#GoGoオンライン英会話 04/21記録 "I don't think so" By Mr. Yoshi Sato



Example sentence

A. Do you think I should keep these old love letters?
B. No, I don't think so. I think you should throw them away.

A. これらの古いラブレターをキープするべきだと思う?


●Point 1

"Do you think ~"


Do you think I should write a blog?

●Point 2

"throw 〇〇 away"  =〇〇を捨てる
※away =「遠くへ」って印象

●Challenge questions 1


Why are you think so?
 ="Why do you think so?"

●as a side note

"What do you think? "
"What are you thinking?"

っとなる ^^

●Challenge questions 2


"You should throw your memory away."

 =Throw your memory away.
 =Throw away your memory.

"your memory" を代名詞で ”it” にして
 =Throw it away. でもOK
    *Throw away it はNG

1. hand in my homework / do over

=宿題を提出する / やり直す

A. Do you think I should hand in my homework?
B. No, I don't think so. I think you should do it over.

A. わたしは宿題を提出するべきだと思いますか?
B. いいえ、そう思わないわ。やり直すべきだと思う。



"hand in"  =(相手の、手の中) =「提出」

2. use up this old milk / throw out

=この古い牛乳を使い切る /  捨てる

A. Do you think I should use up this old milk?
B. No, I don't think so. I think you should throw it out.

A. この古い牛乳使い切るべきだと思う?
B. 私はそう思わないな。私は捨てるべきだと思うよ。



"use up" =使い切る

"throw out" =「捨てる(液体を)」

●Challenge questions


"You should taste it."  
"Why don't you taste it?"
"Why don't you try it?"

3. erase all my mistakes / cross out

=私の間違えを全て消す / 斜線(打ち消し線)

A. Do you think I should erase all my mistakes?
B. No, I don't think so. I think you should cross them out.

A. この間違え全ての消すべきだと思う?
B. わたしはそう思わないわ。私はそれらを打ち消し線をするべきだと思うよ


4. leave the air conditioner on / turn off

=エアコンを付けたまま立ち去る / 電源を切る

A. Do you think I should leave the air conditioner on?
B. No, I don't think so. I think you should turn it off.

A. エアコン付けたまま立ち去るべきだと思う?
B. いいえ、そう思わないわ。 その電源を切るべきだと思う。


5. try to remember Amy's telephone number / write down

=エイミーの電話番号覚える /  書き留める

A. Do you think I should try to remember Amy's telephone number?
B. No, I don't think so. I think you should write it down.

A. エイミーの電話番号覚えておくべきかな?
B. いいえ、そう思わないわ。書き留めるべきだと思うよ


6. ask the teacher the definition of this word / look up

=この単語の定義を先生に尋ねる / 調べる(探す)

A. Do you think I should ask the teacher the definition of this word?
B. No, I don't think so. I think you should look it up.

A. この単語の定義を先生に尋ねるべきかな?
B. いいえ、そう思わないわ。調べたほうが良いよ。



"definition" =「定義」 
"meaning" =「意味」

7. make my decision right away / think over

=  今すぐに私は決める / じっくり考える

A. Do you think I should make my decision right away?
B. No, I don't think so. I think you should think it over.

A. 私すぐに決めるべきかな?
B. いいえ、そう思わないよ。 それはじっくり考えるべきだと思うよ


●Point 1

【動詞】 :"decided"  =「決める」
【名詞】 :”decision ” =「決定」

●Point 2

"think over"を使った例文

”Let me think it over.”  =「少し考えさせてください。」
"Let me sleep on in." =「一晩考えさせてください。」

8. keep my ex-boyfriend's ring / give back

=元彼から貰った指輪をとっておく /   返す

A. Do you think I should keep my ex-boyfriend's ring?
B. No, I don't think so. I think you should give it back.

A. 元彼からもらった指輪取っておくべきだと思う?
B. いいえ、そう思わないよ。それは返すべきだと思う。


9. accept this invitation to my ex-girlfriend's wedding / turn down

=元彼女の結婚式の招待を受け入れる / 断る(拒否する)

A. Do you think I should accept this invitation to my ex-girlfriend's wedding?
B. No, I don't think so. I think you should turn it down.

A. 元カノの結婚式の招待を受けるべきだと思う?
B. いや、それはないな。それは断るべきだと思う。


