
back number についての英語長文 英検2級 オリジナル問題


The Rise of back number: From Indie Beginnings to Nationwide Fame

In the heart of Japan's music scene, a story of perseverance, talent, and transformation unfolds, starring the band Back Number. Originating from Gunma Prefecture as an indie band, their journey to becoming a household name in Japan is a testament to their undeniable charm and musical prowess. Their evolution from humble beginnings to standing under the national spotlight offers a rich narrative on the power of dedication in the music industry.

Back Number's music, characterized by its emotive lyrics and melodious compositions, resonates deeply with a wide audience. Their ability to weave stories and evoke feelings through their songs has been a significant factor in their widespread appeal. This emotional connection is further enhanced by the lead singer's distinctive voice, capable of conveying a wide range of emotions, from the depths of sorrow to the heights of joy. The band's versatility is evident in their discography, which encompasses a variety of genres, from ballads to upbeat tracks, showcasing their ability to adapt and thrive in the ever-changing music landscape.

However, their journey was not without its challenges. The transition from an indie band to a major label act required not only a leap of faith but also a significant adjustment in their approach to music production and promotion. The increased exposure brought by their rising fame also meant dealing with higher expectations and the constant pressure to innovate while staying true to their musical identity. Despite these hurdles, Back Number's dedication to their craft and their fans has remained unwavering, fueling their continued success and growth.

The story of Back Number is one of inspiration, highlighting the band's journey from local indie scenes to dominating the national charts. It's a reminder of the impact of passion and perseverance in the pursuit of artistic expression. As they continue to charm audiences across Japan and beyond, Back Number's legacy as a band that captured the hearts of many with their soul-stirring music is assured.


  1. What is one of the key factors in Back Number's widespread appeal?

    • A) Their ability to perform live concerts

    • B) Their emotive lyrics and melodious compositions

    • C) Their fashion sense

    • D) Their use of traditional Japanese instruments

  2. How has the lead singer contributed to the band's unique sound?

    • A) By writing all the songs

    • B) By playing multiple instruments

    • C) By having a distinctive voice that conveys a wide range of emotions

    • D) By producing the band's albums

  3. What was one of the challenges Back Number faced during their transition to a major label?

    • A) Finding a new lead singer

    • B) Adjusting their musical style to fit current trends

    • C) Dealing with higher expectations and the pressure to innovate

    • D) Learning to play new musical instruments


  1. 回答: B) Their emotive lyrics and melodious compositions
    解説: Back Numberの広範囲にわたる魅力の一因は、感情を揺さぶる歌詞とメロディアスな作曲にあります。彼らの音楽は幅広い聴衆に共鳴し、深い感情的なつながりを生み出しています。

  2. 回答: C) By having a distinctive voice that conveys a wide range of emotions
    解説: リードシンガーは、悲しみの深さから喜びの高みまで、幅広い感情を伝える独特の声を持っており、バンドのユニークなサウンドに大きく貢献しています。

  3. 回答: C) Dealing with higher expectations and the pressure to innovate
    解説: メジャーレーベルへの移行中、Back Numberは高まる期待と、革新的でありながらも自分たちの音楽的アイデンティティに忠実であるという圧力に対処しなければなりませんでした。


バックナンバーの台頭: インディーズから全国的な名声へ



しかし、彼らの旅に困難がなかったわけではない。インディーズ・バンドからメジャー・レーベルの活動への移行は、信念の飛躍だけでなく、音楽制作やプロモーションへのアプローチの大幅な調整を必要とした。また、名声の高まりがもたらした露出の増加は、より高い期待と、自分たちの音楽的アイデンティティに忠実でありながら革新的でなければならないという絶え間ないプレッシャーに対処することを意味した。このようなハードルにもかかわらず、Back Numberの技術とファンへの献身は揺るがず、彼らの継続的な成功と成長を後押ししてきた。

Back Numberのストーリーはインスピレーションのひとつであり、地元のインディ・シーンから全米チャートを席巻するまでのバンドの道のりを浮き彫りにしている。それは、芸術的表現を追求する情熱と忍耐の影響力を思い起こさせるものだ。日本中、そして世界中の聴衆を魅了し続けるバックナンバーは、魂を揺さぶる音楽で多くの人々の心を捉えたバンドとして、その遺産を確実なものにしている。

