#GoGoオンライン英会話 08/26日記録 "I'll be glad to help" By Mr. Yoshi Sato



A, What's Jonny doing?
B. He's getting dressed.
A. Does he need any help? I'll be glad to help him.
B. No, that's okay. He can get dressed by himself.

A. ジョニーは何しているの?
B. 彼は服を着替えている(途中です)
A. 彼は手伝いが必要かな? 喜んで彼を手伝うけど
B. いいえ、それはいいよ。彼は自分で着替えるから。

Point 1

He's getting dressed. 

Point 2

I'll be glad to help him.

1. your daughter / feed the canary

A. What is your daughter doing?
B. She's feeding the canary.
A. Does she need any help? I'll be glad to help her.
B. No, that's okay. She can feed the canary by herself.

A. 娘さん何してるの?
B. 彼女はカナリアに餌やってる
A. 彼女は手伝い必要かな?喜んで彼女を手伝うよ
B. いや、それは良いよ。彼女は自分で餌やりできるよ

2. your husband / clean the garage

A. What is your husband doing?
B. He's cleaning the garage.
A. Does he need any help? I'll be glad to help him.
B. No, that's okay. He can clean the garage by himself.

A. あなたの旦那さん何しているの?
B. 彼はガレージを綺麗にしているよ
A. 彼は手伝い必要かな? 喜んで手伝うけど
B. いいえ、それはいいよ。 彼は自分でガレージを綺麗にできるよ

3. your children / make lunch

A. What are your children dong?
B. They are making lunch.
A. Do they need any help? I'll be glad to help you.
B. No, that's okay. They can make lunch by themselves.

A. あなたの子供たちは何しているの?
B. 彼らは昼飯作っているよ
A. 彼らは手伝い必要かな? 喜んで手伝うけど
B. いいえ、それはいいよ。 彼らは自分たちで作るよ

4. you / do my homework

A. What are you doing?
B. I'm doing my homework.
A. Do you any help? I'll be glad to help you.
B. No, that's okay. I can do my homework by myself.

A. あなたは何してるの?
B. 宿題してるよ
A. 手伝おうか?喜んで手伝うよ
B. いいあ、それはいいよ。自分で宿題やるよ

5. your sister / wash her car

A. What is your sister doing?
B. She is washing her car.
A. Does she any help? I'll be glad to help her.
B. No, that's okay. She can wash her car by herself.

A. あなたの姉さんは何してるの?
B. 彼女は車洗っているよ
A. 彼女手伝い必要かな?喜んで手伝うよ
B. いや、それはいいよ。彼女は自分で洗うよ。

6. Jim and Nancy / rake the leaves

A. What're Jim and Nancy doing?
B. They are raking the leaves.
A. Do they need any help? I'll be glad to help you.
B. No, that's okay. They can rake the leaves by themselves.

A. ジムとナンシーは何しているの?
B. 彼らは葉っぱを掃いてるよ
A. 彼らは手伝い必要かな? 
B. いいえ、それは良い。彼らは自分たち落ち葉掃くよ

7. Tom / paint the fence

A. What's Tom doing?
B. He's painting the fence.
A. Does he need any help? I'll be glad to help him.
B. No, that's okay. He can paint the fence by himself.

A. トムは何しているの?
B. 彼はフェンスを塗っているよ
A. 彼は手伝い必要かな?喜んで手伝うよ
B. いや、それはいいよ。 彼は自分で塗るよ

8. you and your husband / bathe the dog

A. What are you and your husband doing?
B. We are bathing the dog.
A. Do you need any help? I'll be glad to help you.
B. No, that's okay.  We can bathe the dog by ourselves.

A. あなたとあなたの旦那さんは何をしている?
B. 私たちは犬を洗っているよ
A. あなたたちは手伝は必要かな?喜んでアナタたちを手伝うよ
B. いいえ、それはいいよ。 私たちは自分たちでやるよ
