"WE SAID NO":グアム住民が実弾射撃場に改めて反対を表明

グアム島北部で建設中の実弾射撃訓練場で、米軍が試験運用を開始した初日。地元住民が射撃場のゲートに集まり、「WE SAID NO」のバナーを掲げ改めて反対を表明した。

行動を呼びかけたのは、射撃場に反対し活動を続ける団体「Prutehi Litekyan: Save Ritidian」、米軍に接収された土地の返還を求めている家族の団体「Hita Litekyan」、射撃場による深刻な水汚染のリスクについて活動する団体「Protect Guam Water」など、地元のさまざまな団体。

"Though four of the five ranges that make up the complex are not set to go online until next year, and the multi-purpose machine gun range will not become operable until at least late 2025, discharge of rounds began Monday.
"It’s part of the calibration of equipment which will be used to track the accuracy of Marine Corps marksmen once the complex goes live.
"Live-fire calibration and testing is scheduled to begin around 7 a.m. and end around 4:30 p.m. from now until Oct. 27, and again in the first two weeks of December."


