
【抄訳】ISW ロシアによる攻勢戦役評価 1745 ET 08.11.2023 “ウクライナ東部アウジーウカ情勢”




Russian forces continued offensive operations near Avdiivka and reportedly advanced on November 8. The Ukrainian General Staff reported that Ukrainian forces repelled Russian assaults near Keramik (14km northwest of Avdiivka), Stepove (3km northwest of Avdiivka), Avdiivka, Tonenke (7km northwest of Avdiivka), and Pervomaiske (11km southwest of Avdiivka). Russian milbloggers claimed that Russian forces near Vodyane (7km southwest of Avdiivka) are pressuring Ukrainian forces in the direction of Sieverne (6km west of Avdiivka) and Pervomaiske (11km southwest of Avdiivka). A Russian milblogger claimed that Russian forces have advanced to positions 400 meters from the southern border of Avdiivka, but ISW has not observed visual evidence of this claim. Russian sources continued to claim that Russian forces advanced near the railway line near Stepove, but Ukrainian sources stated that Russian forces suffered high casualties to make this advance. Ukrainian Tavriisk Group of Forces Spokesperson Colonel Oleksandr Shtupun stated on November 7 that Russian forces in the Avdiivka area lost 585 personnel within the past day during light infantry attacks without armored vehicle support.

Ukrainian officials indicated that Russian forces remain committed to the Avdiivka effort despite high losses and inclement weather. Ukrainian military spokesperson Anton Kotsukon stated that Russian forces have concentrated 40,000 “reserves” in the Avdiivka direction, though it is unclear how many of these personnel are committed to offensive operations. Ukrainian officials have recently stated that Russian forces have 40,000 total personnel in the Avdiivka area. Kotsukon stated that Russian forces have recently been attacking in groups of 10-20 personnel and using a large number of drones to identify Ukrainian counterbattery elements. Ukrainian Avdiivka Military Administration Head Vitaliy Barabash stated that Russian forces are likely ready to conduct a third wave of assaults on Avdiivka but that inclement weather will impede Russian use of equipment.

Ukrainian forces reportedly made marginal gains during counterattacks near Avdiivka on November 8. A Russian milblogger claimed that Ukrainian forces achieved partial success while counterattacking Russian positions near Vodyane.

Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, November 8, 2023, ISW



❶ カラミク
❷ ステポヴェ
❸ トネンケ
❹ シェヴェルネ
❺ アウジーウカ
❻ ペルヴォマイシケ
❼ ヴォディヤネ



