

検索式を作るにあたって、有名どころの医学雑誌は知っているけど、薬剤師関連の雑誌でいうと"Pharmacotherapy"や"Annals of Pharmacotherapy"ぐらいしか知らないという体たらくでしたので、まずはそちらの方から調べてみました。
困ったときのGoogle先生ということで、Google先生に聞いた結果、ACCP "American College of Clinical Pharmacy" (米国臨床薬剤師協会)から、ACCP CORE LIST OF JOURNALS FOR PHARMACY EDUCATION(薬学教育のための核となる雑誌リスト)なるものが出ていることがわかりましたので、それをもとに興味がある分野に関して検索式を作成しました。


General Pharmacy

((american journal of health-system pharmacy[jo]) OR (clinical therapeutics[jo]) OR ("drugs"[jo]) OR (cochrane database of systematic reviews[jo]) OR (European journal of clinical pharmacology[jo]) OR (journal of pharmacy and pharmacology[jo]) OR (journal of pharmacy practice[jo]) OR (journal of the american pharmacists association[jo]) OR ("pharmacotherapy"[jo]) OR (the annals of pharmacotherapy[jo]) OR (the consultant pharmacist[jo]) OR (the international journal of pharmacy practice[jo])) AND hasabstract

Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics

((clinical pharmacokinetics[jo]) OR (drug metabolism and disposition[jo]) OR (drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics[jo]) OR (drug metabolism reviews[jo]) OR (european journal of drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics[jo]) OR (journal of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics[jo]) OR (therapeutic drug monitoring[jo])) AND hasabstract

Medication Safety

((drug safety[jo]) OR (Expert opinion on drug safety[jo]) OR (joint commission journal on quality and patient safety[jo])) AND hasabstract


((journal of the american college of cardiology[jo]) OR (european heart journal[jo]) OR (circulation[jo]) OR (american journal of cardiology[jo]) OR (american heart journal[jo])) AND hasabstract

Clinical Toxicology

((clinical toxicology[jo]) OR (critical reviews in toxicology[jo]) OR (journal of medical toxicology[jo])) AND hasabstract

Critical Care

((american journal of respiratory and critical care medicine[jo]) OR (critical care medicine[jo]) OR (intensive care medicine[jo]) OR (neurocritical care[jo])) AND hasabstract

Emergency Medicine

((european journal of emergency medicine[jo]) OR (annals of emergency medicine[jo])) AND hasabstract


((clinical endocrinology[jo]) OR (diabetes[jo]) OR (diabetes care[jo]) OR (the journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism[jo])) AND hasabstract


((american journal of epidemiology[jo]) OR (epidemiology[jo]) OR (infection control and hospital epidemiology[jo]) OR (international journal of epidemiology[jo]) OR (pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety[jo])) AND hasabstract

Family Medicine

((american family physician[jo]) OR (annals of family medicine[jo]) OR (the british journal of general practice[jo])) AND hasabstract


((Blood[jo]) OR (journal of thrombosis and haemostasis[jo])) AND hasabstract

Internal Medicine

((american journal of medicine[jo]) OR (annals of internal medicine[jo]) OR (BMC medicine[jo]) OR ("BMJ"[jo]) OR ("CMAJ"[jo]) OR (Evidence-based Medicine[jo]) OR ("JAMA"[jo]) OR (JAMA internal medicine[jo]) OR (journal of general internal medicine[jo]) OR (journal of internal medicine[jo]) OR ("lancet"[jo]) OR (Mayo clinic Proceedings[jo]) OR (Plos medicine[jo]) OR (the new england journal of medicine[jo])) AND hasabstract

Microbiology and Infectious Diseases

((clinical infectious diseases[jo]) OR (clinical microbiology and infection[jo]) OR (current opinion in infectious diseases[jo]) OR (emerging infectious diseases[jo]) OR (infectious disorders drug targets[jo]) OR (journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy[jo]) OR (the journal of infectious diseases[jo]) OR (the lancet infectious diseases[jo]) OR (the pediatric infectious disease journal[jo])) AND hasabstract


((kidney international[jo]) OR (journal of the american society of nephrology[jo]) OR (clinical journal of the american society of nephrology[jo])) AND hasabstract


((anticancer drugs[jo]) OR (british journal of cancer[jo]) OR (cancer biotherapy and radiopharmaceuticals[jo]) OR (cancer chemotherapy and pharmacology[jo]) OR ("cancer"[jo]) OR (cancer medicine[jo]) OR (cancer treatment reviews[jo]) OR (clinical cancer research[jo]) OR (current treatment options in oncology[jo]) OR (journal of experimental therapeutics and oncology[jo]) OR (journal of oncology pharmacy practice[jo]) OR (journal of the national cancer institute[jo]) OR (nature reviews cancer[jo]) OR (nature reviews clinical oncology[jo]) OR (oncology research[jo]) OR (the lancet oncology[jo])) AND hasabstract

Pain Management

((european journal of pain[jo]) OR (pain practice[jo]) OR (pain research and management[jo]) OR (regional anesthesia and pain medicine[jo]) OR (the journal of headache and pain[jo])) AND hasabstract
