
パールハーバーの欺瞞 アメリカ人が求めた真実⑴


"Day of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor" by ROBERT B. STINNETT                      


著書「真珠湾の欺瞞:ルーズベルトの真実」       日本語版タイトル「真珠湾の真実」

ー太平洋戦争開戦から60年を経て明らかにされた真実。著者ロバート・T・スティネット氏の本書について、本人による解説を引用しました。   1人の元アメリカ海軍写真部隊所属の写真家であった著者が、戦後、ジャーナリストとして17年に及ぶ歳月を費やして根気強く公文書開示を求め、真珠湾攻撃の真実を追い求めたことを取り上げたいと思います。尚上記の本は「真珠湾の真実」として和訳版がありますのでここでは引用を控えます。


Two questions about the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor have ignited a controversy that has burned for 60 years: Did U.S. naval cryptographers crack the Japanese naval codes before the attack? Did Japanese warships and their commanding admirals break radio silence at sea before the attack?



(写真)日本の戦闘機から見たパールハーバー、フォード島太平洋艦隊への攻撃 / 1941年12月7日

If the answer to both is “no,” then Pearl Harbor was indeed a surprise attack described by President Franklin D. Roosevelt as a “Day of Infamy.” The integrity of the U.S. government regarding Pearl Harbor remains solid.    But if the answer is “yes,” then hundreds of books, articles, movies, and TV documentaries based on the “no” answer—and the integrity of the federal government—go down the drain. If the Japanese naval codes were intercepted, decoded, and translated into English by U.S. naval cryptographers prior to Pearl Harbor, then the Japanese naval attacks on American Pacific military bases were known in advance among the highest levels of the American government.





During the 60 years, the truthful answers were secreted in bomb-proof vaults, withheld from two congressional Pearl Harbor investigations and from the American people. As recently as 1995, the Joint Congressional Investigation conducted by Sen. Strom Thurmond and Rep. Floyd Spence, was denied access to a naval storage vault in Crane, Indiana, containing documents that could settle the questions.



(写真) 真珠湾攻撃の第二波で駆逐艦ショウへの爆撃に茫然とするアメリカ海兵たち / 1941年12月7日

Americans were told of U.S. cryptographers’ success in cracking pre–Pearl Harbor Japanese diplomatic codes, but not a word has been officially uttered about their success in cracking Japanese military codes.


In the mid-1980s I learned that none of the hundreds of thousands of Japanese military messages obtained by the U.S. monitor stations prior to Pearl Harbor were introduced or discussed during the congressional investigation of 1945-46. Determined to penetrate the secrets of Pearl Harbor, I filed Freedom of Information (FOIA) requests with the US Navy. Navy officials in Washington released a few pre-Pearl Harbor documents to me in 1985. Not satisfied by the minuscule release, I continued filing FOIAs. 

1980年代半ば、私は真珠湾攻撃前に米軍監視局が入手したはずの何十万通もの日本軍のメッセージが、1945-46年の議会調査で紹介されたり議論されたことが一度もなかったことを知った。   真珠湾の秘密に迫ろうと決意した私は、米海軍に対して情報公開の自由(FOIA :Freedom of Information Act)の要請を行った。1985年、ワシントンの海軍関係者がパールハーバー以前の文書をいくつか公開してくれた。だがそのわずかな情報公開では満足できず、私はその後も情報公開請求を続けた。


(写真)日本の戦闘機による空爆を受けるパールハーバーの米海軍基地 / 1941年12月7日

Finally in 1993, the U.S. Naval Security Group Command, the custodian of the Crane Files, agreed to transfer the records to National Archives in Washington, D.C. In the winter of 1993-94 the files were transported by truck convoy to a new government facility built on the College Park campus of the University of Maryland inside the Washington Beltway, named Archives II.   Mr. Clarence Lyons, then head of the Military Reference Branch, released the first batch of Crane Files to me in the Steny Hoyer Research Center at Archives II in January 1995.



国立公文書館(上:アーカイブスⅠ 下:アーカイブスⅡ)


Apparently, the pre-Pearl Harbor records had not been seen or reviewed since 1941. Though refiled in pH-safe archival boxes by Lyons’ staff, some of the Crane documents were covered with dust, tightly bunched together in the boxes and tied with unusual waxed twine. Lyons confirmed the records were received from the U.S. Navy in that condition.


It took me a year to evaluate the records.      The information revealed in the files was astonishing. It disclosed a Pearl Harbor story hidden from the public. I believed the story should be told to the American people. 

The editors of Simon & Schuster/The Free Press published Day of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1999.



[この続きは「パールハーバーの欺瞞 アメリカ人が求めた真実⑶」で投稿予定です。]

本文中写真:ブリタニカワールドヒストリーhttps://www.britannica.com/event/Pearl-Harbor-attack から引用
