
ズッキーニのグラタン/Zucchini Bake



ズッキーニ 中くらいのを3本

塩 小さじ1

玉ねぎ 1個

カナディアンベーコン、ハムなど 4枚程

バター 大さじ2

お好きなチーズ 適量

粉チーズ 少々

ドライパセリ 少々

チキンブロス 1/4カップ

塩・コショウ 少々







Zucchini Bake

The hardest part of this recipe is that you have to slice up the zucchini really thin. This recipe is nothing special but very easy!

Ingredients: for 4 to 5 people 

Zucchini 3 medium size  (Slice 5mm/about 1/4 in.)

Salt  1 tsp

Onion 1

Canadian bacon or Ham 4 slices

Butter 2 tbsp

Cheese of your choice (any kind is OK) 

Parmesan Cheese 

Dry Parsley

Chicken broth 1/4 cup

Salt & Pepper to taste

1. Wash zucchini thoroughly with water. Slice the zucchini about 1/4 inch thin. Then put them in a large bowl, add 1tsp of salt and mix well. Leave it about 10 min.

2. Slice a onion (thin) and cut the canadian bacon(or ham) into small pieces. set aside.

3. Pat dry the sliced zucchini with paper towel. Then arrange the pat dried zucchini slices on the butter greased baking dish one by one in order.

4. Microwave the sliced onion for 2 minutes. Put 2 tbsp of butter into heated pan, then put microwaved onion and  salt & pepper, saute with midium heat for about 5 minutes. Add canadian bacon pieces and saute for a few minutes. 

5. Spread the sauted onion & canadian bacon on the top of zucchini and sprinkle 1/4 cup of chicken broth on the zucchini. Topping with your coice of cheese and parmesan. Sprinkel dry parsley for garnish.

6. Heat oven to 400F(200C) and bake it about 20 minutes.
