
HSY Day123 梅雨明け Summer

これまで感染ゼロだった岩手県でもついに感染者が出て、その人に対する誹謗中傷が始まっているという悲しい記事を読んだ。ストレスと正義が結びついた暴走……。なぜ人間は、誤ちから学べないのだろうか? また別の誰かを殺す気なんだろうか? こういう脊髄反射的な正義感の暴走によって、感覚が麻痺し、大事なことが見えづらくなり、かすかな声が聞こえにくくなっていくように思う。人類がこの「正義中毒」を乗り越えるまでにいったいあと何年かかるんだろう。さすがに学びませんか?




In Iwate prefecture, which had been zero infection until now, finally I read a sad report that two infected people came out, and cyberbullying has started. Stress and justice are combined and exploding.... Why human cannot learn from the mistakes? Do they want to kill another new person? This kind of excessive sense of justice and spinal reflexes may paralyze our senses, make them difficult to see important things and to hear small voices. How many years will human take to overcome this "justice addiction"? Please, you should learn.

A workshop that was postponed from summer to autumn seems to be canceled. I understand it’s unavoidable in the current situation. For people, including myself, it still needs time and experiences to be able to say "all online is OK". I will try something in this summer in parallel with making artworks.

Yes, summer has come. Finally the rain has stopped. I wonder if this is the end of the rainy season?

There were some interesting online events today, but I felt my "outside time" was over my limitation already... When I watch something, I want to say something. It might be my bad habit (maybe important as a critic), it takes my energy away. So, I have to manage myself. Since August, I wanna keep my quarantine mental quality (while opening my window). As a result, I only listened to the dance lecture by Daisuke Muto, and then spent my time to study Chinese and watch soccer. (C)
