
#2 Present simple (I do)

S + V = present simple

例えばAlex = a bus driverであるとき、Alexが寝ているときでも"He drives a bus.”と言うことができる。Alexがバスを運転している最中であるときは、"He is driving a bus"と言う。

I work / He works

●Teachers teach students at schools.
●I usually go to the gym at weekends.
●The moon goes round the earth.
●The grocery store opens at 11 am.

do / does (-? / -not)

【疑問文】do/does + S + V?
【否定文】S + don't/doesn't + V.
Do cats eat vegetables?
Does your rabbit eat **carrots?
●I **don't
eat breakfast very often.
●One of my brothers doesn't smoke at all.

●"What do you do?" "I work in a hospital."
●What does your child do after school everyday? 
●My children don't do their homework by themselves.
●My father doesn't do anything to help my mother.

Saying how often we do things

●I do radio-exercise at 6:30 am every morning.
How often do you eat dinner out?
●My ant doesn't drink very often.
●My father goes to the gym** two or three times a week**.

I promise.. / I apologize.. / I suggest.. / I advise.. / I insist.. / I agree.. / I refuse.. etc.

例えば歯医者に行くことを提案をするときは、"I suggest that you go to the dentist."と言い、"I'm suggesting"とは言わない。
I promise I'll keep the secret.
I apologize I was late.
I advise that you should tell her your feeling.

I'd appreciate it if you could support me!