
#149 多義語の演習⑩(名詞編)

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(1)~(10)の(a), (b)の空所の中にはそれぞれ原形が同じ英単語が入る。空所を埋めなさい。

(a) The(c  )are slim.
(b) Tom and I met by(c  ). We are now very good friends.

(a) She flew into a(r  ).
(b) Mountain bikes are the(r  )this year.

(a) Don’t count on a man’s verbal(p  ).
(b) He is a writer of(p  ).

(a) Big cities no longer have a clear(a  ).
(b) Do you know a coffee shop with a nice(a  )around here?

(a) That man has an(a  )of dignity.
(b) Plans for the summer is still in the(a  ).

(a) The jury gave the defendant the(b  )of the doubt.
(b) The kid received no(b  )from the medicine.

(a) Don’t take(a  )of the weaknesses of others.
(b) That color show you to good(a  ).

(a) We’re expecting(c  ).
(b) I’ll stay here and keep you(c  ).

(a) Illegal parking is a minor(o  ).
(b) Tom takes(o  )at the slightest criticism.

(a) It’s against the law of supply and(d  ).
(b) I can’t satisfy all your(d  ).


・英単語の使い方事典 基本動詞編
