
#152 多義語の演習13(名詞編)

※ この記事の問題の解答は、Passオンライン英語のウェブページで公開しています。ウェブページにアクセスし、一番下からダウンロードしてね。

(a) These pies are of a(s  ).
(b) That’s about the(s  )of it.

(a) We buy food in(b  ).
(b) The(b  )of the work is done.

(a) His anger was gathering(v  ).
(b) We should do something to handle the growing(v  )of traffic in Tokyo.

(a) The restaurant is the(t  )of the town.
(b) Money really(t  )in this business.

(a) Old and new(c  )live side by side in her house.
(b) First you have to clear the(c  ).

(a) He expressed his(b  )in Christianity.
(b) His behavior is beyond(b  ).

(a) Don’t get in the(w  ).
(b) The new housing project is under(w  ).

(a) Digging the ground is(l  ).
(b) She is in(l  ).

(a) Precipitation(c  )are low.
(b) Everyone stands a(c  )of catching the disease.

(a) John has several local(b  ).
(b) Mind our own(b  ).


・英単語の使い方事典 名詞・形容詞編
