
Simple Transformers 入門 (8) - 会話型AI

Simple Transformers」で「会話形AI」を行う方法をまとめました。

1. 会話型AI

HuggingFaceの「State-of-the-Art Conversational AI」の作成を行います



2. データ形式

データ形式は、「Facebook Persona-Chat」形式に従います。HuggingFaceによるJSON形式のバージョンはここにあります。JSONファイルはこのライブラリと直接互換性があります(データセットが指定されていない場合は自動的にダウンロードされて使用されます)。


・personality : strのlist - エージェントのパーソナリティ。
・utterances : dicのlist - 辞書のリスト。各辞書には、2つのキーがある。
 ・candidates : strのlist - [next_utterance_candidate_1, ..., next_utterance_candidate_19] - 最後の候補は、会話データで観察されたgrand truthレスポンス。
 ・history : [dialog_turn_0、... dialog_turn N] - 他のユーザーが全ての会話を開始するため、Nは奇数。




        "personality": [
            "i like computers .",
            "i like reading books .",
            "i like talking to chatbots .",
            "i love listening to classical music ."
        "utterances": [
                "candidates": [
                    "i try to wear all black every day . it makes me feel comfortable .",
                    "well nursing stresses you out so i wish luck with sister",
                    "yeah just want to pick up nba nfl getting old",
                    "i really like celine dion . what about you ?",
                    "no . i live near farms .",
                    "mother taught me to cook ! we are looking for an exterminator .",
                    "i enjoy romantic movie . what is your favorite season ? mine is summer .",
                    "editing photos takes a lot of work .",
                    "you must be very fast . hunting is one of my favorite hobbies .",
                    "hi there . i'm feeling great! how about you ?"
                "history": [
                    "hi , how are you ?"
                "candidates": [
                    "i have trouble getting along with family .",
                    "i live in texas , what kind of stuff do you do in ",
                    "toronto ?",
                    "that's so unique ! veganism and line dancing usually don't mix !",
                    "no , it isn't that big . do you travel a lot",
                    "that's because they are real ; what do you do for work ?",
                    "i am lazy all day lol . my mom wants me to get a job and move out",
                    "i was born on arbor day , so plant a tree in my name",
                    "okay , i should not tell you , its against the rules ",
                    "i like to talk to chatbots too ! do you know why ? ."
                "history": [
                    "hi , how are you ?",
                    "hi there . i'm feeling great! how about you ?",
                    "not bad ! i am trying out this chatbot ."
                "candidates": [
                    "ll something like that . do you play games ?",
                    "does anything give you relief ? i hate taking medicine for mine .",
                    "i decorate cakes at a local bakery ! and you ?",
                    "do you eat lots of meat",
                    "i am so weird that i like to collect people and cats",
                    "how are your typing skills ?",
                    "yeah . i am headed to the gym in a bit to weight lift .",
                    "yeah you have plenty of time",
                    "metal is my favorite , but i can accept that people listen to country . haha",
                    "that's why you desire to be controlled . let me control you person one .",
                    "two dogs they are the best , how about you ?",
                    "you do art ? what kind of art do you do ?",
                    "i love watching baseball outdoors on sunny days .",
                    "oh i see . do you ever think about moving ? i do , it is what i want .",
                    "because i am a chatbot too, silly !"
                "history": [
                    "hi , how are you ?",
                    "hi there . i'm feeling great! how about you ?",
                    "not bad ! i am trying out this chatbot .",
                    "i like to talk to chatbots too ! do you know why ? .",
                    "no clue, why don't you tell me ?"

3. 会話型AIの最小限のコード

Hugging Faceによってオープンソース化された事前学習済み(OpenAI GPTベース)の会話AIモデルはこちらからダウンロードできます。


また、「データ形式」で指定されたJSONファイルを作成し、data /minimal_train.jsonとして保存する必要があります。


from simpletransformers.conv_ai import ConvAIModel

# モデルの作成
train_args = {
    "num_train_epochs": 50,
    "save_model_every_epoch": False,
model = ConvAIModel("gpt", "gpt_personachat_cache", use_cuda=True, args=train_args)

# 学習

# 評価

# 学習済みモデルと対話


4. 会話AIの学習のデータセット


Persona-Chat Conversational AI
