
小田急電鉄についての英語長文 英検2級 オリジナル問題



The Impact of Odakyu on Local Communities and Tourism

The Odakyu Electric Railway, a prominent railway company in Japan, plays a crucial role in shaping the daily lives of people and the tourism industry in areas it serves. For starters, it provides a vital connection between Tokyo and several key destinations in Kanagawa Prefecture, such as the famous hot spring resort area of Hakone. This accessibility not only makes daily commutes smoother for residents but also encourages tourists to explore beyond the usual attractions in Tokyo.

Moreover, Odakyu's services, particularly the Romancecar, offer a unique travel experience that adds value to the tourism industry. The Romancecar, known for its comfort and scenic views, enhances the journey to tourist destinations, making the trip itself an integral part of the tourism experience. This special service not only attracts visitors but also supports local economies by increasing tourist spending in the areas served by the railway.

However, the reliance on a single railway company for transportation can have drawbacks. For instance, any disruptions in service due to natural disasters or maintenance work can significantly impact local communities and tourism. These areas might face challenges in mobility, affecting daily life and potentially deterring tourists during such periods.

Additionally, while the Odakyu Electric Railway contributes to tourism, it also brings about challenges related to over-tourism. Popular destinations like Hakone might experience crowding, environmental strain, and a possible decline in the quality of life for residents due to the influx of tourists facilitated by easy access.

In reflecting on the Odakyu Electric Railway's influence, it's evident that while it brings substantial benefits to local communities and the tourism sector, it also poses challenges that require careful management. The balance between leveraging its positive impacts and mitigating the negatives is crucial for sustainable growth.


  1. What is a unique service offered by Odakyu that enhances the tourism experience?

    • A) Romancecar

    • B) Bullet trains

    • C) City buses

    • D) Frequent local services

  2. What potential drawback is mentioned regarding reliance on the Odakyu Electric Railway?

    • A) High ticket prices

    • B) Limited destinations

    • C) Overcrowded trains

    • D) Service disruptions

  3. How does Odakyu potentially contribute to the challenges of over-tourism?

    • A) By reducing train frequency

    • B) Through promotional campaigns

    • C) By providing easy access to popular destinations

    • D) Offering discounted tickets to residents


  1. 回答: A) Romancecar
    解説: OdakyuのRomancecarは、快適さと景色の良さで知られ、旅行体験を向上させるユニークなサービスです。

  2. 回答: D) Service disruptions
    解説: 自然災害やメンテナンス作業によるサービスの中断は、地域社会や観光に大きな影響を与える可能性があると述べられています。

  3. 回答: C) By providing easy access to popular destinations
    解説: Odakyuは、人気観光地へのアクセスを容易にすることで、オーバーツーリズムに関連する課題に貢献する可能性があります。

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