

GoGoオンライ講座で習ったことを僕の目線でまとめています GoGoオンライ講座に興味がある方でしたら 「こんな感じの内容やってるんだ♪」 って参考にしていただければ幸いです。…


4月26日 オンライ英会話 記録(Sometime Next Week)

phrasal verb 【句動詞】を使った文章

■基本文A. When is the repairman going to bring back our TV?

B. He's going to bring it back sometime next week.



5月7日 オンライ英会話 記録(I'm afraid I won't be able to help you)

"I have" ="I've"
例文="I've got to work." (あいがら ワーク)         
"We have" ="We've"
例文="We've got to work."
"You have" ="You've"
例文="You've got to work."
"They have" ="They've"

6月15日 オンライ英会話 記録(She'll be staying with for few month)

6月15日 オンライ英会話 記録(She'll be staying with for few month)

A. How long will your Aunt Gertrude be staying with us?
B. She'll be staying with us for a few months

A. あなたのおばさんガートルードさんはいつまで私たちと滞在しますか?
B. 彼女は私たちと滞在します数カ月

MemoHow much longer (過去を含めて)どれくらいの長さ?

7/18 オンライ英会話 記録(Have you written the report yet?)

7/18 オンライ英会話 記録(Have you written the report yet?)

A. Have you written the report yet?
B. Yes, I have. I wrote the report a little while ago.

A. Has David gone to the bank yet?
B. Yes, he has. He went to the bank a little while ago.

Memoa little wh

7/25 オンライ英会話 記録(When are you going to...?)

7/25 オンライ英会話 記録(When are you going to...?)

When are you going to wash your clothes?

I'm going to wash them this week.

When are you going to fix our doorbell?

I'm going to fix it next Friday.

When are you going to cut your hair?

I'm going


8/1 オンライ英会話 記録(Tell me about your vacation)

example 1A. Did you go to Paris?
B. No, we didn't.
A. Where did you go?
A. We went to Rome.

go -went -gone

example 2
A. Did you get there by boat?
B. No, we didn't.
A. How did you get there?
B. We g


8/10 オンライ英会話 記録(復習:Do you know anybody who can help me)

A. There's something wrong with my washing machine.
B. I'm sorry. I can't help you. I don't know anything about washing machines.
A. Do you know anybody who can help me?
B. Not really. You should goog


8/22 オンライ英会話 記録'I don't want to go to school.'

Harry came to his mother one morning while she was having her breakfast, and said to her,

'No one at my school likes me, Mother
誰も僕の学校で好きになってくれないんだ 母さん

The teacher


8/29 オンライ英会話 記録'Are you going to cook spaghetti this week?'

Memoyesterday morning / yesterday afternoon / yesterday evening
last night / last week / last month / last year

going to = gonna

I don't cook. わたしは料理しません(普段から)
I can't cook. わたしは料理できません
I'm not cook


9/26オンライ英会話 記録'I always cry I'm sad'

A: Why are you crying?

B: I'm crying because I'm sad.
I always cry when I'm sad.

A: あなたは何故、泣いているのですか?

B: わたしは泣いていますなぜなら私は悲しいからです
  わたしはいつも泣く 私は悲しい時
