
HSY Day74 ダンスは演劇か音楽か? Dance is Theater or Music?

(The English text is below.)



あとこれは内容とは直接の関係はないんだけど、90分講義してそのあと30分くらい質疑応答、という時間の使い方も贅沢でいいな……。大学で講義している人たちはこの時間感覚に慣れ親しんでいるのだろうか? わたしはレクチャーで通訳込みで30分、長くても1時間しか与えられないことが多くって、その中で自己紹介、事例紹介、問題提起まで済ませなければならないから、どうしても詰め込みがちになってしまう。NHKのラジオをやっていた時もそうで、50分間の番組を、わりとサッカーの試合をやっているみたいにゲストへのパス出しとかボール回しをしているような感覚だった。そういう緊張感のあるリアルタイムのトークは結構好きなんだけども(だから圧倒的に収録より生放送のほうが好きだった)、でもほんとはラジオ深夜便のようにつらつらと語るのが贅沢な時間だとも思う。そういう贅沢な時間の使い方を試してみたい気がする。



I listened to the first online lecture by dance critic Daisuke Muto. He had a wild beard... I also had a beard, but not so. That aside, the lecture was interesting. For example, the question "If you emphasize, is dance for you more theater or music?" The lecture was also listened to by some well-known critics and dancers, and it was interesting how they would answer this question. It might be interesting to dig their answers. For me, while watching “a dance piece”, I focus on space, time, and structure like a theater. But while dancing myself, I feel it's connected to music (whether sounds playing or not). I would like to dig deeper into this twist-like perception (maybe it is not twisted actually).

Or, an attempt was also interesting: to compare the most recent video of the three Belgian sisters dancing with James Brown's song with the original video of the 1972 television show where the JB song was born. Then he considered the changes in "choreography" between 2 eras.

And this is not directly related to the content, it would be rich to use 90 minutes of lectures and 30 minutes of Q&A. Are the people who are giving lectures at university familiar with this sense of time? I often give a lecture for 30 minutes including the interpretation or one hour at the longest, and I have to finish self-introduction, case-introduction, and issue-presentation in that, so I tend to be stuffed. It was almost the same when I engaged in a NHK radio program, during 50-minutes, I was passing a ball to a guest as a soccer match. I liked such a tense, real-time talk (so I liked live-broadcasting rather than recording). But I also love to talk like a midnight radio program, so I would like to try out such a luxurious time.

For example, even if I give a lecture about “Engeki Quest”, I have to tell it in a short time, so I couldn’t narrow down the episodes. But in reality, the various episodes in our research are the real pleasure of artist residency creation, and it may be interesting to talk about such “digression" for bringing up memory and recording them. 

Oh, and one more point today. An experimental collaboration between Minori and an artist (I am also involved in as a dramaturg) that has been going on a month (a day in every week), has come up an issue. The word "trash" came out in the discussion, so I use it : Even if each material is trash, by continuing or accumulating them, a new value may be created for the whole project. “But, are there any words that can describe this phenomena?” Minori said. Hmm... In the words I use occasionally, "Assemblage" might be close. I'm not sure if it's a good term to use for time continuation and accumulation. Maybe there are more suitable words... In any case, it will be different from the idea of viewing an art work or performance as an individual entity. There are certainly people (including me) who are interested in such things, but it may not be said that they have become popular yet. I would like to keep thinking about this matter. (C)
