
Salt and Pepper

My life gets peppered.

It sometimes is salted.

Then I'm dried, dried, and dried till no water comes out from my eyes.

Now I’m flattened.

Sooner shredded.


Well, that doesn’t taste any good.

Do I like some more salt and pepper?

No, thank you. 

My life has been salty and spicy enough, you see.

I just want it to be buttered for now.

Precisely, a slice of bread with unsalted butter, please.

Toasted rather than untoasted.

With a cappuccino.

That sounds just like perfect.

Did you say that it rather sounds like a plain breakfast?

Well, some might as well say it is an English breakfast.

Huh? Do I need beans and eggs and tomatoes

for the breakfast to be an English breakfast?

Okay then, 

I’m happy for both breakfast and my life to be plain after all.

Not peppered and salted. 

Why not? 

Well you see, I’m tired. 

I’m drained.

Certainly not talking about the dishes right now, darling.

I’m metaphorically speaking (or just talking nonsense).

You see, there is too much of the dish out there. 

Starter. Main. Dessert.

Why do desserts have to be at the end by the way?

I feel like I’m a starter forever and ever.

Never the main.

Can you bring the dessert now, please?

Then I will just go.

I’ll just get out of this high-rated restaurant, okay?

Don’t worry I’ll pay.

Pay for what?

Maybe for letting me realise 

that I’m okay with a plain life.

Not too salty, not too spicy, not too sweet even.

(Well, actually can I do the takeaway for the dessert, please?)

Some say “plain" is the best, don’t they?

No, I’m not talking about a plain pancake, darling.

I’m talking about my life (I know we like to talk about food)!  

No need to get a star.

Plain and peace, that’s it.

When it’s ripe, it tastes good itself without salt and pepper anyway.

Well, apparently.

(Are you ready for the takeaway yet?)


