
【抄訳】ISW ロシアによる攻勢戦役評価 1700 ET 13.01.2024 “ロシア軍、地上軍内にヘリボーン部隊を編成か”


[*記事サムネイル画像:https://russianmilitaryanalysis.wordpress.com/2020/10/01/kavkaz-2020-september-25-day-5/ より]



Russian forces may be forming air assault brigades within combined arms ground formations as part of ongoing large-scale military reforms. Some Russian milbloggers claimed on January 11 that Russian combined arms armies are beginning to form air assault brigades, which will act as specialized units that can conduct landings and reconnaissance behind Ukrainian lines. Russian sources noted that this is not a new concept for the Russian military and drew parallels to Soviet operations in Afghanistan. One Russian source noted that air assault brigades within ground formations would be able to carry out landings in Ukrainian near-rear areas without parachutes, presumably by landing helicopters in near-rear areas for the rapid deployment of personnel, as was the case during the initial fighting for Hostomel airport near Kyiv on February 24, 2022. Russian sources claimed that such an air assault brigade, the 49th Separate Air Assault Brigade, is already active in the Zaporizhia direction as part of the 58th Combined Arms Army (Southern Military District). Air assault brigades exist within the modern Russian army as part of the Russian Airborne Forces (VDV), so the suggestion that Russian ground formations may be trying to implement these formations is noteworthy. ISW has previously observed instances of the formation of reconnaissance and assault brigades within combined arms formations and assessed that the creation of such specialized formations is meant to respond to specific tactical challenges that Russian forces have faced thus far in Ukraine. The deployment of air assault brigades in isolation from the wider VDV force structure, however, will likely mean that these specialized air assault brigades will be used as yet another means of conducting attritional infantry-led frontal assaults on Ukrainian fortified positions in the short term.

Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, January 13, 2024, ISW


