
TESLA 2022Q3 Quarterly Update Webcast

皆さん、こんにちは!テスラの2022年第3四半期Q Amp Aウェブキャストにようこそ!私の名前はマーク、インベスターリレーションズのBPO、Nbaoです。そして、今日はイーロン・マスク、ザッカリー・カークホーン、その他多くのエグゼクティブに参加していただいています。

Q 3月期決算は、このウェブキャストと同じリンクで公開しているアップデートで、米国中部時間の午後3時頃に発表しました。この電話会議では、当社の事業見通しについて説明し、将来についての見通しを述べる予定です。


本日の電話会議における質疑応答の際は、1問1答形式でお願いします。1つの質問と1つのフォローアップにとどめてください。質問キューに入るには、Razignボタンをお使いください。しかし、Q Amp, Aに飛び込む前に、Elonから開会の挨拶があります。Elonです。マーティン、ありがとうございます。では、2つ、3つの復習をするだけです。

真空管 この四半期も記録的な業績となりました。私たちは、業界をリードする営業利益率は17%に達していました。そして、フリーキャッシュフローは30億Q3を突破し、過去12ヶ月で90億ドルに近づきました。




チームに戻って無料月が再びQ 3で記録的な生産に達した。そして、我々は、生産とかなり上げ続けるつもりです。自動操縦について。の終わりに。9月の終わり、我々は、第二のAIの日を開催しました。


指数関数的に。そのAIデーでの私たちのゴールは 募集することでしたし、私たちは見てきました。世界クラスの人工知能が大量に流入しています。レジュメです。それで、世界最高のAI研究者たちから、ものすごい量の関心が寄せられました。私は人事の重要性を強調することはできません。

なぜなら、その後ようやく明らかになったのは スワニストのAI。の技術者たち、テスラは非常に優秀な一人であることが。だから この四半期で我々はに行くことを期待します。ワイドリリースA郵便運転ベータ。北米で



ここ数週間、男に関する質問が多く寄せられています。強調してもしきれません。素晴らしい需要があります。Q.4について そして、私たちが作るすべての車は、私たちが見ることができる限り将来にわたって販売されることを期待しています。







そして数年前、私はこう言いました。私は、決算発表でこう言いました。電話です。テスラには可能性があると思いました。テスラの価値は当時最高だったアップルよりも高くなると思います。アップルより価値があると思います アップル社の株価は確か7000億ドルくらいだったと思います

そして私は、必要なことを言いました。信じられないほどの実行力です。少なくとも何らかのロックは必要でしたが、私たちはそれすら達成できませんでした。AppleのMarket Cap Timeです。そして 今すぐ。どのような意見。それは。アップルの現在の3月KAPをはるかに超えることができます。実際に。

私は、アップルとサウジアラムコを合わせた以上のものを見てみましょう持っている潜在的なパスが表示されます。だから 今、それはそれが起こることを意味するものではありません。あるいは、それは簡単なことでしょう。実際、多くの仕事を獲得するのは非常に難しいだろうと思います。



そのうちのいくつかはお聞きになったことがあると思いますが、そうでないものもあります。サイバートラックのために笑った。サブトラクトラインを構築しています。ギガ・テキサス そして、ロボットタクシーのプラットフォーム設計に大きな進展がありました。そして。その後で。

尊重する バッテリーです。持つために可能な限り速く動いています。千を達成するために。キロワット時の年間 米国での生産能力。垂直統合した。アノードキャットボード。しかし、精製で

するためのタッチスピードを証明する。だから 信じられないほどエキサイティングな未来です。そして本当に前代未聞の未来です。しかし、このどれもが、テスラの素晴らしいチームなしには 不可能です。このテスラの素晴らしいチームなしには不可能です。


そうなんだ ありがとう マーティン イーロンのテーマの続きです 第3四半期に記録的な納車台数、生産量、ストレージの導入を達成したテスラチームに感謝し祝辞を述べたいと思います。

自動車部門の収益性について 当社のGAAPベースの営業利益率は17.2%でした。2%、自動車部門の売上総利益率は 2007 年 9%でした。営業利益率は、改善とオペレーティング・レバレッジにより、これまでで最高の水準にあります。しかし、特に第 1 四半期と比較すると、Austin in Berlin のランプコストが利益率を押し下げました。

規制当局からのクレジットを除けば、営業利益率は過去最高となり、自動 車生産台数も30%近くになったはずです。ベルリンのオースティンで生産された各車両は、小規模ながら収益性に貢献しています。


エネルギーの収益性に関しては、主にMega PacとFirewallの記録的な数量により、この分野で過去最高の売上総利益を達成することができました。運転資本にマイナスの影響を与えるトランジットカードが四半期末に増加したにもかかわらず、フリーキャッシュフローも記録的なものとなりました。

具体的には、トランジット中のカー ドについて 10月2日のプレスリリースにも記載したとおり、予想外に出庫の物流能力に限界が出始めています。この問題は、特に上海から欧州への船舶と、米国と欧州の一部地域内のローカルトラック輸送で発生しています。





ベルリンのオースティン、ランプコストは、我々はQ 3で見たものよりも小さい影響を期待しているが、マージンに敷設し続け、イーロンは言ったように、我々はできるだけ多くの車を構築するために続けている。





そうですね。中国は間違いなく不況に見舞われています。ある種の不況の節目で、主に不動産市場から分散しています。そしてヨーロッパは エネルギーによって駆動される一種の不況。

アメリカは実はそうではありません。北北米のかなり良い助け。FRBが金利を上げているのは確かですが、いずれそれに気づいてまた下げてくると思います。だから 需要はそうでない場合よりも少し難しいです。しかし、先ほども言ったように

それはのための偉大なキューと私たちの自信を持ってきている。予期しています。成長し続ける。我々の。車両生産販売納品で。年平均で50% 我々が見ることができる限り将来的に ありがとうございます 実は 1つ注意点があります こう言うべきでしょう


しかし、列車は十分に足りていますし、自動車運搬船も十分ではありません。実際に波をサポートするためには、彼らは大きくなりすぎました。だから 好むと好まざるとにかかわらず、私たちは実際に、スムーズに 車の配送を。インターコーダは、ちょうど十分ではありませんから。

輸送。移動させるための物 ありがとうございました。次の質問ですが、パースアブルフューチャーはまだ年率50%の成長を見込んでいるのでしょうか。また、中国の国内市場についても同様です。あなたは期待しています。

需要を維持するために、どの市場でも車両価格を下げたり、インセンティブを提供する必要があります。それとも、需要は安定しているのでしょうか?またはそれさえ上昇している。私はいくつかの質問があります。そこです まあ、私が言ったように。私たちは、高いレベルで、ここで可能だと思うことに焦点を当てたいと思います。

私たちは 私たちの知識の範囲内です。私たちは信じています。テスラは成長し続けるでしょう。納車台数、収益生産台数。50%で。またはそれ以上の内容で、成長率が 修正するのは、少し少ない年でしょう。


できましたが、見ていました。すみません、皆さん。私たちは、将来の製品筋に飛びつくようなことはできないのです。継続的なコミットメント そうですね。私たちも継続します。また、継続的にコミットすること。テスラでは、常に継続的な改善に取り組んできました。


私の意見に近いものは何もない。ちょうど1つを試してみてください。壮大だ ありがとうございました。次の質問は、この冬、ドイツで悲惨なエネルギー危機が続いています。これは何ですか、私たちのカットに戻ってくる計画が少ない?そして、このためにギガバイト・ベルリンからの丸め込み生産の遅れがあるのでしょうか。




先ほどもおっしゃっていたように、私たちは非生産的な存在になります。非生産的なここテキサス州ギガでサイバートラックの準備。まだ答えは出ていません。来年半ばには早期生産を 開始しました。バッテリーのデータ化や 既存のベータ版の運転も

これは順調に進んでいます。来年末から2023年まで増産を続けます。ああ、車が病みつきになりそうだ?少しは好感を持とうよ。次のレベルへ 予想以上に時間がかかって申し訳ないですが、いくつか邪魔が入ったんです。

非常識なグローバルサプライチェーンの不足とパターンのように。どのようなものです。わかったよ ありがとうございます もちろんです テスラセミフォース 生産テストとセミの上にぶら下がることになりますおそらく半霜になる。私はそこに直接行くつもりです。

そして があります テスラの生産を強化し始めた。セミ。これは 最大積載量の、重い。重いトラックです それはCHRクラスEtronです。荷物の積載量を犠牲にしない そうです 犠牲なし その通り 秘密はなし とても重要だ 犠牲にするな

航続距離500マイル 貨物を積んで500マイルをクリアしてください。もし私が平地で車と一緒にマウスをした場合。ポイントは、長距離トラックになることです。そして、たとえ重い貨物を持つ。そして、期間の数は、我々はあなたが長距離を作ることは不可能です知っているすべてだった。


リアテーブルの上。大型トラックにはまだ水素は必要ないに決まっている。私たちは、ここで作ろうとしているのです。そして、テクスチャーによってセミの生産を増強していきます。この点は誰もが知っているように 生産増強には1年程度かかりますので、相当なものが期待されます。


このような性質の大型トラックは500台あれば、数十万円の価値があります。模範的な方法です。ありがとうございました。次の質問です。I. 'llは46、80はラムを販売し、車両が21 7 P 46 80セルを取得するかどうかを決定する要因は何ですか。それはどのように来年に変更されます。

ええ、ランプはイーロンは、四半期にわたって3 X 4を置くことができるように言ったと生産は、我々が言ったように、この四半期あたり10台セットを超えるように追跡しているでうまくいっています。前四半期もそうでした。私たちの焦点は、コストに百パーセントランプからシフトし、さらに北米の製品容量を拡大していません。

21 70、46節、80節で申し上げましたように。工場では、工場の複雑さと製品の入れ替えを最小限に抑えようとしています。その一方で、新製品の性能を知るために十分な数の新製品を現場に投入するようにしています。

そして、それは ミックスは変化していくでしょう。680のスケールについてはここ、まだ全体的な工場は私がテキサスで進める走りました。しかし、基本的に。6つのグランプは指数関数的に成長しています。そして、それはうまくいっています。Rupts。いい感じだ

さっきも言ったが 私たちの目標は年間1000ギガワット時に向かって努力することです。アングル生産の。米国で見る。スパーを含む。計画しています。私たちはその上に 達成するために、300から400ワットの時間を構築する必要があります。

クールだ ああ これは持続可能なエネルギーへのおおよそ2つの移行誓約です。我々の計算では 定置用と車用の両方です 300から400,000キロワット時または3対1です。ですから、タワーが1つあるような場合、1つはたくさんのように聞こえます。

何時間かかるか ええ、その通りです。外でのカウントで。たぶん、そうだと思います。鉄。鉄を正当化することは、非常に非常に高いトーンインチとにスケールすることができます。その後、いくつかのニッケル。正確なパーセンテージは把握するのは難しいですが、それはおそらく、彼らはより多くの道を行くように、少なくとも2倍の鉄の猫です。

そして、ちょうどマンガンワイルドカードも。そして、その点についても。北米の鉄カソードの供給については、積極的に追求しています。それについては、また後日お話します。そうですね わかったわ ありがとうございました。次の質問はセミトラックに関するもので、すでに取り上げましたので、飛ばします。

長引く不況に突入した場合、テスラがどのように調整できるか、新製品の優先順位を含めてお話いただけますか。投資 柔軟性 新工場対工場拡張 サービスサポートインフラ。

生産性 コスト対策。そして需要。刺激、代替案。さて、私たちはイタズラをします。私たちは、金属をペレット化するつもりです。カンブリア宮殿を輝かせるためだ 私たちは敵の生産量を削減することはできません。不況だろうがなんだろうが 不景気だ

つまり、1%ということですね。そうです その通り それで 世の中がエレクトロデカールに向かっていること、それが強気なジャックであることに、一般大衆は気づいていると思う。そのキャスティングカーの残存価値が非常に低くなるため、この時点で監禁された新しいGhastlyによって。

だから。 だから、私は、我々は非常に良い場所でなければならないと思います。ベテラン州、不況に強い。しかし、確かにそうです。不況に強い。なぜなら、基本的に 地球は、人々を持っています。ガスや車から電気自動車に移行する決断をした部分が大きいのです。

そして、その後。移行する際に 世代が 持続可能なものに。ユニークな太陽光発電と風力発電に、定置用バッテリーを組み合わせ、両方の電力を供給しています。だから24時間365日電力が供給できるのです。風力はずっと中国戦車で動いているわけではないので。そうです。

それもあります。私たちは実際に エネルギー貯蔵ビジネス定置型ストレージをご覧ください。年率150%から200%で成長しています。年率150%から200%で成長しています。車よりもたくさん速い。それは、ただ マーティンに飛びつく前に。ちょうどその料理月。ポイントになると

私は思う 現金残高や予想される現金創出量、マージンの位置がわかると思います。会社として 私たちは耐えることができます。資本計画のスーパーチャージャー拡張の製品ラインアップを掘り下げる前に、かなりの下降局面を迎えることになるでしょう。


残酷な不況の年です。それでも私たちは 有意義な現金です。それは、あなたがそこから抜け出すと、どのように進むかでした。プラスチックは維持します。素晴らしい ありがとうございました。そして、最後の投資家の質問に行きましょう、それはSNXでテスラの最初のプラットフォームからThreeとyで2番目のプラットフォームへの進行です。


この点で、我々はサイバートラックとパーセントのためのエンジニアリングを行ってきました。明らかに 私たちが取り組んでいることを推測してください、それは。次世代車両で、それは。についてです。コストです。の。3つのWiFiプラットフォーム......それはあまりにも公正を飲み込むでしょう。

しかし、私はまもなくそうなると思います。私たちの他のすべての車を合わせると。明らかに、我々はSX 3 yサイバートラックから学んだすべてを取るつもりです、そして、そのプラットフォームにそれをセミナー。しかし、私たちは、あなたが何度も言っているように、1つはtwoforoneのターゲットです。そう、つまり、その意味です。




ありがとうございました。アナリストの質問に行きましょう 次です 最初の質問はモルガンスタンレーからアダム・ジョナスです どうぞ、ミュートを解除してください いいね 私の声が聞こえますか?はい、はい、はい それで、イロン、あなたは鉱業に 垂直統合することを考えますか?それが最初の質問だ

我々はどんな事でもやるつもりだ 制限要因は、我々がやることです。私たちはしません。人為的に自らを制限することは しかし 我々は、政治的に統合する地獄のためだけに政治的に統合することはありません。例えば、クリスが我々より優れたサプライヤーである場合、あるいは我々が非常に優れた練習をすることができる場合。


その後、我々はソース数十年になるだろう。しかし、もし私たちが鉱山に行かなければならないのであれば。わかりました、ありがとうございます。イーロン 私のフォローアップは、あなたが知っている、1テラワット時です。米国での製造は 垂直統合されています 質問ですが、このようなことを可能にするために、私たちの許認可の法律で何を変える必要があるでしょうか?


私たちは、実際に多くの政府指導者と話をしました。政府の指導者たちとです。ホワイトハウス、議会、その他?そして 私たちが提案するのは、持続可能なエネルギーの未来にとって重要なものについては、迅速な許可プロセスを設けるべきだということです。

だから、炭鉱のようなものを置くのは意味がないのです。持続可能なエネルギー。リチウムのような電池。同じです。カテゴリー コールドは未来がありません リチウムはそうです そして、ところであなたは彼と一緒に抽出することができます。

一緒に。邪魔しない。ローカル環境に戻る。だから。それは、いくつかの醜い、厄介な、プレーン状況とは異なります。だから。だから、私はExpeditedをお勧めします。許可を得ることです。そうすれば本当に助かります ファストトラック、環境的に。

と思います。環境と人文科学にとって重要なものをFast trackする。短さについては、論理的だと思う。そして、評判は上々です。それで何か起こるかどうか、見てみましょう。おそらく理解できると思います。冷静だ。財務的な詳細にはまだ触れていません。

ので。私たちがそこで取っているもの、しかし。私たちが見ているのは 再設計に伴う抜本的な改善。その サプライ・チェーン全体とそこに含まれるすべての要素。バッテリー・セル。プレスすることです。私たちは見つけ出しています。

劇的な効率化。そして、私は考えます。私たちは 正味の結果 必要な資本が そのために そのレベルの生産高を達成することは、人々が考えているよりずっと少ないでしょう。どうもありがとうございました。それでは次の質問、ウェルズ・ファーゴのラグガンさんからの電話です。

コロン、どうぞ、ミュートしてください。ミュートをクリックしていただけますか?ああ、聞こえますか?ええ、聞こえていますよ。オーケー、失礼しました 完全な自動運転について何か進展は?数四半期前、あなたは年末までに利用可能になると言っていたと思います。まだ可能ですか?可能ですか?レベル4やレベル5のようなものでしょうか?また、規制のハードルはありますか?


しかし、この車はあなたを自宅から職場や友人の家まで連れて行くことができます。スーパーマーケットへも。あなたがハンドルを握ると そうです。とてもいい感じです。マイク、レベル4、レベル5、あなたの言う伝統的な定義ということになりますね。

まあね これは討論会でした。米国では、介入は何なのか、みたいな。マイルへの介入。誰もハンドルを握らないというのは、まだ早いんじゃないかと。ただ、それだけなんです。ほとんど触ることはないでしょう。

車のコントロールは。だから、テキサス州ギガに来たときのような。からです。コントロールが こっちのほうに。そして 長いプロセスがあります いわゆるマーチオブナインズのように いくつナイン信頼性が必要かのように。

前に。あなたは快適に言うことができます。誰もいないドライブを そして、それはあなたが知っている。いくつかの主観は、あなたが必要とするどのように多くの夜です。でも 人々はかなり近いです。あなたは今年の年末までに車の中でどこにも持っていないことができる十分なを持っている。





年ごとに閾値が上がっていくわけですから。そうですね。そうですね、閾値は必ずクリアします。ありがとうございました。次の質問は、OppenheimerのColin Rashからです。ゴーレンさん、どうぞ、私の上に乗ってください。自分でどうぞ




ですから、事業全体の効率を向上させる大きな機会が引き続き存在すると考えています。そして私たちはそれを目の当たりにしています。そうですね。そうですね 素晴らしい みんな 残りはオフラインにする 少なくとも今のところはね

かなりね の良いポジションにいる。我々は投資する可能性があると考えられるものすべてに投資しています。そして、我々はまだ現金で旅をしています。だから かなり良い位置に来ている そうですね 今、いくつのR&Dプログラムを並行して走らせているんだ?





量では補えないんです。なるほど。ありがとうございました。では、次はKenna cordのGeorgeさんからの質問です。こんにちは。こんにちは。私の質問に答えてくれてありがとうございます。株主総会で、生産に使う材料の価格が下がり始めていることに言及されると思います。


銅や鉄の将来の価格。Googleのような方法で1つのような。そして、誰もが、コモディティがベースで行くに見えることを見ることができます。ドロップで。たくさん。しかし、それは電気自動車でしょう。のようなもの。バッテリー 偉大なリチウムは まだめちゃくちゃ高いんです。だから、価格が下がっていると思うものと、価格が上がっているもの、増えていると思うものが混在しているんです。





信仰の判断は、もしあなたが見ているのなら意味があります。ラジオメーターを通してならともかく、プロウィッチョを見るのであれば、そうはいきません。そして、それが着用されていないことを確認します。君か。そうです。というわけで、少なくともこれまでのところわかっていることは。だから、Q 3で商品側のピーク。パイはうまくいけばピークを迎え、うまくいけば下降し始めると思います。

第4四半期のコスト構造には、少量の生産が入ることが予想されます。主にアルミのステアからです。しかし、それは今までの増加分の10%以下です。ですから 私たちは、いくつかのコスト構造に関する指標を見て、これが時間とともに入ってくるだろうと楽観視しています。ただ、第4四半期にこの分野の削減が一気に進むということはないだろうということは念のため申し上げておきます。

来年になれば、多少はあるかもしれません。そうですね。ええ、おそらくそうでしょう。コスト削減。2023年、もしそうでなかったら、私は驚きますよ。そして、ちょうどフォローアップとして。これはイーロンのためのものです あなたの保留中のTwitterの買収と あなたの持ち株スペースXと 神経リンクとテスラについてです

1つの組織で運営することで 複合企業の利点は何ですか?重複している部分を明確に。ゼロではありませんが、到達していると思います。そんな心配はしていない。

私は投資家ではありません。製造業の人も 技術者も。だから ご存知の通り、私は実際に 仕事をし、製品を設計・開発します。それが私の仕事です だから、そうじゃないんです。短いポートフォリオを持っていることです。投資か何かの。

だから、わからないんです。明らかな種類は見当たりません。働いている。少なくとも今は傘の下に組み合わされている。だから 私はTwitterの状況に興奮しています、なぜなら私は信じられないほどよく別の部分を見るでしょう。


ありがとうございました。次の質問をどうぞ News Street Researchの Pier Ferragooからです こちらです どうぞ 無言で 聞こえますか?みんな?すみません また46号線の80号線でデートしたいな。それで前回はその事について話した


もっと大きくなるために 1つ目の質問、そして2つ目の質問ですが、イノベーションのようなものについてお聞かせください。そして、コスト削減。そして効率化。そのようなものです。バッテリーの話ですが


私は驚いています。それ以上のものになると思います。ええ、そう思います。知っていることを全部教えてくれ。それはその順序で 1ヶ月ってことはないだろう 6ヶ月じゃない 何年もかかるんです。そして、さまざまなアイデアをすべて実行に移しています。

かなり積極的に。人によっては十分でないと思うかもしれませんが、私たちはそれを成し遂げているのです。私はO'sを断ったりはしませんよ。いや、ええ、その通りです、ええ。素晴らしい才能を持ったエンジニアを見つけ出し 彼らを会社に迎え入れるのです。私たちが人を排除しているとは思わないでください。私たちは、ホットなクズを修理して、それを解決しているのです。そして、私はこう考えています。


そして、すべての工程を網羅することです。頭脳から細胞まで。そうです。その通りです。途中の多くのステップ。そうですね YouTubeのビデオを見ている人はわかると思うが、敷地内の正極設備が完成しつつあるんだ。

これは「電池の日」に話した計画の一部で、とても楽しみです。コーパスクリスティにはリチウム精製施設を建設中です。そうです。私たちは 技術的な課題については、「電池の日」でもお話ししたように、さまざまな取り組みを行っています。

そして、ランプに関する質問ですが、これは46, 80の最初の質問ですね。ランプは、80%まで到達した時点でも、決して簡単なものではありません。最後まで到達するのは非常に困難で、目標達成のための最終的なサイクルタイムがフィールドから外れてしまうのです。




フリーモント工場からテキサス州議会へ。それが、このSpeed of rampで発揮されるのです。そしてもちろん、それはそれです。ここテキサスでは、多くの行程のうちの1つで、だから、まるで違うんです。工場へのファクターです。シンプルさとスケールの大きさの掛け算なのです。だから、この先が楽しみなんです。そうですね。そして、思うんです。



オースティンで生産しています。46広告は今年後半のトラック増産の足がかりになるとお考えですか?どうやってバランスを取るの?46 Adの必要性は半サイバートラックと2023年のモデルYの可能性、そして私はフォローアップの場所を持っています。

うわー。セミは46 80を使ってないんだ。そうです だから、我々は作っています。モデル的に。モデルラインの一部です。ギガ・テキサス 4、6、8。そして、あなたが運転する車を通して、46、81だと思います。1,000マイルだ

すごいな 問題はない?ああ 構造用バンク構造用パック 指数関数的に成長している だから でも覚えておいてほしいのは、競争力の高い会社全体が、とても賢いということです。

バッテリーセルしか作らないという これは単に一つです。テスラの一部分です ええ、だから 私たちがまだ超えていない課題がまだあるのでは?間違いありません。我々はこれがレバリングや戦術的なサイバートラックや 他の何物でもないと思っているんだ

そうですか ありがとうございました 最後の質問は ウィリアムステインさんよ ミュートを解除してください どうぞ よかった 私の質問に答えてくれてありがとう。私は前回イーロンを取り上げたものにしようと思います それは

3つの主要なAIの試みがそれぞれ商業的に成功する可能性についてのあなたの予想です。Fsd ドライバーなし。トレーニング、コンピュータ そしてもちろん、オプティマス。サブダイビングをフルタイムで実現する。

すでに100%達成してる そして、私は、私は考えている。あと少しで実現できます。そしてもちろん、規制当局にそれを証明し、規制当局の承認を得なければなりませんが、それは私たちのコントロールの及ばないところです。






Read More Top News stories. From Mirror online. Good afternoon, everyone, and welcome to Tesla's Third Quarter, 2022 Q Amp A Webcast My name is Mark, Nbao, BPO of Investor Relations. And I'm joined today by Elon Musk, Zachary Kirkhorn, and a number of other executive.

Q three results were announced at about 03:00 p.m. Central time in the update that we published at the same link as this webcast. During the call, we will discuss our business outlook and make forward looking statements.

These comments are based on our predictions and expectations as of today. Actual events or results could differ materially into a number of risks and uncertainty. Including those mentioned in our most recent filings with the SEC.

During the Q Amp A session portion of today's call. Please limit yourself to one question and one follow up. Please use the Razign button to join the question queue. But before we jump into Q Amp, A. Elon has some opening remarks. Elon. Thank you, Martin. So just to do two, three recap.

Tubes. Here was another record quarter on binding levels. We had our industry leading operating margin reach 17%. And our free cash flow surpassed 3 billion Q Three and approached $9 billion in the past twelve months.

As I factors ran, we're looking forward to a recordbreaking cube Q four. So it really, you know. Looks like we'll have an epic. End of year so Q force looking extremely good. On the production ramp, Gigabylin achieved another milestone of 2000 cosmay in a week.

With very good quality. And. It's ramping rapidly. Bigger Austin or Giga. Texas should reach this last time very soon. Just yesterday. We extrapolated yesterday's Bolt rate. It would be 2000. Our production of 46, 80 cells has troubles in Q three compared to previous quarter.

We are finally gaining rap attraction on the 46, 80 cell. And. Its output is growing rapidly, and we expect it to start incorporating. Portion of our production here in Texas. In the coming months. We also have our second generation of manufacturing equipment for 46, 80 sales in Texas, which continues to show great progress on collaboration. Palette Wine pretty much.

The free month back to the team once again reached record production in Q three. And we intend to keep raising production and pretty much. Regarding autopilot. At the end of the. End of September, we hosted our second AI day.

Enter of the first prototype of our optimist robot. The latest updates on our Dojo Trade training, computer. And. Wide range of improvements of Postal driving software. Our vehicles have now driven nearly 60 miles in full self driving Beta mode, and the Sembl continues to grow.

Exponentially. Our goal with that AI Day was. To was recruiting and we've seen. Massive influx of world class artificial intelligence. Resume. So it generated tremendous amount of interest from some of the best AI researchers in the world. I can't emphasize the importance of personnel.

Because then finally has become clear to. Swannist AI. Technologists in the world, that Tesla is one of the very best. So. At this quarter we expect to go to. Wide Release A Postal Driving beta. In North America.

So anyone who has ordered. Apple surpriving. Will have access to the FSD Beta program this year, probably about a month from now. Of say new cottonwoo. Anyone who buys car. And purchase. Option will immediately have that available to them.

So the safety that we're seeing. When the cars in FSD mode is actually significantly greater than the safety we're seeing. And when is this large, which is a key threshold for going to a white data. Let's see. With respect to demand.

We've got a lot of questions about man in recent weeks. I can't emphasize enough. We have excellent demand. For Q. Four. And we expect to sell every car that we make for as far as the future as we can see.

So the factories are running at full speed. And we're delivering every call we make and keeping operating margin strong. We're still a very small percentage of. The total vehicles the Road of the 2 billion trucks in the road.

But we only have about three and a half volume. So we've got a long way to go to even reach 1%. Of the Global fleet. Based on my. Base on many things, but certainly. Questions I get on Twitter about buybacks.

And I think everyone about board members has gotten questions about buybacks. We've debated the Buyback Idea extensive board level. Support generally thinks that it makes sense to your buyback, but we want to.

Work through. The right process to do it buyback. But it is certainly possible for us to do a buyback on the order of five to $10 billion. Even in the downside scenario. Next year, even if we give it a texture is.

A very difficult year. Which will have the ability to do a five to $10 billion buyback. Obviously pending. Board Review and approval. It's likely that we'll do some mean provider. So in conclusion. While the market beams revolve around the short term, it's very important. It's very important to focus on the long term.

It kind of says it's not. With investors. And I think long. Longtime investors obviously recognize this which by Tesla. We have your sort of local ups and downs, but long term trend has been extremely good.

And several years ago. I said, I think on our earnings. Call. That I thought it was possible for Tesla. To be worth more than Apple, which was then the highest. Cap Company, I think on the market. And Apple Time, I think, was around $700 billion.

And I said a required. Incredible execution. At least some lock, and we didn't even achieve that because we went back our past. Apple's Market Cap time. And. Now. What the opinion. That. We can far exceed Apple's current March KAP. In fact.

I see a potential path which has let's see what more than Apple and Saudi Aramco combined. So. Now that doesn't mean it will happen. Or that will be easy. In fact, I think we're going to be very difficult to acquire a lot of work.

Some very creative new products. Mass expansion. And always the luck. But for the first time I am seeing. I see a way for Tesla to be. But let's say roughly twice the value of Saudi arm. I think that's.

I haven't I'm quite seen that yet. I mean, this is the first time I've seen that potential. So. We have an incredible product portfolio. I think we've got the most exciting product portfolio of any company on Earth.

Some of what you heard about some of which you haven't. Laughed for cyber truck. Building Subtract line here at. Giga Texas. And making a lot of progress in the robot taxi platform design. And. Then with.

Respect to. Batteries. We're moving as fast as possible to have. To achieve a thousand. Kilowatt hours a year. Production capacity in the United States. Vertically integrated. Anode catboard. But in refining.

Proving a touch speed to do that. So. It's an incredibly exciting future. And really an unprecedented future. But none of this will be possible without. The incredible team that we have here in Tesla.

So I'd like to give a huge shout out to all of that factory employees. And shares executives and the whole Tesla team. Guys rock. You're the ones making it happen. Thank you. I think everyone. Thank you very much. And Zac has I'm Liberty, Grandma, as well.

Yeah. Thanks. Martin. Just to continue on Elon's theme. I just want to thank and congratulate the Tesla team for achieving record vehicle deliveries, production and storage deployments in the third quarter.

On Automotive Profitability Our GAAP operating margin was 17. 2%, with Automotive gross margin at 2007 9%. Operating margin is one of our best yet with improvements and operating leverage. However, Austin in Berlin, Ramp costs weighed on our margins, particularly if you compare it to Q one.

Removing regulatory credits and Austin in Berlin, our operating margins would have been our strongest yet and autogrost margin would have been nearly 30%. Note that while small and growing, each car we built in Austin, in Berlin, is contributing positively to profitability.

We also continue to experience margin headwinds associated with macroeconomic conditions, as we've discussed at length on prior calls, in particular, Raw Materials, logistics. And foreign exchange was a big part of this past quarter.

On energy profitability, we achieved our strongest gross profit yet for this business, driven primarily by record volumes of our Mega Pac and Firewall products. Our free cash flows were also a record, despite an increase in cards in transit at the end of the quarter, which has a negative impact on working capital.

Specifically on cars in transit. As noted in our press release on October 2, we've started to experience limits on outbound logistics capacity, which we didn't anticipate. This issue is particularly present for ships from Shanghai to Europe and local trucking within certain parts of the US and Europe.

Our historical operating pattern of batch building by delivery region leads to extreme concentrations of outbound logistics needs in the final weeks of each quarter. Just to put this in perspective, roughly two thirds of our Q three deliveries occurred in September and onethird in the final two weeks.

As a result, we've begun to smooth regional builds throughout the quarter to reduce our peak needs for outbound logistics. We expect this to simplify our operations, reduce cost. And improve the experience of our customers.

As we look ahead, our plans show that we're on track for the 50% annual growth in production this year. Although we are tracking supply chain risks which are beyond our control. On the delivery side, we do expect to be just under 50%. Grows due to an increase in the Carson Transit at the end of the year, as noted just above.

This means that again, you should expect a gap between production and deliveries and Q Four, and those cards in transit will be delivered shortly to their customers upon arrival to their destination in Q one.

Austin in Berlin, ramp costs will continue to lay on margins, although we expect the impact to be less than what we saw in Q Three, and as Elon mentioned, we are continuing to build as many cars as possible.

While also maintaining strong operating margins. Thank you. Thank you very much and let's go first through the shareholder questions. The first shareholder question is even the stringent battery content and assembly requirements for Consumer Tax credit eligibility under the Inflation Reduction Act.

Can you speak the Tesla's ability to meet those thresholds in each of 2023, 2024 and 2025. With your existing and plan supply chain. Well, yeah. I mean, I think just. Say we do expect to fully meet. The.

Iras requirements. Passing to the Inflation Reduction Act as a significant boost towards accelerating our mission. We'll also scaling the battery supply chain at large and the United States. We expect charging you to publish detail guidance by the end of the year and also time it's difficult to fully discriminate the eligibility criteria, but we believe Tesla's very well positioned to capture a significant show that solar storage and also electric vehicles. Yeah. I'd like to work like said earlier, we're going to go basically pedals the metal.

As fast as humanly possible to get to a thousand gig or gig 1 hour a year of production in the us. Politically integrated. Thank you. Let's go to the next question. The next question is what updates can you offer on the backlog and a recent order intake trends, especially outside of the US and especially in China.

Well. It's. They're definitely China is experiencing. The verse of a recession of sorts, which is property market distributed from a property market mostly. And Europe has. Recession of sorts driven by energy.

The US actually isn't. North North America's pretty good help. Although the Fed is raising interest rates will make sure, but I think they'll eventually realize that and bring back down again. So. Demand is a little harder than otherwise be. But as I said earlier.

It's getting confident of the great cue for and we. Anticipate. Continuing to grow. Our. Vehicle Production Sales Deliveries by. On average 50% a year as far into future as we can see. Thank you. Actually. One caveat. I should say.

During production by 30% every year because deliveries we're trying to smooth out the deliveries. And not have this crazy delivery wave at the end of every quarter. So in fact, we were just fundamentally run out of they want enough boats.

But we're enough trains, who aren't enough car carriers. To actually support the wave has they got too big. So. Whether we like it or not, we actually have to smooth out. The delivery of cars. Intercorder because there just aren't enough.

Transportation. Objects to move them around. Thank you. The next question is do you still expect 50% annualized growth for the Pursuable future. Is also true specifically for the Chinese domestic market. Do you expect.

To need to cut vehicle prices for offer incentives in any market to sustain a demand. Or has demand remains stable? Or is it even rising. I have a few questions. There. Well, like I said. We want to sort of focus on a high level, on what we think is possible here.

We. It's the best of our knowledge. We believe. A Tesla will continue to grow. Deliveries and Revenue production. At 50%. Or greater content and no growth rate. The modification would be a year that is a little less.

Time years will be maybe a little more or a lot more. Out your planning. We see potential. Annual growth rates that are in excess of 50%. Thank you. The next question is Can you tell us more about the product feature roadmap beyond new models and FSC, and especially for interior and powertrain of existing vehicle models.

We could, but we watched. Sorry, guys. We can't like jumping on on future product muscle. Committed to Continuous. Yeah. We also continue. Also be committed to continuously. At Tesla, we've always been committed to continuous improvement.

So as friends of mine asked me, when should I buy my car. Now because we just keep improving the cars. Yeah, best of the. New. Every time we do have some big technology upgrade like flat. By the way, I think that model smack so that's the best cars on Earth.

There's nothing even close to my opinion. Just try one. Epic. Thank you. The next question is we keep here of dire energy crisis in Germany this winter. What aren't this, less plans to come back to our cuts? And will there be any delays in roundtapping production from Gigabyte Berlin because of this.

I can take it. I think two points on this question. The first is that. Based upon everything that we know, we don't see this as the large risk to the company. Even if production dump did go down for a period of time, this is on near term. It doesn't have any effect on the long term of the company, but.

We have no indication whatsoever that we will have to cut our production at Gymna. And we put in place backup plans. And we're working to the supply chain as well. Nearly all of our suppliers are prepared as well. So.

We'll see how this plays out, but it's not something that we're terribly worried about. Thank you. And the next question is, how is production planning going for the Cyber truck? What is the initial phase one production targets. But can we expect an update on pricing and final design.

As you once said earlier, we'd be unproduct. Unproductive Preparations here in Giga, Texas, for Cyber truck. We're still in track to answer. Early production in the middle of next year. We started. Our databuilds of all of the battery and existing when can I drive my beta.

That's going well. And you know, we continue ramping up through the end of next year and in 2023. Yeah, the car is gonna be sick and sick? Let's get a little favor. Next level. So sorry it took longer than expected, but there were a few things that got in the way.

Like insane global supply chain shortages and patterns. Which are. All right. Thank you. Of course. Tesla Semi force. Will be hanging over production test and semi's to perhaps be on semiprost. I'll be there in person.

And. There will be began ramping up production of the Tesla. Semi. Which is. A Max load, heavy. Heavy truck. That's the CHR Class Etron. No sacrifice to cargo capacity. Yeah. No sacrifice. Exactly. No secret. Very important. No sacrifice.

500 Miles range. Just be clear 500 miles with the cargo. If I were mouse with the car on level grounds. By the point is, it gets a long range truck. And even with heavy cargo. And the number of times period was all we know you can't it's impossible to make a long range.

Heavy duty classic drug. And then I ask, Well, what are your assumptions about what out airgram and what else per mile? And they would look to me with a blank star, and then say, hydrogen. I'm like, no, that's not the answer. But I was looking for numbers.

On the rear table. You obviously don't need hydrogen for heavy truck yet. We're trying to make here. And we'll be ramping up semi production through texture. Like everyone knows this point. It takes about a year to ramp up production, so we expect to see significant.

Workhensitively aiming for 500 units in 2024. So, in North America. And obviously workspan beyond Beyond North America. And these would sell. Sacrifices. But they're much more than a passenger vehicle.

500 heavy trucks of this nature would be worth several. Model ways. Thank you. The next question. I. 'll the 46, 80 sell Ram and what factors determine whether vehicles get 21 seven P 46 80 cells. How will it change in the next year.

Yeah, ramp is going well at Elon said to allow put it up three X four over a quarter and production is tracking to exceed 10 car sets per week this quarter, as we said. Last quarter. Our focus is not shifting from a hundred percent ramp to cost and further expanding product capacity in North America.

As I mentioned on the 21 70, verse 46, 80. In our factories, we really attempt to minimize factory complexity and product changeover. While still making sure we get enough new product into the field to learn how it is performing.

And that. Sort of mix is going to shift. As for 680 scales here and still overall factory ran I proceeds in Texas. But basically. A nutshell for six Gramp is growing exponentially. And. It's going well. Rupts. Looking good.

Like I said. We're Our goal is to strive towards a thousand gigawatt hours a year. Of angle production. In the United States look. Including splars. Plans. We're on top of that. We need to get 300 to 400 Watt hours built to accomplish.

Cool. Yeah. This is roughly two transition oath to Sustainable energy. Our calculation. For both stationary and vehicles. Is 300 to 400,000 kilowatt hours or three to one. So when you're like one tower, one sounds like a lot.

Of hours to go. Yeah, that's what. On the count outside. We think probably. Iron. Justifying iron can scale to very very high tone inch and. Then some nickel. The exact percentages are hard to figure out, but it's probably at least twice as much iron cat as they go way more.

And then just the Manganese Wild card as well. And on that note. We're pursuing aggressively at North American Iron Cathode supply. We can talk more about that future date. Yeah. All right. Thank you. The next question was on the semi track, which we already addressed, so I'm going to skip to the next one.

Can you talk about how Tesla could adjust if we were to enter a prolonged recession, including new product prioritization. Investment Flexibility new factory versus factory expansion service support infrastructure.

Productivity Cost measures. And demands. Stimulation, alternatives. Well, we prank. We're going pellets the metal. Cambraner shine so we are not. Reducing our production enemy meaningful way. Recession or not. Recession.

So. It's the 1% point you made. Yeah. Exactly. So. I think the public at large realizes that the world's moving towards electrodecals and that it's bullishjacking. By a new Ghastly incarcerated at this point because the residual value of that casting car is going to be very low.

So. So I think we have to be a very good spot. Veteran States, recession proof. But it's certainly. Recession resilient. Because basically. Earth has the people who. Have large part made the decision to move away from gas and cars to electric cars.

And then. In transitioning. The generation. To sustainable. Unique solar and wind with the stationary battery back to both of the power. So you have 24/7 power because the wind doesn't go all the time does a China tank. So.

That also. We actually. See the Energy Storage Business Stationary storage. Growing more like. 150% to 200% a year. Faster than cars by lot. It's just. Before you jump in Martin. Just that cooking month. Point.

I think. You know where our cash balance is, what our forecasted cash generation is, where our margins are. As a company. We can withstand. Quite a lot of downside before we would have to dig into our Capital Plans Supercharger expansion product lineups.

So you know, the business has done quite well over the last handful of quarters. And this is a real opportunity, I think for the company to press forward. In the most aggressive way, as Elon, as mentioned. Yeah, we try to model out like, let's say 2023 is.

A brutal recession year. Even then we generate. Meaningful cash. That was once you get out of that which way forward. Plastic sustain. Great. Thank you very much. And let's go to the last investor question, which is the progression from Tesla's first platform with SNX to the second platform with Three and y.

But the 50% reduction in cost of its sold what do you see? Test last third platform being released. And what level of cost of goods? All reduction could you achieve. Exact dates. But this is. The primary focus of our new vehicle development team. Obviously.

With this point we've done the engineering for Cyber Truck and percent. Obviously. Guess what we're working on, which is. The next generation vehicle which will be. About. The cost. Of. Three WiFi platform it will be swallow too fair.

But. I think shortly become. All our other vehicles combined. Obviously, we're going to take everything we learn from SX three y. Cyber truck and seminar it into that platform. But we, as you've said to us many times, one is twoforone target. So yeah, you know, that implies.

Trying to get to that 50% number again. It's like, what would it take to. Take. Long stripes for transparent. How do we make two cars for the amount of effort that we can't take just to make one Model three.

Effort costs. And all those things. At the loss, at the cost. Factory floor space. We're choice we output. And we do believe. This can be done. By the way, I should mention that everyone has said that probably.

That I see a path. Very difficult path. Incredible execution required mass amount of hard work and some luck to get to where Tesla is worth as much as Apple and Saturate combined. I wasn't including optimist.

Thank you. Let's go to analyst questions. Next. The first question comes from Adam Jonas, from Morgan Stanley. Go ahead and unmute. Great. Can you hear me? Yep, Yep, Yep. So, Elon, would you consider vertically integrating into mining? That's my first question.

We'll do whatever we have to whatever. Limiting factor is we'll do. We do not. Artificially constrain ourselves. But. We don't politically integrate just for the hell of politically integrating. Like if those are great supplier Chris better than us, or we can practice very good.

Or even way that economics are comparative advantage suggests that we should do that supplier, even if we could beat them. But we could use our resources to something else that would be more productive.

Then we would in source decades. But if we have to go mine. Okay, thanks. Elon. My follow up is, you know, one terawatt hour. Of Manufacturing in the United States, Vertically integrated. I guess my question is what would need to change with us permitting laws to allow that kind of what would be your message to this administration or next.

And do you think you could do a terawatt hour? What's the going price of that? Can you do that for under a hundred billion Bucks in the States? Thanks. The message to the Government would be that there should be.

I should say we've actually had conversations with a number. Of Government leaders. White House, Congress, and Whatnot? And. The suggestion that we have is that there should be an expedited permitting process for anything which is critical to a sustainable energy future.

So it doesn't make sense to put like a coal mine and. A, You Know, Sustainable energy. Battery like lithium. In the same. Category. Cold does not have a future lithium does and by the way you can extract with him.

With. No disturbance. Back to the local environment. So. It's not like some ugly, nasty, plain situation. So. So I would recommend Expedited. Permitting. Would really be helpful. Fasttrack, environmentally.

I think. Fast track things that are important for the environment and humanities. For shortness, that seems logical. And the reception has been positive. So we'll see if something happens with that. I think probably understanding. It's cool. We're not ready to go into financial details.

Of. What we're taking there, but. What we are seeing is. Radical improvements as we redesign. The. Whole supply chain and all of the elements that go into. Battery cell. Pressing. We're figuring out.

Dramatic efficiency. And I think. We'll. Net result. That the capital required. To. Achieve that level of output will be much less what people think. You very much. Let's go to the next question from calling Laggan from Wells Fargo.

Colon, go ahead and amute. Can you click on mute? Oh, you hear me now? Yeah, we can hear you. Okay. Sorry about that. Any update on full self driving? I think you had said a couple quarters ago would be available by the end of the year. Is that still possible? Is it? Would it still be like a level four, level five that you're talking about? And are there any sort of regulatory hurdles you'd have to think about.

We. 're expecting to release the full self driving software to anyone who orders the package. This year. So separate matter as to will it have regulatory approval? It won't have regulatory approval at that time.

But the car will be able to take you from your home to your work, your friend's house. The Chili Grocery store. That you touching wheel. So. It's looking very good. It would mean Mike, level four, level five, kind of traditional definition you're talking about.

Well. This was a debate. US, like, what's the what are the interventions. Interventions for mile. We don't think that's quite ready to have no one behind the wheel. It's just that. You will almost never have to touch.

The control of the vehicle controls. So, like when I came to Giga, Texas. From. The controls. Over in here. And then. There is longer process of like what's called the March of nines of like how many nines reliability do you need.

Before. You be comfortable saying. That the drive with no one in it. And. You know that's. Some subjectivity is how many nights you need. But. People be pretty close to. Having enough that you can have nowhere in the car by the end of this year.

And certainly without a question. That's where I were in my mind next year. I think we'll also have enough data next year. To. Be able to show its regulators that. The car is safe. Much. Value. And just as a follow up you mentioned in the prior questions about IRA.

It sounded like you thought you could get. Can you get all of it? I mean because my interpretation is like the production credits, battery component credits for buyers seems very likely for you guys. Is the sourcing part of it possible because that seems like a pretty tough hurdle given how much has to be sourced from the us.

We have a cross functional team that's looking very closely at it. As you mentioned. The sourcing threshold increases by the year. So we're looking at all options. And also getting some clarification from Treasury.

It's important to say that's only a fraction of the other credits we do manufacture ourselves in the US. We manufacture the modules in the US. So that's pretty frame. So, yes, we feel confident that we'll have a path as these incentives.

As a threshold sort of increases by the year. Yeah. We'll meet those thresholds. Thank you. And the next question comes from Colin Rash, from Oppenheimer. Golen, please, go ahead and on me. It yourself.

Thanks so much, guys. You know, the operating leverage has been pretty impressive here. And I'm curious about areas where you could, you know. Invest in an incremental way, whether it's on the R Amp D side or on the sales side to accelerate growth or cost reduction. Or should we be thinking about.

This level of spend on a go forward basis. And some significant operating leverage as you scale up from here. I mean, our operating leverage has improved quite a bit as the lowest this quarter. By decent amount.

Or objects as a percentage of revenue. I mean, our forecast is that it will keep reducing. I think the way to think about it is. A total amount of operating expenses will slowly pick up as the company grows. It's very hard to keep it flat with the rapid growth of the company. But it's growing much slower. So some amount of growth there. But the top line of the business is growing so quickly.

So. I think there continues to be enormous opportunity to improve the overall efficiency of the business. And we're seeing it. Yeah. All right. Great. Guys. I'll take the rest of that offline. We are in the at least for now.

Quite. A good position of. We're investing in everything we can think of to possibly invest in. And we're still journey cash. So. It gets pretty good place to be. Yeah. Meant how many R Amp D programs are we running in parallel right now.

People don't even know old RDS are for die. So we did also don't think cash is a good gauge of how much R Amp, D or no. Engineer as much. They're not generic. So it's just like, oh, if you spend. 5 billion or 10 billion that will.

Let your actual R amp dust useful product ship ship will be proportions that it's just not true. The engineers aren't coming up some assembly line like, you know, like cookies or something. So we get optimistic. We'll change things.

What matters is where I beat most brilliant people working. And. Tesla remains the president's. Basics of two companies where smaller engineers want to work. We don't have to spend billions of dollars to, you know, invest in the future and the future. Engineers are also cost conscience. And we don't. So just burn money out the window when we're trying to do our.

Stop looking at like RDS and catch investment for. One Nichola Tesla is frankly with an infinite number of. Dollars above inch and well you can have like. Almost an infinite number of. Good engineers, and they would not be able to what one Nichola tells we could do.

You can't make it up in volume. Okay. Thank you very much. Let's go to the next question from George at Kenna cord. Hi. Good afternoon. And thanks for taking my question. I think you would at your annual Shareholders event, where you want to mention that the prices.

Of many of the materials used in your production have started to come off the boil. That continues. Does that give you an opportunity to adjust prices global E after several increases. Thanks. We're looking at the prices of at our prices closely. I mean, obviously anyone from just Google. What the price of.

Future price of copper or Steels. Like one in Google such way. And everyone can see that the commodities look on a go for basis. On dropping. A lot. But. It would electric vehicles. Things like. Battery. Great lithium. I still crazy expensive. So we've got a mixture of things that thinks where prices dropping and things are priced or increasing.

Aluminum has stopped anyway. 17% to 20%. At the same time. On the reside. Because of shipping has come down tremendously. Like last year, the cost of a container on the spot market from Changa, it got as high as $20,000, and I was 35 $3600.

Back reality. And a lot of commodities with the exceptions as. More deflation than inflation. Definitely. Again, this is publicly available information. Anyone could just Google it. And I think Kathy would at archive.

Make this point over and over again. To the Fed and the Fed is not listening. Because they're looking at the review Murrar instead of working out the front windshield. Yeah. Just had a little bit more context.

So you know, a commodity increases. Were the highest in two, three that we've seen over the last two years. And so you know when indexes change it does take time before they flip. There's latency. This is why I say.

The faith decisions make sense if you're looking. Through the radiomer, but not if you look at prowichios. And make sure it's not worn. You. Yeah. And so what at least of what we know so far. So peak on the commodity side in Q three. I say Pie could hopefully it States the peak, hopefully it starts to come down.

There is a small amount of production that we're seeing going into our Q four cost structure. From stealing Aluminum, primarily. But. It's less than 10% of the total increases we've seen so far. So. We're optimistic here based upon what we're seeing on the indexes for some of our cost structure, that this will start to come in over time. But I just want to set expectations that there's not some windfall of fast reduction in this space coming in Q four.

It may be some as we go into next year. Yeah. We'll probably see some. Cost reduction. In 2023 I'll be surprised if we did not. And just as a follow up. This is for Elon with your pending acquisition of Twitter and your stakes and SpaceX and neural Link and Tesla.

How much would the combined company's benefit from operating under a single superstructure, if at all. Clear what the overlap is. Not zero, but it's I think we're reaching. I'm not worried about that.

I'm not an investor. And manufacturing person. And technologists. So. You Know, I actually. Work and design and develop products. That's what I do. So it's not. To have a short portfolio. Of investments or whatever.

So I don't know. I don't see an obvious sort of. Worked with. Combined under an umbrella at least right now. So. I'm excited about the Twitter situation because I'll see another part incredibly well.

And I think it's NASA that. Sort of language. For a long time. But as an incredible potential. Although obviously. Myself and the other investors are obviously overpaying for Twitter right now. The long term potential for Twitter, in my view, is order magnitude greater than its car value.

Thank you. Let's go to the next question from Pier Ferragoo from News Street research. Here. Go ahead, please. On amute. Can you hear me? Guys? Sorry. I'd love to have another date on 46 80. So last time we talked about it.

There were questions. It was questioned about scaling out with manufacturing, and there were still a few things to get right. Is it fair to say that now you are at scale and it's just a question of logistics.

To get bigger. Let's question number one and then question number two on the kind of like innovation. And cost reduction. And efficiency improvements. Kind of. Path that you describe that the battery.

Today and how much time is it going to take to deliver, you know, all the potential. You outline, then. Well, I'll take the second question first. A boundary day. We showed a timeline out to 2026 for all of the ideas we had proposed and had, you know, shared with everybody then.

I'd be surprised. I think we'll be better than that. Yeah, I. Think that's the rough. Just give you all you know. It's on that order. It's not like a month. It's not six months. It's it's years. And we are executing on all of those different ideas.

Pretty aggressively. In parallel with the optics that some people think isn't enough, but we're getting it done. I'm not turning down the O's, you know? No, yeah, exactly, Yeah. Or great talent, like, we find awesome engineers. We bring them on into the company. And people shouldn't believe we are turning people away. We fix a hot bum, but we're solving it. And I think.

We still feel confident that first exchange will be, yes, the most competitive petrol cell as well. And it's the whole system around it. Right. It's not necessarily specific form factor. It's the attention to detail on how to break costs out of the manufacturing process that remove processing steps.

And all the way down. From the mind to the cell. Yeah. Exactly. Many steps along the way. Yeah. And you know, for those who watch the YouTube videos, like our on site cathode facilities coming together.

Really excited about that, which is a part of the plan that we discussed on Battery day. We're still building Lithium refinery in Corpus Christi. So. We're making you know. Putting our money where our mouths are and all the various efforts that we discussed on Battery Day on the technical challenges.

And the Ramp question, which is your first question on 46, 80. No ramp is ever easy even at the end when you're 80% to the end. It's still very challenging to get to the end and that sort of leaning out of fields the final cycle time to achieve target.

You mentioned logistics. It's not something that we're specifically focused on, I guess. But eventually could be a problem. As we're talking about hundreds of gigawatt hours at different sites across the United States.

But. I would never sit here and say we have no challenges remaining. But we've made a lot of progress, producing technical risk in many areas. Cycle times have dramatically improved. Field is dramatically improved.

And just walking the line here in Texas, like Martin was walking at yesterday, made some comments to me. You really see the acceleration around you. And we've made a ton of simplifications moving from.

The Fremont Factory to Texas Senate. It's coming to play in Speed of ramp here. And of course that's that's. On one line of many here in Texas, so it's not like. Factor to factory. It's a multiplication of both simplicity and scale. So, yeah, we're excited about where it's headed. Yeah. And I think.

Once we'll be integrated. I think we still do see a path. To pull it a roughly $70 kilowatt hour. So that's how many dollars per kilowatt wear. So Yeah. Before any incentive. Before. Go ahead and meet yourself. Please.

Yes. Thank you. I just wanted to follow up on the 46, 80 sales. And where we are seeing them deployed today. So are those in the semis that are being delivered on December 1? Are we seeing them in model wise? They're being produced.

Out of Austin. And. Is do you anticipate 46 Ad being a gating factor for cyber truck ramp later this year? And how do you balance. The need for 46 Ad cross semi cybertrop and potentially model Y in 2023 and I have a follow up place.

Wow. Semi doesn't use 46 80s. Yes. So we are making. Model wise. Some of the model lines. Giga Texas. Are Four, Six, eight. And I think through the car you drive around is 46, 81. Why, a thousand miles.

Pretty good. No problems yet? Yeah. Structural bank structural pack. Is growing exponentially. So. But it's worth bearing in mind that there are entire, highly competitive companies that are very smart.

That all they do is make battery cells. This is simply one. Segment of Tesla. Yeah, so. There aren't there are challenges still ahead that we have not yet surpassed? No doubt. Did we don't anticipate this being any Levering, tactical Cyber truck, or anything else.

Okay. Thank you. And the last question comes from Williamstein, from Truist. Go ahead and unmute yourself. Please. Great. Thanks for taking my question. I guess I'll go at one that I last time Elon, which is.

Your expectation for the likelihood of commercial success in each of the three major AI endeavors. Fsd. Without a driver. The Training, computer. And of course Optimus. Will achieve full subdiving full time.

Already of that occurring is 100%. And I. Think I think. We'll, you know, we're almost there. And then, of course, we got to prove it to regulators and get the regulatory approvals, which is outside of our control.

But. Anyone who's driving full server. As the fullsaveral driving baiter in the car can see the rate of improvement. You're just experienced for yourself that we are in fact getting there. In fact, we almost are there.

And so anyway, probably achieving that 100%. Optimist probably about being a successful product. I think also extremely high. Given up time 100%. Dojo. Just made more of a question Mark around. Dojo, what can we be competitive.

With. Nvidia GPUs, Even as somebody continues to rapidly evolve their GPUs. Besides that the jury's out on dojo. There's a team thinks they can. Up form and video for your online training. Put the juries out. We'll probably.

You know next year. If that's true or not, but we think we're probably. We think it's. Architecture of Dojo, has. Right architecture to win. It depends on how well we execute in that architecture. Thank you very much.

I think unfortunately is all the time that we have today. So thank you so much for your great questions and look forward to talking to you in about three months from now. Thank you and have a good day. Thanks everyone.
