HSY Day116 モビリティ/コミュニティ
(以下は、Creators’ Cradle Circuitの7/25土曜日のトークイベントを聴いて、Facebookに書いた英文コメントの日本語訳です。)
ここ数年、一部のアーティストやプロデューサーはモビリティに関する特権を獲得してきました。ウィズコロナ/アフターコロナの時代において、我々はどのようにその財産(人間関係や経験)を使うことができるでしょうか? そしてどうやったら 「はじめまして🙂」と言える新しいプラットフォームをつくることができるのでしょうか?
カゲヤマさんは繰り返し「運動」と言いました。この言葉を彼が使ったことに興味があります。彼はどのようなイメージにもとづいてこの言葉を使ったのでしょうか? それはBlack Lives Matterのような社会運動を指すのでしょうか? それとも、彼があいちトリエンナーレの後に始めたドール・アップル・ジュース運動のような芸術的な運動を指すのでしょうか?
2011年の日本での大地震の後、舞台芸術のプロデューサーは強力なネットワークをつくりあげたのかもしれません。それは日本の舞台芸術を改善するために重要です。が、TPAM 2020での公開ディスカッションで「そのネットワークは古くて強固すぎる」というようなことを発言した若いプロデューサーがいました(ごめんなさい、ニュアンスしか覚えていないので言葉は正確ではありません……)
これはその人の個人的な印象にすぎないのでしょうか? あるいはジェネレーションギャップのようなものが存在しているのでしょうか?
もちろん、今の時代において、アーティストとプロデューサーを区別することはできないかもしれません。ひとりが2つの顔を持っていることもあります。 (岸本さんのように)
(It’s feedback I wrote on Facebook, to a talk event of Creators’ Cradle Circuit)
Just a quick feedback.
I’ve not prepared for deep discussion yet😅, but first I would like to record and share the impression which occurred in my mind during/after the talk session.
There were some interesting topics about “mobility” and “community”.
- Mobility
I hope we get mobility again (maybe...), but even if so, “mobility” might change the meanings. As an artist, I have to prepare for a world as if mobility is quite difficult.
In these years some artists and producers got privileges about mobility. In the with-coronavirus / after-coronavirus era, how can we use the property (human-relationships and experiences)? How can we create new platforms where we can say “Nice to meet you🙂”
And I’ve thought that mobility was a kind of protest / avoidance way against war, political violence, or discrimination and prejudice. Through mobility, humans have become hostages and shields. And as Atsuko-san said, artists were like bees which bring informations from here to there.🐝
If we cannot use mobility any more, we have to change the strategy.
I don’t have optimistic vision about the future, but under this situation we can develop our visions.
- Community
During discussions, there were 2 contexts about “community”:
1) Between Art and Local
2) Art-world community
I have a lot of things to say about (1), but so far I just want to say : I keep myself as a stranger who has no loyalties. For me, being a stranger is really important as same as water and air. Therefore, I’ve been trying to do that with various local communities. Yes, sometimes I failed, but sometimes I got good friends without any pressures or violences.
About (2), I can say it’s about “solidarity”.
Kageyama-san repeated to say “運動 (movement?)”. I’m interested in this word. Under what image did he use this word? Is it a social movement like Black Lives Matter Movement? Or, like an artistic-relationship way like Dole-Apple-Juice Movement🧃 which he started last year after Aichi Triennale?
And Geta-san said an interesting topic about human relationship of artists in his art collective. Yes, we cannot understand each other easily. Especially each artist has each visions, ideas, imaginations, how can they connect with each other?
After the big earthquake in Japan, 2011, performing arts producers might have created strong networks, or, a network. It’s important to improve the performing arts in Japan, but I remember one young producer said in a public talk in TPAM 2020, said, “this network seems old and too strong” etc. (Sorry, I remember just the nuance...)
Is this just a personal impression? Otherwise, a generation gap?
Anyway, we have to take care about our privilege and power if we create any networks. It easily eliminates someone who has small voice.
When one flow becomes stronger, we need to see what disappeared there.
It may be an artist's role.
After the big earthquake 2011, Japanese artsts (not producers) seemed towards to develop their imaginations, but there were not so strong networks between artists, in my observation. Maybe because he/she had a room in the mind to create art works even though they suffered and injured (or inspired).
How about this covid-19 disaster?
So far, the artists are suffering great financial damages. Therefore, the demand for financial compensation is loud until now. Yes it’s important, however I want to hear the voice of artist who has small voice but unexpected visions.
Of course, nowadays, it’s difficult to distinguish an artist and a producer. Sometimes, one person has 2 faces. (like Kako-san)
Therefore, it should be aware that such discourse can separate artists and producers.
I have no such intention.
Our roles are diverse and variable.
What I want to say is : How can we solidify in the complex world situation, with keeping diversity?
And I really want to touch with artist's new creativities and imaginations. However, it may need more time before they emerge. (C)