

Photo by Des Tan on Unsplash



Hi, I’m a physical therapist, Masayuki Saka. I’ll be working with you today. I see you are here for a knee pain. You are a marathoner and started feeling anterior knee pain after running a half marathon in last November. Am I right?

Now, let me ask you some questions.
What do you think caused your injury/symptoms?
Have you changed your running shoes before the injury?
Have you changed your running environment or the amount of running before the injury?

Now, let me ask you about your current conditions.
How often do you run?
How many kilometers do you run per training session?
How many times do you run in a day?
Do you feel any pain during or after running?

Are there any competitions you plan to attend in the near future?

Based on what you’ve told me so far, I suppose you don’t have to limit the running distance during one training session. But I recommend you run every other day instead of running every day from Monday to Friday.



Is there anything I need to take note of?

How would I know if the pain would onset?

How would I know if I’m doing it right?
