has been called into question, as many products on the market have not been rigorously tested or are not able to survive the harsh conditions of the gut. Other microbial-based therapies, such as fecal microbiota transplantation, are showing promise in treating certain conditions, but more research is needed to fully understand their safety and efficacy.

In addition to their role in human health, the microbiome also has important implications for fields such as ecology and evolution. Microbes play key roles in nutrient cycling, plant growth, and other ecosystem processes. The microbiomes of different animal species can also be compared to gain insight into their evolutionary relationships. Overall, the study of the human microbiome and its interactions with the host and environment is a rapidly growing field with implications for numerous areas of science and medicine.

In conclusion, the human microbiome is a complex and dynamic ecosystem that plays important roles in human health, disease, and ecology. The study of the microbiome has the potential to lead to new insights and therapies for a wide range of conditions, but much more research is needed to fully understand this fascinating system.


  1. What are the human microbiome and where can they be found in the body?
    a) Trillions of microorganisms that live in various parts of the body, including the skin, mouth, gut, and reproductive tract.
    b) A type of bacteria that only lives in the gut.
    c) An organism that lives on the skin and causes infections.
    d) A type of fungus that is commonly found in the mouth.

  2. What is dysbiosis?
    a) A state in which the microbial community is disrupted and the balance of beneficial and harmful microbes is altered.
    b) A type of bacteria that produces short-chain fatty acids in the gut.
    c) A process in which the body breaks down complex carbohydrates that humans cannot digest on their own.
    d) A type of microbe that competes with harmful bacteria for resources and space in the body.

  3. How can disturbances to the microbiome lead to disease?
    a) By altering the balance of beneficial and harmful microbes.
    b) By breaking down complex carbohydrates in the gut.
    c) By producing short-chain fatty acids that have been linked to inflammatory bowel disease.
    d) By modulating the host's immune system.

  4. What are probiotics?
    a) Live microorganisms that confer health benefits when consumed in adequate amounts.
    b) A type of antibiotic that kills harmful bacteria in the gut.
    c) A type of virus that infects bacteria in the gut.
    d) A type of immune cell that fights against harmful bacteria.

  5. Why has the effectiveness of probiotics been called into question?
    a) Many products on the market have not been rigorously tested or are not able to survive the harsh conditions of the gut.
    b) They have been linked to dysbiosis and other health problems.
    c) They do not produce short-chain fatty acids in the gut.
    d) They cannot compete with harmful bacteria for resources and space in the gut.

  6. What is fecal microbiota transplantation?
    a) A microbial-based therapy that involves transplanting fecal matter from a healthy donor into the gut of a patient with a microbiome-related condition.
    b) A process in which harmful bacteria in the gut are removed using antibiotics.
    c) A type of probiotic that is derived from fecal matter.
    d) A type of immune cell that fights against harmful bacteria in the gut.

  7. What is the potential benefit of studying the microbiome in ecology and evolution?
    a) Microbes play key roles in nutrient cycling, plant growth, and other ecosystem processes.
    b) The study of the microbiome can lead to new insights and therapies for a wide range of conditions.
    c) Microbes can compete with harmful bacteria for resources and space in the gut.
    d) The microbiomes of different animal species can be compared to gain insight into their evolutionary relationships.

  8. What is the potential benefit of studying the microbiome in medicine?
    a) The study of the microbiome can lead to new insights and therapies for a wide range of conditions.
    b) Microbes can compete with harmful bacteria for resources and space in the gut.
    c) The microbiomes of different animal species can be compared to gain insight into their evolutionary relationships.
    d) Microbes play key roles in nutrient cycling, plant growth, and other ecosystem processes.

  9. What technology has allowed researchers to study the microbiome in depth?
    a) DNA sequencing technology.
    b) Microscopy.
    c) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
    d) Computed tomography (CT) scan.

Answers and Explanations


