テスラ社 2023年第2四半期決算および質疑応答ウェブキャスト



実際の出来事や結果は、SECへの最新の提出書類に記載されているものを含む多くのリスクや不確実性により、大きく異なる可能性があります。本日の質疑応答では、1つの質問と1つのフォローアップに留めてください。質問の列に加わるには、挙手ボタンを押してください。質疑応答に入る前に、イーロンの挨拶があります。イーロン ありがとう、マーティン。では、第2四半期を振り返ってください。




そのため おそらく第3四半期の生産台数は若干減少するでしょう。世界的な工場のアップグレードのためです。長期的には、自律性が生産量を天井まで押し上げると考えています。次のレベルです。そして将来のロボットタクシー製品。



これは何度も実証されています。トレーニングデータが多ければ多いほど、より良い結果が得られる。そして、基本的には ニューラルネットでは 100万の訓練例が ほとんど機能しない

200万では 300万でわずかに機能する 何か見えてきたようだ でも1,000万例くらいになると、すごいことになる。信じられないようなことになる。大量のデータに代わるものはありません。明らかにテスラは




私たちはそれを見ています。完全なニューラルネット・トレーニングの下にある 物事。膨大です。そう思います。nvidiaとdojoの両方を使用することを期待しています。しかし 我々はちょうどの需要を参照してください。本当に。膨大なトレーニングリソース。

そして、我々は、来年末までに100 Xロットの社内のニューラルネット・ニューラルネット・トレーニング能力に達するかもしれないと考えている。fsdベータを使った走行距離は3億マイルを超えました。この3億マイルという数字は、あっという間に小さく感じられるようになるだろう。

すぐに数十億マイル、数百億マイルになるだろう。そしてfsdは 完全な自動運転への明確な道筋が見える。人間の平均的なドライバーの10倍は安全である。





そして、今年末の納車開始が待ち遠しい。その他のハイライト 私たちの世界的なスーパーチャージング・ネットワークは現在、およそ5万個のコネクターと5000カ所以上の拠点で構成されています。多くの方がご存じだと思います。



だから目標として。そこに 強調したい。非常に強く。これは非常に重要なポイントです。テスラが 北米の充電規格と同じように 私たちはライセンスを取得していませんが その場合はライセンス供与ではありません。私たちはそれを利用できるようにしているだけです。




ありがとう、イーロン。ザックからも挨拶があると思います。はい。ありがとう。マーティン イーロンが申し上げたように、第2四半期も生産台数、納車台数ともに記録的な四半期となりました。テスラチームの継続的な発展を改めてお祝い申し上げます。










バッテリーの日に発表したスペックからどの程度離れていますか?バッテリーの日に掲げたスペックはいつ達成できる見込みですか?そうですね。まず、生産状況について少し報告します。テキサス州では、第 2 四半期にセル生産量が第 1 四半期比で 80%増加しました。そして、テキサスで生産されたセルが1,000万個を突破しました。おめでとうございます。歩留まりを重視した結果、スクラップ代が前四半期比で 40%減少しました。その結果






車両目標マージン ラスリップの第2最終組立ラインは予定通り進捗しており、2024年の工場フル稼働に先立ち、ラスロップの生産能力は最終的に倍増する。ハワイのケス・プロジェクト、オーストラリアのリバー・アリーナ・プロジェクト、カリフォルニアのいくつかのプロジェクト、そしてここギガファクトリーでのプロジェクトなど、建設中または完成間近のエキサイティングな大型プロジェクトがいくつかあります。








最初の質問である ira の製造奨励金についてですが、私どもは以前、今年の通期で四半期あたり 1 億 5,000 万から 2 億 5,000 万の範囲になると予想するガイダンスを示しました。


長期的なバッテリー・パートナーであるパナソニックからです。コモディティ面では この分野では改善が続いています。以前にもお話ししたように、リチウムは今のところ最も顕著な改善を見せています。この点については、前回の電話会議でもコメントしたと思いますが、通常、私たちは、このようなことが実際に財務面で実現する4分の1ほど前になると見ているからです。また、念のため申し上げておきますが、私たちはリチウムの価格に完全にさらされているわけではありません。当社のサプライ・チェーン・チームは、他の多くの企業とのパートナーシップのもと、素晴らしい仕事をしてくれました。














だから、最初のうちは常に、その速度を予測するのは非常に難しい。しかし、来年は大量に生産すると思います。アンドリュー・ウルヴァリン 今年の車です。ありがとうございました。次の質問ですが、ギガ・キャスティングの批評家たちは、そのプロセスが自動車を修理しにくくし、より高価にし、本質的に顧客にコストを押し付けると主張しています。ギガ・キャスト車の初期修理の経験について詳細を教えてください。だからみんな私たちの真似をするのでしょうね。







そうですね。そうね。稼働しているのは何台ですか?どの段階か。でもね。毎月増えています オプティマスのボットについて。アクチュエーターを製造できるサプライヤーが実は存在しないことがわかりました。



車と同じハードウェアをね。これらのアクチュエーターは、量産を前提に設計しています。だから、他のどのアクチュエーターよりも軽くて、タイトで、高性能なんだ。それは 世界に存在する。




ニューロリンクを組み合わせることで インプラントとロボット弾薬の脚を組み合わせることで、腕や脚を切断した人に、基本的にサイコミュを提供できると考えています。基本的にサイボーグの体を提供できると考えている。信じられないほどの能力だ。

600万ドルの男。現実には。でも、600万ドルもかけたくない。$60,000. すごいけど。それは実際に、世界中の何百万人もの人々を助ける可能性のある、本当に信じられないようなことだと思う。







ええ、その通りです。ツイッターには載せるべきではない。ある日は世界経済が崩壊しているように見える。次の日には すべて順調だ。一体何が起こっているのか分からない。完全にフランクになって そうありたいね。

だから言うんだ。ツイッターに 投稿したんだ。ただ、私は多くのことを気にしているので、本当に助言する。小口の株主、特に私たちと厚い絆で結ばれている株主のことを。私はあなたたちを愛しています。





未来のパイプライン。実は常識なんだ。そして、一般的に。その会社の商品やサービスに自信を持って提供すれば 市場がパニックになったら。買えばいいし、市場が




また水晶玉か。見てください。短期的な変動。売上総利益率や収益性の短期的な変動は、長期的な展望に比べれば些細なものだ。オートノミー。これらの数字がすべて愚かに見えるでしょう。私はArc Investを見ることをお勧めします。彼らの分析は















トレーニングのためにね。そして、これもまた 私たちの真似をするためには 何十億ドルもの資金が必要です。それも難しい。データ、トレーニング・コンピューター。自律性のための一般化されたソリューションに向けて、これを実際に大規模に達成するために必要なものは、すべてあると思います。



OB向けに最適化されているのではありません。ビデオトレーニングに最適化されているのです。ビデオトレーニングでは コンピュートとメモリーの 比率が高くなる LMSはメモリ帯域が不足しがちだ だから

それだけだ でも言ったように 私たちは多くのNvidiaハードウェアを使っていますし、これからも使い続けます。Nvidiaのハードウェアを、Nvidiaが私たちに提供してくれるのと同じ速さで使っています。彼らは素晴らしい仕事をしてくれた。




そして100万人の重篤な後遺症が残る。だから、100倍優れている方がいいということになる。だから 9日のマーチですが、私たちは達成したいと思っています。可能な限り完璧な安全を。そして そのためには本当に気の遠くなるような量のビデオとコンピューターが必要だ。







私たちが販売または生産しているすべての車を思い浮かべてください。それは 完全なオートノミーの能力。将来的には 現在の5倍もの価値があるかもしれません。なぜなら 平均して ヴィック牧師は週に10時間くらい 運転していたからです

1日平均1時間半として週に10時間です 自律走行車なら 自動車。自律走行する。専用の自律走行車か 部分的な自律走行車だ エアビーアンドビーのように そうかもしれない 自分の車を他人に使わせることもある。専用に使いたい時もある。ちょうどそう。


彼らは 評価は劇的に上昇します。テスラの車両価値は、アップロードできるところまで上昇すると思います。完全な自動運転が規制当局によって承認される。これは、おそらく歴史上最大の資産価値の変化となるでしょう。




我々は新しいバージョンで急速な進歩を遂げるだろう。FSDの。しかし、それは対数的に抑制されます。対数曲線のように見える ただ かなりまっすぐな上昇線だ 上昇する。それを外挿すると、すごいことになる。でも、実際には曲線を重ねているんだ。そして、対数曲線を積み重ねてきた。

さて。FSDを叫んだ少年。しかし 人間だ。今年の終わりには、人間より良くなっていると思う。規制当局に承認されたとは言っていない。まずは1つの市場に集中しなければならないから、それはアメリカでのことだろうけど、今年の終わりまでには人間より良くなっていると思うよ。過去に私は間違っていた。今回は間違っているかもしれない。



私はそう思う。そのクルマが数倍の価値があるのなら。その元の価格。15,000ドルというのは、実はFSDの中では安い方なんです。ありがとう 次の質問は、truistのウィリアム・スタインさんです。ウィリアム、ミュートを外してくれ。

素晴らしい。私の質問に答えていただき、ありがとうございます。AIについてお聞きしたいと思います。AIの話題についてです。今日の道場の動向を大変興味深く読みました。あなたはfsdについて話してくれました。しかし、イーロンはこのX AIという会社を立ち上げました。








紹介プログラムを再開しましたが、これはかなり効果的だと思います。先ほどザックが言っていたように 私たちはマクロ経済の状況をコントロールすることはできません。ですから、金利が上昇し続ければ、車の買いやすさは低下します。

そして、多くの人々にとって。彼らは本当に 毎月の収支はギリギリです。実際、クレジットカードの借金の増加を見てみると、毎月の収支はプラスになっていません。クレジットカードの借金は。怖い。

怖い。私たちはマクロの状況をコントロールできない。マクロが安定していれば、価格も安定すると思う。安定しないなら その時は 価格を下げなければならない ありがとうございました。オッペンハイマーのコリン・ラッシュさんにお願いします。


これはカスタム・ソフトウェア・スタックです。しかし、そのように設計されています。実行できる 高レベルのパイ・トーチ そしてジャックス。しかし、実際にアウトカットで動くようにカスタマイズする必要があります。カスタムシリコン、ソフトウェアスタック。
















テスラチームを代表する素晴らしい仕事です。ゲーム・オブ・スローンズのようなゲーム・オブ・ペニーを得るために。でも、小銭だよ。マーク 何か質問は?ミュートしてる

ああ その節はいろいろとありがとうございました。ダウンタイムの影響について、もう少し詳しく教えてください。また、今期計画している工場のアップグレードによるマージンへの影響はどの程度あるのでしょうか?ありがとうございます。



Good afternoon, everyone, and welcome to tesla's Second Quarter, 2023 Q and a webcast. My name is Martin Vieka. I'm vp of Investor Relations, and I'm joined today by elon Musk, zachary kirkhorn, and a number of other executives.

Our tutor results were announced at about 03:00 p.m. Central time in the Update deck we publish at the same link as this webcast. During this call we will discuss our business outlook and make forwardlooking statements. These comments are based on our predictions and expectations as of today.

Actual events or results could differ materially due to a number of risks uncertainties, including those mentioned in our most recent filings with the SEC. During the question and answer portion of today's call, please limit yourself to one question and one follow up. Please use the Raise hand button to join the question queue. But before we jump into the Q and A. Elon has some opening remarks. Elon. Thank you, Martin. So just a Q. Two recap.

In Q Two, we achieved record vehicle production and deliveries and record revenue of about $25 billion in a single quarter. And Model Y became the best selling vehicle of any kind globally in Q, One, surpassing the likes of corolla and Gold. So it was the number one vehicle of any Kind, including vehicles that are selling far lower price.

This is, I think, an incredible achievement by it Tesla team, and just a huge thank you to our customers for their support. This came in spite of high interest rates and a lot of macro uncertainty, and nonetheless we managed to achieve operating margin of about 10%.

We continue to target 1.8 million vehicle deliveries this year. Although we expect that Q three. Production will be a little bit down because we've got summer shutdowns. For a lot of factory upgrades.

So just. Probably a slight decrease in production in Q three. For sort of global factory upgrades. In the long term autonomy we think is going to just drive volume through the ceiling. Next level. And our Future robotaxi products.

Dedicated robotaxi products. We think have caused the infinite demand. The way we're going to manufacture. The robotxi is also itself a revolution. So it's revolutionary sign made in a revolutionary way.

It'll be by far the highest. Units per hour of any vehicle production ever. So very excited about that. With respect to autopilot and dojo in order to build autonomy, we also need to train our neural net with data from millions of vehicles.

This has been proven over and over again. The more training data you have, the better the results. And there are times where we see basically. In a neural net. A million training examples. It barely works.

At 2 million. It slightly works at 3 million. It's like, wow, okay, we're seeing something. But then you get to like, 10 million training examples. It's like, it becomes incredible. There's just no substitute for a massive amount of data. And obviously Tesla.

Has more vehicles on the road. That are collecting this data than all of the companies combined by I think maybe even an order of magnitude. So I think we might have 90% of. All. A very big number. Success in AI endeavors is a function of talent.

Sort of unique data and computing resources. And we have outstanding capabilities in all three arenas. And I really just don't know how anyone could do what we're doing, even if they had our software and had our computer, if they did not have the training data.

Speaking of which. Our dog training computer is designed to significantly reduce the cost of neural net training. It is designed to. It's somewhat optimized for the kind of training that we need, which is video training.

We just see that. Beneath full neural net training. Things. Is just enormous. I think. We expect to use both nvidia and dojo to be clear. But. We just see a demand for. Really. Vast training resources.

And we think we may reach in house neural net neural net training capability of 100 X of lots by the end of next year. Over 300 million mile have been driven using fsd beta. That 300 million mile number is going to seem small very quickly.

It'll soon be billions of miles and tens of billions of miles. And fsd will go from being. As good as a human to then being bangedly better than a human, we see a clear path to full self driving. Being ten times safer than the average human driver.

And between autopilot, dojo computer. Inference hardware in the car which. Sort of hardware, three, four. But it's really dedicated. It's a high efficiency inference computer that's in the car and our Optimus robot.

Tesla is killing up the cutting edge of. Ad. With. We continue to release candidates of the Cyber truck. On our final production line in Austin. I'm actually here in Austin at the Gigafactory. This is the first truck that we're aware of that will have four doors over a six foot bed and foot into a 20 foot garage.

So. It's sort of biggest on the outside, but it's even bigger on the inside. One of the elements of good design is it should feel bigger on the inside than it looks on the outside. This is no small car, but.

We really cared about the exterior dimensions of the cybertruck down to the last millimeter. We try to get right in the middle of the goalilock zone. Not too big, not too small. And then really maximize the utility of the volume.

And we can't wait to start delivering it later this year. Some other Highlights our Global supercharging Network now stands at over 50,000 roughly 50,000 connectors and over 5000 locations. As I think a lot of people are aware.

The Tesla starting. The Tesla Charging Standard, which we made open source, and it's now called the North American Charging standard. We're deeply honored that Ford, GM, Mercedes, and many other OEMs.

Have signed up to use. Our connector and gain access to our Charging network. We strongly believe in. Helping. Other car companies. To accelerate the ev revolution. And just trying to do the right thing in general.

So as a goal. There. I want to emphasize. Very strongly. This is a very important point. Is that Tesla. Just as with the North American Charging standard. Although we're not licensed. That case not licensing. We're just making it available.

But we are very open to licensing our full self driving software and hardware to other car companies. And we are already in discussions with early discussions with a major oem about using Tesla FSD. So we're not trying to keep this to ourselves. We're more than happy to license it to others.

And Lastly. Our new lithium refinery and cathode facility are progressing well. In conclusion, we continue to focus on making as many cause as we can while maintaining healthy financials. Our artificial intelligence development is obviously entering a new era.

And we're incredibly excited about what's to come. Our other businesses, such as megapack supercharging Service and whatnot all started to become a meaningful contributor to overall profitability. This quarter. And then lastly, I just like to profusely thank all of our employees who are making a lot of extra effort during uncertain times. Thank you very much for your hard work and the impact you're making.

Thank you very much, elon. And I think zach has some opening remarks as well. Yeah. Thanks. Martin. As elon mentioned, Q. Two was another record quarter of production and deliveries, as well as records in profit for energy and services in other businesses. Congratulations again to the Tesla team on the continued progress.

As we navigate through a period of economic uncertainty, rising interest rates, volatility, and consumer confidence and regulatory change, I want to comment on our financial approach first, the single most important priority is to ensure we are continuing to invest heavily in the core technologies that will drive the long term value of the business.

This include increasing spending on AI related technologies such as full self driving optimus and dojo, as well as new products such as Cyber Chuck, our next generation platform in the Semi, as evidenced by the continued growth in our rnd spend.

This also includes continuing our investments in capacity expansion not only in our vehicle factories, but also our supercharging network service, internal applications and battery processes as we continue with meaningful capital expenditures to lay this foundation for the future.

Second, we continue to work towards our goals of maximizing volumes on both our vehicle and energy business. But most importantly, doing so in a way that generates the capital to continue our pace of rnd and capital investments. This requires a strong focus on per unit cogs reductions in each of our key businesses, as well as working capital improvements on raw materials, working process, inventory, and customer AR, all of which progressed appropriately in Q two.

If we look specifically at our automotive business, our gross margin showed a modest reduction and remain healthy despite action taken to further improve vehicle affordability early in the quarter. We recognize we realized per unit cost improvements in nearly every category, including material cost and commodities, manufacturing costs and logistics, while also continuing to rapidly increase the build rate in our Austin and Berlin factories.

For our energy business, we improved margins and gross profit, driven by cost reductions in deal economics, particularly with megapack. As a reminder, storage volumes are typically volatile, sequentially, based on the types of projects and their specific revenue recognition milestones.

As we look forward to the rest of the year, I want to reiterate elon's comments on Q three volumes driven by planned downtimes for factory upgrades. These upgrades will also carry some amount of factor Atl cost. However, we are working to minimize as much as possible.

It's also important to keep in mind the uncertainty in the macro environment which can impact our execution positively or negatively in the near term. Regardless, we continue to remain dynamic with a focus on fundamental efficiency and a long term outlook.

Congratulations again to everybody on a great quarter. Thank you very much, zach, and let's go to investor questions. The first question on licensing fsd we've already answered. So let's go to the second one. The second question is, what is the status of 46, 80 sales.

How far are you from the specs you laid out on battery Day? When do you expect to achieve what you laid out on Battery day. Yeah. First, I'll just start with a little bit of a production update. So in Texas, 46, 80 cell production increased 80% Q Two over Q one. And the team surpassed 10 million production sales produced here in Texas. So Congrats to the team for that. Their focus on yield reduced our scrap bill by 40% quarter over quarter. And that result.

Resulted in a 25% reduction in cell cogs. Here in Texas, we're preparing to launch our Cyber Truck cell, which is 10% higher energy density than current production. That was accomplished through process and mechanical design optimization. As we scale Cyber Cell production through the end of the year and early next, we should be in a comfortable place on cost per cell.

Against our battery energy density targets, the Cyber cell is at our expectations on a like for like electrochemistry basis. We're yet to integrate Silicon or in house cathode production, both reviewed on battery day, which do bring significant further energy density and cost improvements. But that is a topic for another day.

Lastly, it is important to remember that most of what we focused on at Battery Day was the Tesla engineered 46, 80 production system and the improvements we strove to achieve on equipment, factory density, capital, cost and utility cost reduction, all of which we are realizing in our Texas scale up to date.

Thank you very much. The next question is, can you talk more to the upcoming Tesla Energy products and how your thinking has evolved on the revenue model, given tesla's AI capabilities, how do you see the long term mix between hardware margin and recurring software margin from Autobitter as this segment accelerates.

We can't comment on future product roadmap, but I can provide a quick energy Q two update. Megapac continues to show strong demand globally, with lathrop ramping successfully to meet our contracted projects in 2023. As stated last quarter, megapac margins are in a reasonable place in line with our target.

Vehicle target Margins The second final assembly line at Lathrip is progressing on schedule, eventually doubling lathrop capacity ahead of our full factory ramp in 2024. We have several exciting, large projects in construction or nearing completion, including the kes Project in Hawaii, the River Arena Project in Australia, several projects in California, and one here at Gigafactory.

Texas that I toured Today, actually. We want to thank our customers, utilities and grid operators for trusting us with these projects. On the automator question, we continue to grow autobitter contracts in wholesale markets like Australia, Texas, UK, and California with over six gigawatt hours under tesla's dispatch next year in the UK, our project performed best in the industry in Q. Two. Autobitter does have software margins and is an enabler for hardware sales, but it's a relatively small contributor to revenues.

Given how much deployment growth on the megapac hard side is occurring, it's important to remember that these large projects, these large capital projects have lifetimes in 20 years of recurring revenues on an analyzed basis rolled up to upfront capex are small on the residential side, we have some fun things happening. We recently surpassed a half million powerwalls installed just.

This week, we were launching Charge on Solar, which allows Tesla powerwall and vehicle customers to charge their vehicles using their excess solar and drive only on the Sunshine that hits their roof. Yesterday, we began paying customers in Texas for participating in our virtual power plant to provide grid support to ercot. We expect these credits to lower our median customers annual bill by a third and to increase these.

Credits over time as ercot expands market access. And today we are expanding Tesla Electric enrollment to new Model Three owners in Texas, followed by all Texas vehicle customers over the rest of the quarter.

Unfortunately, and somewhat similar to Tesla Insurance. Bringing Tesla Electric and vpp capabilities to our customers requires working through a fractured regulatory environment on a jurisdiction by jurisdiction basis. In the long run, the value of residential energy, software and hardware will be driven by the level of market access that utilities, market operators and regulators permit.

For powerwall is eligible to provide the full stack of energy services. Like peaker capacity and system buffering such as in Australia, we can more than double the value of ownership relative to a typical system today.

Thank you very much. The next question is, could you quantify the benefits to Cox per unit from the ira, battery manufacturing incentives? And Secondly, battery raw material declines year to date. All right, I can take that.

On the first part of the question for ira manufacturing incentives, we provided previous guidance that we expect these to be for the course of this year in the range of 150,000,000 to 250,000,000 per quarter.

We are staying within that boundary as we guided previously. So that was the case in Q Two, as well. I will note I think we've mentioned this before. That this includes a 50 50 sharing of credits for qualified cells.

From our long term battery partner, Panasonic. On the commodity side. We are continuing to see improvements there. As we've discussed previously, lithium is the most notable improvement so far. I think I commented on this on the last call because typically we see this coming about a quarter before it actually is realized in our financial. And also just as a reminder we're not fully exposed to the price of lithium. Our supply chain team has done a terrific job in partnership with another a bunch of other companies to put in place.

Some long term agreements here. But we do have some exposure that moves up and down. We're also seeing benefits in aluminum and steel, which I think is great. But not as large as the lithium impacts, but they contribute nonetheless.

So if we add up the total impact of this in Q two relative to prior quarter. It's about the same size and magnitude as the ira benefits that we also received. Just to put this in context. As you look at cogs per unit sequentially, from Q one to Q two.

There's two things to keep in mind there. The first is that our fx mix. For deliveries increased quite a bit from Q One to Q two. So as you think about fundamental cost reductions. It's important to adjust for that. And then Secondly.

As we continue to work on reducing our Austin and Berlin cost. Which we did quite a bit of that from Q one to Q two. These factories are still slightly above Model Y production cost elsewhere. And in the Quarter, our mix of Austin and Berlin related builds increased.

And so that's something to consider as you model out the impact from Q one to Q two in terms of cogs per unit. I do want to ask Karen if there's anything else on the commodity side or just more generally you want to add here. Yeah. As you mentioned, Zach.

We've naturally been a little bit hedged from the lucan position because the long term contracts we have in place. But we have seen reduction in pricing across the board for all commodities that specifically go into batteries such as nickel, cobalt, and ground flight. And the reductions in pricing translate into thousands of dollars. When you look at it from a pro vehicle impact, we're.

Taking advantage of. The historically low commodity pricing in certain areas to kind of extend some of those fixed price contracts through the end of the decade. So it's a playbook that will continue to kind of go back to as we look to the future.

Thank you. The next question on FSD. Have you considered allowing FSD transferability as a lever to allow existing customers to upgrade to a new Tesla instead of being locked into an existing car due to the price of FSD.

Yeah. This is a question we get asked a lot. So we're excited to announce that. For Q three, we will be allowing transfer of FSD. This is a one time Amnesty. So. You need to take advantage of it in Q three.

Or at least place the order in Q three. Within reasonable delivery time frames. I hope this makes people happy. This is a one time thing. Right. The next question. When will we give more information about the cybertrack Orders, estimated delivery schedules, pricing and specifications.

The demand is so far off the hook, you can't even see the hook. So that's really not an issue. I do want to emphasize that the Cyber truck has a lot of new technology in it like a lie. It doesn't look like.

Any other vehicle because it is not like any other vehicle. And the production ramp will move as fast as the slowest and least likely element. Of. The entire supply chain and a tonal production. I hope it's smooth. We're certainly better at production ramps.

We've got a lot of experience with production ramps, but. First order approximation there's like 10,000 unique parts and processes. In the cyber truck, and if any one of it'll go as fast as the least lucky, least well executed element of the 10,000.

So always very difficult to predict the ramp initially. But I think we'll be making them in high volume next year. Andrew wolverine, delivering. The Car this year. Thank you. The next question is, critics of giga Casting contended that process makes vehicles harder and more costly to repair, essentially pushing cost onto the customer. Could you share some details about the initial repair experience with giga Cast vehicles? That must be why everyone's copying us.

Yeah. Thank you. Lars. That's simply not true. There's a misconception that traditional bodies are easy to repair, but they are made of multiple materials and multiple joining methods. Spot Wells and rivets have to be drilled out. Panels and structural adhesive have to be chiseled out. Dried adhesive has to be removed. Stamping is cut, blah, blah, blah. It's a crazy apache quilt. Yeah. And so putting that back together means time and money. Using.

An example of replacing a rear castrail on Model y. To do that versus like what we replaced it with from model three. It's ten times cheaper and three times faster to do it with the cast rail. My design team works with our collision repair team since we're closed loop on this with insurance, and we design specific parts that make it easier and faster to repair. We have an incentive to do that because we have our own insurance.

And our own body shops. We expect that we'll continue to do this and collision repair will continue to become cheaper and faster over time. And we already make this available to all body shops through our testeroprieved body shop training. Yeah. Closing loop on collision repair and factoring that into design is a big deal. It's crucial. I don't think anyone else can do it with that ecosystem that we have. Yeah. We are actually able to.

Change the details of the casting with inserts. And we actually do that all the time. Because the answer is actually we're out and needs to be replaced anyway, so we can actually make design changes again. So it's and tweak the castings.

But. Basically cast. The rear body or front body is lighter, cheaper, better noise, vibrational, harshness. Much easier to manufacture. And it's better in every way. And that's why so many other car companies are copying us.

Probably. Well, they certainly put out a lot of press releases about it. I think it's basically going to be how all causes are made in the future. Thank you. Next question. How many Optimus bots have been made, and when will they be able to start performing useful tasks? 10 million.

Yes. I think we're around five or six months. I guess. How many are working? In what phase. But. There's more every month. About the Optimus bot. We found that there are actually no suppliers that can produce the actuators.

There are no off the shelf actuators that work well for a human aid robot at any price. Certainly not compelling to go. Yes. It's not a humanoid robot that can do stuff that the things that a human could do.

So we've actually had to design. Our own actuators that integrate the motor, the power electronics, the controller. The sensors. And. Really, every one of them is a custom design. And then of course we'll be using.

The same hardware as the car. We are in designing these actuators, designing them for volume production. So they're not just lighter, tighter, and more capable than any other actuators. That. Exist in the world.

There's also actually manufacturable. So we should be able to make them in volume. The first optimist that will have all of the Tesla designed actuators sort of production candidate actuators. Integrated and walking should be around November ish.

And then. We'll start wrapping up after that. In terms of when we'll be able to do some useful things. We'll first be trying this out in our own factories and just proving out its utility. But. I think we'll be able to have it do something useful.

In our factories sometime next year. I'm pretty confident of that. Another cool thing about optimus is that. Just in the US loan there are 2 million amputees. And I was just talking to the neuralink team.

And by combining a neuralink. Implant and a robotic ammo leg for someone that has had their arms on molecule or all arms and legs amputated. We believe we can give basically a Cybol body. That is incredibly capable.

$6 Million man. In real life. But don't want to cost $6 million. $60,000. Impressive, but. That actually could be a really I think would be incredible to potentially help millions of people around the world.

And. Give them a row like that. Is as good maybe long term better than a mileage going. Thank you. The next question. Is how has the order intake transit relatively to production levels during Q two? And how is it trended in the quarter to date period? Conceptually, how does Tesla decide when is it appropriate to reduce prices or.

Add other sales incentives to increase demand. Yeah, I guess demand is roughly tracked. Production. Which is what we aim for. Something that we have that really I think no other car maker has is that we have real time demand and real time production.

Seven days a week. I get an email order generated email. It shows output from oil factories. And orders globally. So it's like a real time finger on the pulse of Earth, basically. We just post according to what the mood of the public is.

Buying a new car. Is a big decision. For vast majority of people. So anytime there's economic uncertainty people. Generally pause on your car buying at least to see to see what happens. And then obviously, another challenge is the interest rate environment. As the interest rates rise, the affordability of anything bought with debt decreases.

So effectively increasing the price of the car. So when interest rates rise dramatically, we actually have to reduce the price of the car because. The interest payments increase the price of the car.

At least up until recently. I believe the sharpest interest rate rise in history. So we had to do something about that. If somebody's got a Crystal ball for the global economy, I really appreciate it if I got borrowed that Crystal ball.

Yeah, exactly. It should be not on Twitter. One day it seems like the world economy is falling apart. On the next day. Everything's fine. I don't know what the hell is going on. Be totally Frank. I wish I did.

That's why I say. On Twitter. I posted. Just really advising because I care a lot about. The small shareholders, especially ones that have stuck with us screwed through thick and thin. I love you guys.

We can't control these macro, shocks. Or the manic depressive nature of the stock market. So that's why I recommend against margin loans in times that are turbulent. If times are not that turbulent, actually, a modulant can be a smart move within reason.

But we're in. I would call it turbulent times. I have very high. Confidence in a long term value of Tesla. I really see a path to a ten X. Value. Increase in the value of the company. Maybe a ten X. Where things go along the way the trials and tribulations and the mood of the markets.

One cannot predict. The old adage of Buy and Hold is right. For investment advice, I say, like, identify a company as product you love. See if they does it seem like they'll continue to make good products or great products.

Buy that stock and hold it. That's it. The reason Company desist is to make goods and services, ideally, great goods and services. They don't exist for any other reason. They shouldn't. So that's why I saw a company that makes.

Future pipeline. It's common sense, actually. And then generally. If you provided you're confident about what that company's products or services are. When the market panics. Buy and when the market.

Is overly exuberant. It can sell. I'm not recommending yourself Tesla. Sell high. Warren buffett, Actually, I think has saying paraphrasing him but a publicly traded company. It's like mentioning living in your house.

And some crazy manic depressive guy comes and stands outside your house and yells property prices at you. Ends a different price every day. The house is still the same house. This is a stock market. Credit that to Warren Buffett.

Thank you. Let's go to the next question with the emphasis of price cuts to drive volume growth eating into Automotive Gross Margin can investors expect to see automotive gross margin stabilize or even rise due to efficiencies outpacing the cuts? And if so, when.

's that Crystal ball again. It's like look. The short term variances. In gross margin and profitability really are minor relative to the long term picture. Autonomy. Will make all of these numbers look silly. I'd recommend looking at Arc Invest. I think their analysis.

Is very good. Generally Fintwit or like the finance. Smart finance people on Twitter follow their accounts. They're great. That's in my opinion, where you'll get the best. Info. So. I strongly believe Tesla is Epic long term investment.

And don't sweat it when things go up and down. In fact, if the market panics. By if the market's a little too exuberant sell at the time but just generally. I feel confident we'll deliver over long term but can't control short term.

Autonomy is really where it's at. I fully agree with you. I think the only thing in the short term that matters is. What I said in my opening remarks which is are regenerating enough money to continue to invest.

And the portfolio of product and technologies that the technical teams are investing in right now. This is intense. It's intense in terms of investment, it's intense in terms of potential. Frankly, I think it's ridiculous that we have positive, free cash flow.

In a capital intensive business. While invest. Investing massive amounts of money in your technology. That is super hard and vertical integration. It's not even just like new products, but also, yeah, we actually make our shit.

And so at least from my perspective, what matters is continuing to generate the cash to invest. That means continuing to be hyper focused on near term cost reduction. Because everything we do in near term cost reduction provides capital to reinvest.

Hyper focused on working capital management. Of which we've made quite a bit of progress there on the raw materials and. Web site of that, we've been very focused on accounts receivables as well, to ensure that we can continue to reinvest, reinvest the cash.

This is what we're focused on. So there's a set of this that we control. We have a pipeline of cost reductions. We are getting tailwinds in the commodity space right now. As kern mentioned, that's helpful.

Variability around average selling prices goes back to elon's point. We don't control interest rates, we don't control macro consumer sentiment. But we have an obligation to be responsive to that, to ensure that.

We're matching supply and demand and keeping things balanced. And so this is how we're managing the next handful of quarters. Soon enough, these quarters will be behind us. They won't be part of the present value of future cash flows of the business.

And so we want to make sure we keep that view and make sure that the long term of the business is exactly the way that we want it to be. All right. Thank you very much. And now let's go to analyst questions. The first question comes from Dan levi, from Barclays. Then feel free to unmute yourself.

Great. Evening. Thank you. Wanted to start first. With a question about here, at first an AI and dojo it's pretty clear it sounds like you're accelerating your focus. Can you maybe provide us with a sense of what the process is of refining a product? Is it more machines? And maybe you could give us a sense.

Of. When the payout starts to when you start to see the payout and what the resource outlay is, what should we expect on the opex front as a result of this. Sorry. Are you saying how much are we going to spend on dojo.

Yeah. Well we're not going to be open loop on our dojo expenditures. But I mean, I think we will be spending. The next year. Through the Internet next year, it's well over a billion dollars in dojo. We've got a truly staggering amount of video data.

To do training on. And this is another thing. In order to copy us. You also need to spend billions of dollars on Training compute. It's also hard to. Data, the training computer. Things think all things needed to actually achieve this at scale toward generalized solution for autonomy.

This is one of the hottest problems ever. You see a lot of AI companies doing llms. And whatnot. If they're so great, why can't they make a self great driving car. Because it's harder. That's why. But I do think that I think there's some great AI companies out there.

But just fundamentally. The staggering amount of data we've got to process is go to process somehow and custom Silicon is the best way to do that. So that's what Doja is designed to do. Is optimize for video training.

It's not optimized for alums. It's optimized for video training. With Video training. You have a much higher ratio of compute to memory bandwidth. Whereas lms tends to be memory bandwidth choked. So.

That's it. But like I said. We're using a lot of nvidia hardware and we continue to. Take the Nvidia hardware as fast as Nvidia will deliver to us tremendous respect for jensen and Nvidia. They've done an incredible job.

And frankly, I don't know if they could deliver us enough GPUs. We might not need dojo, but they can. So they got so many customers. They've been kind enough to. Nonetheless prioritize them. About our gpu orders.

But. The shear magnitude of video training because like I said, we're not trying to just get as good as human. We want to get. To ten times better than humans maybe 100 times better than human. Right now, I believe there's something on the order of a million automotive deaths per year.

And if you say permanent, serious injuries, I think it's probably closer to 10 million per year. So it matters. If you're twice as good as human ten times. Better than human would still mean 100,000 deaths.

And a million severe permanent injuries. So it's like, okay, well, would rather be 100 times better. So. It's a March of 9th, and we want to achieve. As perfect safety as possible. And. Truly mind boggling amounts of video and computer needed for that.

And then I do think. There's other applications for dojo, but we're just desperately needed for video training. Just to add to what elon mentioned, the numbers that he mentioned. Are between R and D spend and capital spend.

And. This is moving quickly. And so we provide a three year outlook on our capital expense. We are considering. These expenses in that outlook. And if that moves up and down, we'll continue to update our guidance in the queue.

Yeah, I want to say. The fundamental rate limiter on the progress of full self driving is training. If we had more training compute, we would get it done. Faster. And it's just difficult to predict how quickly we can execute on it.

Great, thank you. Just as a follow up. I recognize. There's incredible macro uncertainty right now, but you're sticking with your near term. Your volume target 50% CAGR. As we just think about sort of in the year ahead.

Cyber truck is going to be some contribution. There's going to be some help from further EV penetration growth. But to what extent are you willing. To sacrifice on pricing, to keep that 50% volume CAGR intact.

Or are you thinking differently about margins versus your prior commentary of willing to sacrifice on margins to get more share. It's not about getting more shares, just that you can think of every car that.

We sell or produce. That has. Full Autonomy capability. As actually something that in the future. May be worth as much as five times what it is today. Because. Average. Pastor vick was doing, like maybe 10 hours of driving a week.

If let's say it's one and a half hours a day on average that's 10 hours a week. If you've got an autonomous. Vehicle. To operate autonomously. And be used either dedicated, autonomous or partially autonomous. Like airbnb. Maybe. Sometimes you allow your car to be used by others. Sometimes you want to use it exclusively. Just like.

Doing Airbnb. With a room in your house. The value is just tremendous. So I think. It does make sense to sacrifice margins in favor of making more vehicles because. We think in the not too low future.

They will. Have a dramatic valuation increase. I think the Tesla fleet value increase to the point at which we can upload. Full self driving and it's approved by regulators. Will be the single biggest step change in asset value, maybe in history.

Thank you. Let's go to the next analyst. The question comes from Emmanuel rosner, from Deutsche Bank. Thank you very much. Two questions for me as well. First, following up on the autonomy. So, before you start launching these dedicated robot taxi vehicles on existing vehicles.

You're improving FSD, incrementally. What is your latest targeted timing to essentially release a non beta version or an iso version that would trigger much higher take rates, and would Tesla benefit from lowering the price of FSD.

Well. As people have sort of made fun of me and perhaps. Quite fairly have made fun of me my predictions about. Achieving Full self driving. Have been optimistic in the past. The reason they've been optimistic is what tends to look like is.

The we'll make rapid progress with a new version. Of FSD. But then it will curb over logarithmically. Logarithmic curve looks like. Just. Fairly straight upward line. Up. And so if you extrapolate that, then you have a great thing. But then it's actually making curves over. And then there have been a series of stacked logarithmic curves.

Now. The boy who cried FSD. But. Man. I think we'll be better than human by the end of this year. That's not to say we're approved by regulators. And that would be in the US because we got to focus on one market first, but I think we'll be better than human by the end of this year. I've been wrong in the past. I may be wrong this time.

And the price of fsd. So the weird thing is the price of fsd is actually very low. When you go back to what a single. Value of the car increases dramatically. If it is actually autonomous. $15,000 is actually a low price, not a high price.

I think we do sort of offer fsd as a sort of monthly subscription, although most people don't know that. So I'd recommend maybe trying it out as a monthly subscription. So you don't have to go with the $15,000 thing, but.

I think. Obviously if the car is worth several times. Its original price. $15,000 is actually a low price for FSD. Thank you. And the next question comes from William stein, from truist. William, go ahead and unmute.

Great. Thank you very much for taking my question. I'd like to ask about. To stick on this AI topic. We read with great interest the developments in dojo today. And you've spoken about fsd. But you've also Elon you've started this X AI company, and for investors that think that there might be quite a bit of value.

In the AI. Features and Products of Tesla. It might be concerning to see. You pursuing another endeavor where AI is the focus. So can you talk about how X AI might overlap. Might perhaps compete with Tesla. Or in other ways. Perhaps it enhances the value of what Tesla does. Thanks very much.

I think we'll actually enhance the value of Tesla. There really were just. Some of the world's best AI engineers and scientists that were willing to join a startup, but they were not willing to join a large, sort of relatively established company like Tesla. So I was like, that's actually how it got started. I was interviewing a few people and they're like, no, we want to do a startup.

I can convince them to join Tesla. So I was like, okay. Well, better to start up. That iron. Than they go work somewhere else. That's kind of the genesis of xai. And xai. Is focused on sort of AGI. But like I said, I think there will be.

Some value that xai brings to Tesla. Also some of the best for the very best people in the world. They really just want to work on interesting problems if you take, say armtreal Science group. Really? What convinced Charlie koeman to leave Apple? We're very happy and well compensated.

And both. What we think is best material science group in the world was that he got to work at both Tesla and SpaceX. He wasn't willing to leave Apple if it was just house left. But he was willing to. It was Tesla and spacex. So sometimes you get the best talent in the world. That's the kind of thing.

You need to do and that actually has been very beneficial to Tesla. If I can squeeze one more mundane question in. I wonder if you think you can hit the 1.8 million unit number with current pricing or do you anticipate needing.

To continue to lower prices because it seems like they've stabilized. The trends have stabilized. In the last maybe a month and a half, should we expect. A sort of continued decreases or more stabilization for the rest of the year.

We have restarted the referral program, which I think will be quite effective. As zach was saying earlier. We don't control the macroeconomic condition. So if interest rates continue to rise, that reduces the affordability of cars.

And for a lot of people. They're really. Barely breaking even every month. In fact, if you look at the rise in credit card debt, they are in fact, not breaking even every month. Credit card debt is. Looking.

Scary. We just don't control macro conditions. If macro condition is stable, I think prices will be stable. And if they're not stable. Then. We would have to lower prices. Thank you. Let's go to Colin Rush from Oppenheimer.

That's so much guys. As you're building out, dojo and implementing what truly is going to be a highly complex set of software. Can you speak to the maturity of the operating system and how much. Outsource software you're expecting to use in that system.

This is a custom software stack. But. It is designed such that. You can run. At a high level pie torch. And Jacks. But then we have to customize it to actually run on outcut. Custom Silicon so the software stack.

Is a combination of open source software and that Tesla software all the way to the bare Silicon, which is the case for the insurance computer in the car. Okay. Thanks so much. That's super helpful. And then can you speak to how you're managing some of the geopolitical risks relative to your capacity expansion? Obviously, as you guys continue to grow at this rate, you're going to be putting some folks out of business.

And there's going to be some impacts around regional economy. So just want to understand how you're thinking about that in terms of some of your capex plans and how you're managing some of those relationships with different countries and regions.

This is a period of unusual geopolitical risk. So I think the best we can do. Is have factories. And many parts of the world such that if things get difficult in one part of the world. We can still keep things going in the rest of the world.

Thank you. The next question comes from Mark delaney, from Goldman Sachs. Thank you very much for taking the question. Tesla has been making progress, reducing cost and did so again last quarter. Can you give an update on when you think Automotive cogs. Per vehicle could be under the historical $36,000 per vehicle level? And what are the key puts and takes to get there.

I think it was asked this in the past. This is very difficult to forecast. There's a series of costs that we manage. This series of costs in which we don't control. And so particularly on the commodity side.

Where labor costco, et cetera. It's just hard to say yeah. We saw very inflationary, like strong inflationary pressures for a while last year. Which obviously makes it very difficult to reduce cogs. Now we're seeing what seem to be deflationary pressure. Certainly deflationary.

Deflation is a pressure. But. We're seeing commodity prices dropped. Dropping. As was mentioned. As carn mentioned a moment ago. What do you think? Basically, the trend seem to be deflationary at the commodity level. Definitely.

And then there's also the unit economics improve as volumes grow. That's the other thing we're seeing as we're becoming a bigger and bigger part of a lot of suppliers. Economies come into play. There's equipment depreciation that comes into play. Equipment that was commissioned five to seven years ago, that used to be a part of the peace price that's completely amortized. So we'll see situations.

Where peace price comes down because that equipment contribution has gone away. And then just we continue to have this mentality of continuous improvement in terms of labor reducing labor, improving automation, and just continue to get better at what we do. So we have seen, I think every quarter we have seen an improvement. Of course, the commodities spiked up and down.

Just in general, the trend is towards being more efficient. Yeah. I totally agree. Lifting prices weren't absolutely insane there for a while. Yeah. And they're recovering now. Cobalt said a third of what it used to be.

And we're still early in the ramps. Well, not early in the ramp, but early in the cost down curve of Austin and Berlin. And so it takes time to work the cost out. At first it's a focused on ramp. Ramp brings cost rampant quality, and then.

Quality cost. Yeah. And then once that stabilizes, we can divert bandwidth to cost reduction. And so Austin and Berlin saw quite a decent amount of cost reduction on a fundamental basis from Q One to Q. Two will continue to do that work. That would be helpful.

And so we're just going to keep shipping away at it. Packaging is a big element to that. Logistics too. Logistics is normalizing, which is great. Thank you about your utilization. Something that team has been very focused on.

So every bit of it. Yeah. Logistics is underappreciated. Tactics was the one with logistics. Yeah. And we made tremendous improvements in cost in all fronts. On expired cost. We have. Done pre pandemic expect cost levels now.

And our goal is to go further down. Yeah. So when we look at our progress from Q One to Q Two on Cost, the way that we look at internally. Normalize for the impacts of mix shift, with Austin and Berlin being a higher percentage of our mix normalized for F and X being a higher percentage of our mix in Q two versus Q one, the sequential cost reduction. It might be the largest we've had in a while.

So. It's great work on behalf of the Tesla team, and we just got to keep it up. To get Game of Pennies like Game of Thrones. But pennies. Mark, do you have a follow up question? I think you're muted.

Yeah. Thank you very much for all the details on that. Maybe you could put a finer point on the downtime impact. That you spoke about in your prepared comments in terms of production impact, and then also to what extent, there's a margin impact from those factory upgrades that you're planning this quarter. Thank you.

Yeah. We don't know exactly the number of cars impacted because kind of the way that we go into downtime windows for upgrades. Is we set aside a period of time, but then the team is challenged to go as quickly as possible so that we can get the factories up and running again and minimize that.

It's not profound reduction. Hopefully it's quite small. I think we're getting too much into the weeds here. Asking for a level of precision that is not possible. To answer. So let's move on. I think this is unfortunately, all the time we have for today. Okay. So we'll speak to you all in the next three months. Thank you very much. Thank you.
