
Diary 20240222-20240228

2月が終わろうとしています。早い!と思う気もしますが、思い返せばあれも2月これも2月。今月も色々とあったなあ〜と思える幸せ。花粉も風邪もインフルもコロナもいっぺんにgoing aroundしていますが、無理をしない、をモットーに3月もいざ〜


Two days in a row, but I went to Kyoto today as well - to have dessert at hoco, one of my favorite café. I realized I’m very concentrated when I’m eating good foods, and said it silently. It takes quite a long time to go there (approx. two hours), but I can read or think or listen to podcasts on the train, which is good, too.


E’s cold seems like worse than I (or he, too) thought. I can see he pushed himself too much, but I also know it’s hard to see the border between “it’s getting better so I could do this” and “it’s getting better but cancel this and that and just rest”. I can’t just rush into his house, so it’s frustrating that I can’t do anything to make him feel better other than just wait.


Finally sunshine after a while! Thinking back, we had a week of cloudy, rainy sometimes snowy days. The air was still cold, but it rather felt nice under the sunshine. I’ve got to see the full moon, too.


I remember I was crying while I was half asleep in the middle of the night, thinking of my body slowly losing the ability of giving a birth, and realizing how much I was blaming myself regarding that.


I and R, who are a long time friends of E and now visiting E from Reno, NV, came to the cafe that I work. I was very happy to see them again (I met them in Osaka yesterday) and that they seemed to have a good relaxing time there. They are just so nice, wonderful people and I’m really glad that I met them. I hope someday I get to see them again and visit their bookshop.


My mom and I made miso today (I prepared most of it). I’m making miso every year since 2019. For the first few years, I went to a workshop by C-san, then her class had gotten more and more popular and more difficult to join, so I started to make it by myself three years ago. It takes some time, but very simple ingredients, very simple steps. Although I don’t make that much so we need to buy it at some point, it always tastes good, so hopefully I can keep making it every year.


Happy to find out some of my students now have some time for English on a daily basis. At the same time, they feel frustrated when they meet people from other countries because English doesn’t come up quickly. It’s difficult to solve it immediately, but I hope they believe in themselves and keep learning.

Something was a bit strange in my lungs. Today I cough sometimes and my throat feels a bit irritating. It’s not like the soreness that I usually have when I have a cold, so I’m guessing it’s something different. Maybe pollen? Or some chemical things flying in the air?
