Architecture Without Content / OFFICE KGDVS 雑訳

OFFICE KGDVSによる「内容のない建築」と題された論考を抜粋し訳します。


OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severenはベルギーの建築家です。エルクロッキーで特集されたのが2016年、作品集を出したのが2018年と、最近注目されている若手の建築家達です。今回は、作品集の中に入っていた論考「Architecture Without Content」をざっくりに注目します。


この論考は作品集のなかではDrying Hall(2013)に並んでおり、この建築と並行して考えるととっつきやすいと思います。また、レム・コールハースのプロジェクト「Countryside」とも内容が似ており比較すると面白いです。このプロジェクトは近日中に要約する予定です。また、こちらはまだ読んでいないのですが、Keresten Geersによる同名の講義集の抜粋かもしれないのでいずれチェックします。というように、理解できてない部分も多いのですが、とりあえず訳していきます。

Architecture Without Content


Our contemporary city is run by machines we prefer to ignore. These machines are planned in the periphery, veritable areas of impunity where the project is not driven by what is desired, but by what has the least resistance.

周縁部はその名前が示唆している限り、制御と欲望の領域外の場所であり、目に見える問題はありませんが、それは一つ(?)。 ステータスが変わる瞬間、戦略が変わります。今日、周辺部はもはやありません。都市とランドスケープの間の古い二分法はほとんど消えています。現在ほとんどすべての表面が占有されているので、私たちはもはや社会の余地をほっておくことはできません。

As long as the periphery is what its name suggests, a place outside the realm of control and desire, this does not pose a visible problem, though it is one. The moment the very status changes, strategies change. Today the periphery is no longer. The old dichotomy between city and landscape has mostly disappeared. As currently almost every single piece of surface is occupied, we can no longer leave the leftovers of our society outside of it.


There is simply no outside anymore. The machine rooms are integrally part of the world we inhabit. We can no longer ignore their existence, we are forced to live together with them. The disappearance of these leftover spaces forces us to fundamentally rethink the status of our own infrastructure. Everything is important, every part of the world is to be taken seriously, as if we inhabit one giant interior. In a world without outside there is no impunity.


On a smaller, more limited scale this change of scope and focus has happened before in history. In the development of nineteenth century cities into early metropolises a radical mental shift was necessary, and its machinery played a similar role. In that transformation, big 'public' complexes - e.g. cemeteries, hospitals.... – had been placed outside the city for reasons of health and containment, only to become crucial fragments of public infrastructure in the city of today.


There is no reason to think that this will not happen again. What we consider autonomous boxes of nondescript machinery, are already vital elements of our public infrastructure. These data centres, recycling plants, storage facilities, etc should thus be considered with a similar dignity.


If the enlightenment inspired a generation of architects to elevate the essentially banal programs of the urban infrastructure of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries to urban projects able to structure the city of today, we cannot be less ambitious. In a world where the status and appearance of the old 'public buildings' is increasingly disputed, the machines might find a gap to fill.


Their sheer mass makes them unavoidable, and fascinatingly powerful. It is our task to turn this power to the advantage of the urban collective, to the advantage of the city proper. As we believe the city holds inside itself the kernel of the collective. True citizenship can only be experienced, if we have our monuments to share. Big boxes are the monuments of our twentyfirst century.


If the big boxes are our monuments, then what makes up our urban fabric, and how do we have to deal with that? If the world became one giant interior, this has consequences for both extreme of the built fabric. The problem of housing and the problem of work is increasingly resolved in similai spaces.


Strangely this is not an entirely new phenomenon. If we take modernism and bourgeois society as a temporary aberration in an otherwise continuous history of architectonic types, we realise that the architecture of the bulk has never been one of representation. The majority of the city fabric has always been designed from within, as a question of interior. Thus, we propose to reconstruct most architectonic questions as questions of internal spatial organisation.


Changing technology only accelerates this development. If, at the turn of the last century, technology was large and imposing, with a direct impact on the way buildings were organised, the nano-development of today technology essentially eliminated its impact in the much slower process of building and living. Wifi and small computing eliminated in a very short time the technical distinction between a place to live and a place to work. Fascinatingly, it gave back power to architecture itself to define hierarchies of spaces. 


Technology is no longer an alibi. While the bulk of current architecture may indeed be interiorised, that does not relieve it of its responsibilities. As a tool to define spaces it is stronger than it has been in the last century. It could concentrate solely on the definition of the qualities it provides from within, in conscious disconnection from functional requirements. An architecture made as a sequence of spaces, is one that concentrates on the threshold, both internally and between the inside and the outside. 


It is an architecture that is increasingly disconnected from its real content, and that - perhaps in an old tradition – concentrates on the perimeter.
One could say it is an architecture without content, provocatively perhaps, but with the aim of emphasising that its primary function le not in the manipulation of what it contains, but rather in the simple mediation between what happen inside and outside. If the big boxes are our new monuments, then the interior is our new world, In a world lacking an outside, scale is the only thing that matters