



Importantly, the historical record strongly suggests that many deflationary  episodes have been rather benign. Not all, however, have been so.

To an observer looking at the long history, current concerns about deflation  may seem to be somewhat overblown. It is abundantly clear that deflation  need not be associated with recessions, depressions, crises and other  unpleasant conditions. The historical record is replete with good deflations. 

The bottom line is that, whether deflation is seen as symptom or cause, its cost is ultimately an empirical question. As a symptom, it depends on its underlying drivers; as a cause, on the relative strength of various channels.

…, persistent goods and services (CPI) deflations do not appear to be linked in a statistically significant way with slower growth even in the interwar period.

  • 大恐慌は例外

  • 財・サービス価格ではなく資産価格の下落が不況と関連する(←信用収縮)

