「目覚めよ」:"Wake up.":Google translation

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"Wake up.":Google translation
The other day, a Christian missionary came to my house. When such a Christian missionary comes, I always ask, "Who created the devil?" Many missionaries back away when I say the word "devil". I tell them, "The Creator created everything that exists in this world, so who created the devil? Unless you solve this problem, I cannot believe in monotheism, which originated in Judaism." Most missionaries leave when I tell them this. The other day, they listened with great interest, and listened carefully to what I was going to say at length. "Sometimes, people say that they are being indoctrinated, but this kind of word is often used by cults." "It is strange that people from a country that espouses democracy believe in this kind of religion." "The Creator entrusted the control and management of everything that exists in this world to human beings, beings who believe in this God. This structure, where God is at the top of the hierarchy, with human beings who believe in God below them, and where they are allowed to control and manage all existence, is the very structure of tyranny and authoritarianism." "When I was in junior high school, my social studies teacher once taught us that monotheism is superior and polytheism is backward. I spoke about this during work. Is it true? People who believe in the same God have been fighting and killing each other for a long time. In the past, Spain, in the name of spreading Catholicism, cruelly massacred peoples and nations such as the Aztecs in what is now Central and South America, and plundered their gold and silver. In what is now North America, the Puritans set sail from England in search of freedom, reciting a selfish promise called the Mayflower Compact. The Puritans used this oath when they selfishly settled in Plymouth, in what is now New England. From this settlement, they massacred the present-day Native Americans and created the present-day United States of America. In particular, History has it that Abraham Lincoln killed more native people than any other man. I wondered if this was really a superior thing to do, so I studied it." "Japan is said to be polytheistic, and believes that gods reside in all existence. In Japan, since the Age of the Gods, October has been known as the month without gods, and gods from all over Japan gather in Izumo for a meeting. In Izumo, October is known as the month without gods. In this way, parliamentary democracy has been practiced in Japan since ancient times." "Democracy has only taken root in Western Europe and Japan, and of course the United States, which is descended from Western Europe, also has a long history. In Western Europe, the king It is said that this began when feudal lords gained economic power and formed parliaments that were equal to the king. Even in Japan, during the Heian period, there were meetings called Jin no Sadame, which were held among aristocrats, and even after the Kamakura period, when the country came under samurai rule, powerful samurai held meetings, and even in the Edo period, the various feudal domains in Japan held powerful meetings to decide on national affairs. It is because of these things that modern democracy has taken root. ``Even in Buddhism, there is the idea of ​​the Tathagata-zaka, which was inherited from Indian thought, and which derives from the idea that all living beings have the potential to become Tathagata, and that all beings possess Buddhahood, as in the idea that mountains, rivers, plants, and trees all become Buddhas. From the standpoint of Buddha, there is the idea of ​​equality. ``This means that gods, demons, and humans can all become Buddhas if they awaken. So the demon-like beings Asura and Kishimojin became the guardian deities of Buddha when they awakened. "Buddha means one who has awakened." "Buddha was silent and did not speak about things he had not seen. This is because if you speak about things you have not seen or confirmed, it can become a lie." "It is said that many physicists, especially quantum physicists, believe in Eastern thought." "Currently, there are objections to the Big Bang in physics, and it is said that there are 13 dimensions. Is what the Old Testament teaches really true in modern physics? Wasn't Buddha's silence a very honest act?" "Perhaps because of her youth, the female missionary this time would have left with just the word "devil" but she continued to listen to my long words. Finally, she said, "Therefore, I cannot believe my question about who created the devil until you give me a clear and logical answer. " and he left.
The brutal executions by Catholic missionaries depicted in Endo Shusaku's work "Silence" were carried out after the missionaries found out that Toyotomi Hideyoshi had given permission to sell Japanese people into slavery. This is not something that Japan fabricated, as there are records of it not only in Japan but also in Mexico and other places. Why are such inhumane things as "slavery" possible? This is because those who believe in the "God" in question are human beings, and those who do not are not "human beings". This is the reason why people are filled with compassion and love. Is this a god that has fallen?
To those who believe in God, he is probably a good god.
Hitler, who believed in the same monotheistic god, ended up committing such atrocities. Also, Franklin Roosevelt started the Pacific War and tried to annihilate Japan. Creating an ideal world through the cruel act of annihilating a specific ethnic group, like this, is a theory that could only come from the doctrine of monotheism.
In Buddhism, an awakened being is a Buddha. The Buddha never said to abandon the religion or god that one believes in. No. We are firmly convinced and then ask people to "wake up."
"Wake up" - this is true "diversity."
We also say the same thing to people who believe in Islam.
Once you convert, you can never leave Islam, and leaving Islam is punishable by death. This is a doctrine that is far too unreasonable for those of us who believe in Shinto and Buddhism to understand. In Buddhism, leaving Islam is not only not forced upon you, but it is okay for you to continue believing in it. In Buddhism, one simply needs to "awaken" to what it is that one believes. What exactly is the goal of "religion"? One only needs to gaze firmly and "recognize" what becomes clear through the "way of thinking through meditation" of Buddhist "Rinzai Zen," the "three poisons" (greed, anger, and ignorance) in Buddhism, dazzling the "ego," slowing one's breathing with abdominal breathing, and thinking calmly.
In Rinzai Zen, this is called "samadhi" (the three blind spots = dazzling the three. Three = the three poisons).
I was taught that this translation is a famous one from "Xuanzang."
I know I'm being persistent, but "awaken" is true "diversity."
By the way, I'd like to say a few words about the "Communist Party." In the Communist Party, religion is denied and faith is forbidden. Why is this? They often say that this is because "religion confuses people, makes them psychologically intoxicated, and leads them to make mistakes." However, I think it is because the Communist Party's platform itself is the same as the doctrine of monotheism.
The will and words of the one who exists at the top, like God, are everything, and in religion, those who believe in the doctrine are human, but in the Communist Party, only Communist Party members are human. These non-human species, Homo sapiens, are non-human beings, slaves, non-human beings. Therefore, they are not treated as human beings, but as slaves, and under the rule of the Communist Party, they are purged and massacred. The number of people who have been purged and massacred in countries ruled by the Communist Party throughout history is enormous. During the Stalin era, 1,344,923 people were found guilty in summary trials, 681,692 were sentenced to death, and 634,820 were sent to concentration camps or prisons. During Mao's Great Leap Forward, the implementation of unscientific production methods, the Four Pests Campaign, which led to locust infestations, and the execution or torture of many people who opposed the policy, caused great chaos in China, leading to the Great Famine of the People's Republic of China (an estimated 15 to 55 million people[2] died), major destruction of industry, infrastructure, and the environment, and the lowest birth rate in the People's Republic of China on record.[3] In addition to deaths from starvation, millions of people died from beatings, torture, and executions. Over 30% of all homes were destroyed during the campaign. During the Cultural Revolution, a total of approximately 20 million people were purged. WikipediaThe number of casualties under the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia has been estimated in various ways. The country entered a state of war after the 1962 census, and accurate population figures until 1975 were not available. The Vietnam-backed Heng Samrin regime put the death toll at 3 million between 1975 and 1979 (this was later revised downward). Father Francois Ponchot puts the figure at 2.3 million, but this includes deaths during the civil war. The Yale University Cambodian Genocide Project estimates the number at 1.7 million, Amnesty International at 1.4 million, and the US State Department at 1.2 million.WikipediaSo many people were slaughtered, and wealth and assets were monopolized by the privileged class of Communist Party members, and this is still ongoing under the current Chinese Communist Party regime.
This is something that God has ordained, and it is something that God has ordained in the Communist Party's platform, so they can do it without hesitation or hesitation. I'm sure I'll be met with a lot of backlash if I write something like this, but I've decided to state it without any fear. Please, "wake up." "It's good to wake up and realize this."
