#GoGoオンライン英会話 2/26記録 "She had to study for an examination."



A. Did Barbara enjoy herself at the concert last night.
B. Unfortunately, she couldn't go to the concert last night.
    She had to study for an examination.

A.  バーバラは昨晩、コンサートを一人で楽しんできましたか?
B. 運が悪いね、彼女は昨晩コンサートに行けなかった。
a fortune teller  =運を話す人 =占い師
tell + er = 話す人

1. Did Paul enjoy himself at the tenis match last week? / visit his boss in the hospital

A. Did Paul enjoy himself at the tenis match last week?
B. Unfortunately, he couldn't go to the tenis match last week.
    He had to visit his boss in the hospital. 

A.  ポールは昨晩、テニスの試合を一人で楽しんできましたか?
B. 運が悪いね、彼は先週テニスの試合に行けなかった。

2. Did Amanda enjoy herself at the soccer game yesterday afternoon?  / go to the eye doctor

A. Did Amanda enjoy herself at the soccer game yesterday afternoon.
B. Unfortunately, she couldn't go to the eye doctor yesterday afternoon.
    She had to go to the eye doctor.

A.  アマンダは昨日の午後、サッカーゲームで楽しんできましたか?
B. 運が悪いね、彼女は昨日の夕方サッカーゲームに行けなかった。
afternoon =after「後」+noon「昼」 =「午後」

3. Did you and your co-workers enjoy yourselves at the movies last night?  / work overtime

A. Did you and your co-workers enjoy yourselves at the movies last night?
B. Unfortunately, we couldn't go to the movies last night.
    We had to work overtime. 

A. アナタとアナタの同僚は昨夜楽しめましたか?
B. 運が悪いね、私たちは昨夜映画に行けなかった

4. Did Mr. and Mrs.Lee enjoy themselves at the symphony yesterday? / wait for the plumber

A. Did Mr. and Mrs. Lee enjoy themselves at the symphony yesterday?
B. Unfortunately, they couldn't go to the symphony yesterday.
    They had to wait for the plumber.

A. リー夫妻は昨日交響曲を楽しめましたか?
B. 運が悪いね、彼らは昨夜交響曲に行けませんでした。

5. Did you enjoy yourself at the picnic last weekend?  / work on my science project

A. Did you enjoy yourself at the picnic last weekend?
B. Unfortunately, I couldn't go to picnic last weekend.
    I had to work on my science project.

A. アナタは先週末ピクニックを楽しめましたか?
B. 運が悪いね、私は週末ピクニックに行けませんでした。
project =課題、事業

6. Did Ralph enjoy himself at the amusement park last Sunday?  / fix a flat tire

A. Did Ralph enjoy himself at the amusement park last Sunday?
B. Unfortunately, He couldn't go to the amusement park last Sunday.
    He had to fix a flat tire.

A. ラルフは先週の日曜アミューズメントパークで頼めましたか?
B. 運が悪いね、彼は先週の日曜アミューズメントパークに行けませんでした。彼はタイヤの修理をしなければならなかった。
Story of my life. なんてこった、こんなもんだよなー 

7. Did Carla enjoy herself at the school dance last Saturday night?  / baby-sit for her neighbors

A. Did Carla enjoy herself at the school dance last Saturday night?
B. Unfortunately, she couldn't go to the school dance last Saturday night.
    She baby-sit for her neighbors.

A. カーラーは土曜の夜学校のダンスパーティーにいけましたか?
B. 運が悪いね、彼女は土曜の夜学校のダンスパーティーに行けませんでした。彼女は近所のベビーシッターをしなければならなかった。
