
論文指導 3 Literature Reviewに向けて(1)

前回まででリサーチプロポーザルを書く練習をした。3000語くらいの論文形式で提出して、博士論文執筆の承認を獲得する。基本的な論文執筆の概念とその意味、そしてChatGPTと対話して論文を添削してもらうことである程度のものにはなっていると思う。ここまで出来たら、次の段階に入る。それはLiterature Reviewである。現在の学問を実践して研究をするためにまず要求されるのがこのLiterture Reviewを書く能力である。英米式の博士論文を書いて博士号を獲得して帰国した研究者であれば例外なくこの訓練を受けている。日本の博士号の仕組みは学術博士が導入されてから本来はこの訓練をきちんとするべきなのだが、その前の慣行があり、徹底されていない。ドイツもフランスもPhDの博士号を出していない限り、博士と言っても修士と大差ないことが多い。

Literature Reviewという名前も誤解を読む。もちろん文学を読むことではない。本や論文を読む。だがそのサマリーを羅列してもだめである。自分の研究テーマに関していままでどのような研究がおこなわれて、どのような書籍や論文が発表されているのか。そして、ここからが大事なのだが、自分の研究は過去の様々な論文をレビューして分析した結果、誰も手をつけていないことがわかった、と論述を展開して、従ってここを研究トピックあるいはテーマとして研究することで学問の発達に貢献したい、と述べる。これがLiterature Reviewである。以降訳語として文献レビューを使っていく。


Okude: explain literature review in detail


A literature review is a comprehensive analysis and synthesis of existing research and knowledge on a specific topic. It involves the critical evaluation of relevant published work, including books, articles, theses, and other scholarly materials, to provide a coherent understanding of the subject. The primary goal of a literature review is to identify, assess, and summarize the most significant findings, theories, and arguments related to a research question or problem.

筆者コメント:上記の説明はコンパクトで非常にうまい。まさにこの通りであり、問題はそれを以下に実行するか、である。ChatGPT は次のように続ける。
The literature review process can be divided into several steps:
Define the research question or problem:
Clearly identify the research question or problem you intend to address. This will guide the scope of the literature review and help determine the relevant materials to include.
Conduct a literature search:
Search for relevant published works, using databases, search engines, reference lists, and other resources. The search should be systematic, comprehensive, and guided by keywords and phrases related to your research question.
Evaluate and select sources:
Assess the quality, relevance, and credibility of the sources you find. Prioritize recent publications, peer-reviewed articles, and works from respected authors or institutions. Make sure the sources cover different perspectives and aspects of the research question.
Organize and categorize the literature:
Group the sources by themes, methodologies, theories, or other relevant criteria. This will help you identify patterns, gaps, and contradictions in the literature.
Analyze and synthesize the literature:
Critically evaluate the selected sources, and summarize their main arguments, findings, and contributions. Compare and contrast the different perspectives, identify areas of consensus and disagreement, and note any gaps or limitations in the existing research.
Write the literature review:
Structure the review with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction should present the research question or problem, and explain the purpose and scope of the review. The body should be organized thematically, discussing the main findings and debates in the literature. The conclusion should summarize the key insights, highlight any gaps or limitations, and suggest directions for future research.
Cite and reference sources:
Properly cite and reference all the sources used in the review, following a consistent citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, or Chicago).
A well-conducted literature review provides a solid foundation for your research by highlighting the current state of knowledge on a topic, identifying gaps and limitations, and suggesting areas where further research is needed. It demonstrates your familiarity with the relevant literature and your ability to critically evaluate and synthesize complex information.

文献レビュー(literature review)は、特定のトピックに関する既存の研究と知識の包括的なanalysis と synthesisです。それは、主題に関する綿密な理解を提供するために、本、記事、論文、およびその他の学術資料を含む関連する公開資料のcritical evaluationを含みます。文献レビューの主な目的は、研究の問題または問題に関連する最も重要な調査結果、理論、および論争を特定し、評価し、要約することです。文献レビューのプロセスは、いくつかのステップに分けることができます。




文献を分析し、統合する(analysis と synthesis)





Okude: tell me the best or most recognized book on the literature review
One of the most recognized and highly recommended books on conducting a literature review is:
Title: "The Literature Review: A Step-by-Step Guide for Students"
Authors: Diana Ridley
Publisher: SAGE Publications Ltd.
Publication Date: 2008 (1st edition), with updated editions available

This book is aimed at guiding students through the literature review process by providing a clear, step-by-step approach. It covers all aspects of the literature review, from defining the research question and conducting a literature search to organizing, analyzing, and synthesizing the literature. The book also includes practical tips and examples from a wide range of disciplines, making it a valuable resource for students across various academic fields.
Keep in mind that there are other excellent books on literature reviews as well, but Ridley's book is widely recognized for its accessibility and practical guidance.




This second edition of Diana Ridley′s bestselling book provides a step-by-step guide to conducting a literature search and literature review, using cases and examples throughout to demonstrate best practice. Ridley outlines practical strategies for conducting a systematic search of the available literature, reading and note taking and writing up your literature review as part of an undergraduate research project, Masters dissertation or PhD thesis.

New to this edition are:

  • Examples drawn from a wide range of disciplines

  • A new chapter on conducting systematic reviews

  • Increased guidance on evaluating the quality of online sources and online literature

  • Enhanced guidance in dealing with copyright and permissions issues.

This book also comes with a companion website containing a wide range of examples of successful literature reviews from various academic disciplines.







Okude: what are other books ?
Here are a few other well-regarded books on conducting literature reviews:
Title: "Doing a Literature Review: Releasing the Research Imagination"
Author: Chris Hart
Publisher: SAGE Publications Ltd.
Publication Date: 1998, with updated editions available

Title: "Systematic Approaches to a Successful Literature Review"
Authors: Andrew Booth, Anthea Sutton, and Diana Papaioannou
Publisher: SAGE Publications Ltd.
Publication Date: 2011, with updated editions available

 Title: "The Literature Review: Six Steps to Success"Authors: Lawrence A. Machi and Brenda T. McEvoy Publisher: CorwinPublication Date: 2008, with updated editions available Title: "Synthesizing Research: A Guide for Literature Reviews"Author: Harris M. CooperPublisher: SAGE Publications Inc.Publication Date: 1989, with updated editions available 

These books offer different perspectives and approaches to conducting a literature review, catering to different disciplines and research contexts. It is important to choose a book that aligns with your specific research needs and academic field. Additionally, consulting multiple sources can provide a broader understanding and help you develop a more comprehensive and well-informed literature review. 


とある。ちなみに筆者は"The Literature Review: Six Steps to Success"Authors: Lawrence A. Machi and Brenda T. McEvoy


Okude:I like doing an trial of writing a literature review for my PhD where should I start? 


ChatGPT: Starting a literature review for your PhD can be an exciting and challenging endeavor. Here are some steps to help guide you through the process: Define your research question or problem: Begin by clearly identifying the research question or problem that you want to address in your PhD. This will shape the focus of your literature review and determine the type of sources you'll need to include. Consult your supervisor or advisor: Discuss your research question or problem, and your plans for the literature review with your supervisor or advisor. They can provide valuable guidance, suggestions, and feedback to ensure your review is on the right track. Conduct a literature search: Search for relevant published works using academic databases, search engines, reference lists, and other resources. Be systematic and comprehensive in your search, using keywords and phrases related to your research question. Make a list of potential sources to include in your review. Evaluate and select sources: Assess the quality, relevance, and credibility of the sources you find. Prioritize recent publications, peer-reviewed articles, and works from respected authors or institutions. Make sure the sources cover different perspectives and aspects of the research question. Organize and categorize the literature: Group the sources by themes, methodologies, theories, or other relevant criteria. This will help you identify patterns, gaps, and contradictions in the literature. Analyze and synthesize the literature: Critically evaluate the selected sources, and summarize their main arguments, findings, and contributions. Compare and contrast the different perspectives, identify areas of consensus and disagreement, and note any gaps or limitations in the existing research. Write the literature review: Structure the review with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction should present the research question or problem, and explain the purpose and scope of the review. The body should be organized thematically, discussing the main findings and debates in the literature. The conclusion should summarize the key insights, highlight any gaps or limitations, and suggest directions for future research. Revise and edit: Review your literature review for clarity, coherence, and consistency. Check for grammatical errors, citation mistakes, and any other issues that may detract from the quality of your review. Share your draft with your supervisor or advisor: Seek feedback from your supervisor or advisor on your literature review. They can provide suggestions for improvement, identify potential issues, and help ensure that your review aligns with your overall PhD research. Remember that a literature review is an iterative process, and you may need to revise and update it as your research progresses. Be prepared to invest time and effort in conducting a comprehensive, well-informed, and critical review that provides a solid foundation for your PhD research. 



