
Pretia AR Cloud SDK update - 2023 Winter release

Sid Wang
Product Manager

Hello developers. This is Sid Wang, Product Manager of Pretia AR Cloud Platform. We had been preparing some new features in the past few months. Let me talk about what we were working on.

3D Scanner

We added some changes in version 0.8.0 to make it easier for new developers and also for those who want to have better security.

  • Registration flow: From now on new developers can register accounts directly from the scanner. This step saves a small amount of time when you really want to try the Scanner app right away.

Left: iOS   Right: Android
  • Multi-factor authentication: With MFA enabled, Scanner will ask for an 1-time password which will be sent to your email address upon login. This feature requires configuration in Developer Console which will be mentioned later.

Left: iOS   Right: Android


For SDK we have some small but interesting improvements

  • Until the previous version, the map origin is where you started to scan an area with the Scanner. Now we allow you to set up the map origin wherever you want to set it at.

  • We also updated the support with the ARFoundation. It’s now supports 4.2.7 and is compatible with version 5.x.

Developer Console

As mentioned with Scanner, the platform is now supporting multi-factor authentication. It can be configured by team or by personal account settings. Either of the options are checked, will then enable this feature.

Further more, as we announced in Autumn release, with the new Reloc API been deployed, we will terminate old API on 2023/1/31.
The date is approaching, please proceed on transition if you haven't yet.

That’s all for this winter release. Under the hood we are still working hard on a few new things. We will come back soon, please stay tuned.
