







The day has come for me to say goodbye to my beloved Fiat Panda, with which I have shared nine years and ten months. On the day I bought it, it suddenly had engine trouble and caused a huge traffic jam on the Ring Road. I think I could have bought another car with just the cost of the repairs. In the style of a snarky automobile critic, she was a "caring woman. When I moved from Tokyo to Kagoshima, I drove overland in this car. I have thought about letting go of it many times, but the reason I have stayed with it up to this point is none other than the excellent design by Giugiaro. The fact that I always had the feeling that it was my car was also a big factor. All of the Japanese cars in this class that I have rented were well-behaved honor students, and I did not want to be associated with them.
Thank you very much for 10 years. I've been saying this and that, but I've been leaving the maintenance to the vendors. I hope the next owner will be someone who will take better care of it...

After saying goodbye to the Panda, we came to the Grande Punto. Another Fiat and another design by Giugiaro. The Panda was a 1993 model and this is a 2008 model. But the Panda is a 1993 model and this is a 2008 model, so the technology must have evolved since there is a 15-year gap. Fiat is now a part of GM, and I heard that they share the same design room with Alfa Romeo and Lancia.
The first car I ever drove was a Suzuki Fronte 360, which I heard was also designed by Giugiaro. In other words, all three of the cars I chose in my life were designed by him. They are all different types, but I feel the same genes. Whenever I change cars, I always end up with the same designer. I don't think this is just a coincidence.
This car is a big hit in Europe, but it is still rare in Kagoshima. When you see this car, there is a good chance that I am the driver, so please call out to me! Ciao!
