
#4 Present continuous & present simple 2 (I am doing & I do)

like / want / need / prefer 
know / realize / suppose / mean / understand / believe / remember
belong / fit / contain / consist / seem

continuousは「起こっている最中」や「始まり、まだ終わっていない」ことを表すときに用いるが、上記のような動詞はその限りではない。"I am knowing"や"They are liking"とは言わず、simpleの形を用いる。
●The sesame oil is out. I need it to make dumpling.
●I have no religion but I believe in God.
●The cute cat belongs to me.


「believe」や「have an opinion」という意味で使われる場合のthinkはcontinuousでは使えない。
●I think he likes me, but I'm not sure. (×I'm thinking)
●What do you think of my idea? (=What is your opinion?)
●You think I am wrong, don't you?

●I'm thinking about today's dinner.
●One of my coworkers is thinking of changing the job. (=is considering it)

see / hear / smell / taste

これらの動詞は通常continuousではなく、present simpleを使う。canと合わせて使われることも多い。
Do you see the tiny bird on that tree? (×Are you seeing)
●Your cake tastes so good!
〇I can smell you. Go take a shower.
〇I can hear the water boiling. Did you forget to turn it off?

look / feel

誰かのことについて言うとき、これらの動詞はpresent simple、continuousのどちらでも使用可能。ただし「その瞬間の状態」を表す場合以外は使えない。
●You look tired today. or You're looking tired today.
※He looks nice in that suits. (×He is looking nice)
Do you feel better now? or Are you feeling better now?
※I usually feel tired in the morning. (×I'm usually feeling)

He is selfish / He is being selfish

He is selfish: 基本的にselfishな性格
He is being selfish: 普段はselfishではないのに一時的にそうなっている状態
●I don't want to work with my boss. He is very selfish.
○My daughter is being selfish because she is very sleepy now.
○Dad is being sweet to mom. I guess he has something he wants.

※be + beingの形は誰かが一時的にそのようにふるまっているときに限り使うことができる。通常他の文では使うことができない。
●It's hot today. (×It is being hot)
●She is very tired. (×is being tired)
●I am bored. (×am being bored)

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