
HSY Day117 生きることとつくること Living and Creating


夕方、ACCのトーク「コロナ禍と現代美術 遠藤水城 × 田中功起 × 百瀬文」を聴く。東日本大震災後の約10年の個人年表をもとに話すという内容。生きることとつくることは繋がっている。(ち)

I woke up clearly in the morning. The weather was fine, so I thought the rainy season would be over, but soon it started to rain.

In the evening, listen to the ACC talk "Coronavirus and Contemporary Art: Mizuki Endo x Kouki Tanaka x Aya Momose", they talked based on the personal timelines of about 10 years after the Great East Japan Earthquake. Living and creating are connected. (C)
