



Today, I’m gonna use shockwave therapy (or pressure wave therapy) for your treatment.

Radial shockwave therapy is a treatment we have available at this clinic and we can use when it’s appropriate. We use it for the treatment of soft tissue conditions and tendinopathies, for example, plantar fasciitis, patellar tendinopathy, and tennis elbow.

Shockwaves are sound waves so it’s similar to ultrasound waves. But in comparison to ultrasound waves, the shockwave peak pressure is approximately 1000 times greater than the peak pressure of an ultrasound wave. What that’s expected to do is increase blood flow to the area, metabolic activity in the area, and start the healing process.

Especially with tendinopathies, the healing process is really slow or doesn’t happen at all. So in adjunct with other treatments, shockwave therapy is an option to get that healing process started.


Shockwave therapy is contraindicated if there is a malignant tumor on the treatment area. Also, if the patient is pregnant and the treatment area is in the abdominals. High energy focused waves are also contraindicated for brain, lung, spine, and epiphyseal plate in the treatment area.

Side effects

Sometimes, patients feel a little sore after the treatment. Some ice is more than enough to get rid of it.

Contusion is something that has been reported, but I’ve never had anyone who got contused.

So again, side effects would be soreness. That’s about it.

During evaluation and treatment

Could you point to the place where you have pain? Is it here? Is this the most painful site? Okay I’m gonna draw on this area and this is where I’ll be delivering the sound pulses.

Next, I’m gonna apply a bit of ultrasound gel to the site where we’ll be doing the shockwave therapy, and we are ready to start.

Now, I’m gonna start to deliver the pulses. Sometimes the pressure can be a little sore. Please let me know if you feel strong pain. I’ll decrease the pressure. Any questions for me?

Are you ready? All right, here we go.

After the treatment

How do you feel? Any pain or discomfort when it was being done? A little bit of soreness is normal and you may get an odd feeling to it. That’s pretty normal experience.

Question and answer

・Is it done in isolation or do you do it with other therapies?
Shockwave therapy unfortunately does not work in isolation. It has to be combined with a complete program. Especially with tendinopathies, you need stretching, strengthening, and addressing movement patterns. All those are needed to help resolve your pain.

・How many sessions do I need?
We always do 3 sessions to start with and we expect to see some changes in pain levels along those 3 sessions. If we’re getting a lot of relief but there is still a little bit of pain, we tend to add 1 or 2 sessions. So 3 to 5 tends to be enough.
