Harga buah sangat murah?(果実の値段が激安?!)

Saya mau beli buah karena stok buah di kulkas habis.

>I want to buy fruit because its running out in refrigerator 

Haa?! Harga buah di Indonesia murah banget!! Gak kaya di jepang!!

>Wow price of fruit is really cheap!! Its not expensive like Japan!

Ada yang bisa saya bantu?

> May i help you?

Apakah buahnya bisa dibeli satuan?

>Can i buy each fruit?

Bisa. Namun buah harus ditimbang dulu, Karena harganya disesuaikan dengan berat.

>yes, however fruits is had to be weighed first, because price is adjusted by weight.

Senang banget harga buah sangat murah!

>Im really happy because fruits price are cheap!

Jadi bisa makan buah sepuasnya tanpa harus pusing

>so I can eat fruits until satisfied without concerning

