
Lost and never Found

I've lost a lot of things in my life, but always someone'd found it and I got them back.
Here, I'm talking about physical material.
Like my  wallet, PC, cell phones or etc.
Although I always think that the world is evil, some people never steal.
Feel stealing is perfectly natural though.

On the other hand, some stuff is never returned.
Your feelings, emotions, experience or just people.
I've lost a lot and yeah, I'll never get it again.

I'm feeling my English sucks now.
Lack of the vocabularies? Lack of writing experiences? Lack of the enthusiasm?

You could always use Lost and Found.
Since you don't have it, you see something.

Some stuff should not be found ever then.

By the way, I thought the title was cool, but of course some came up with this simple title.

私の記事が、何らかの形で貴方のお役に立てたら幸いです。 もしサポート頂けましたら更に幸いです🥲