
🎀#20 英語研究 | "China sets an ambitious growth target"


本日はThe Economistの"China sets an ambitious growth target"について。

Li Qiang

This year's gathering of China's rubber-stamp parliament, the National People's Congress, began on Tuesday with a state-of-the-nation speech from Li Qiang, the prime minister. The meeting of the legislature and the near-simultaneous one of its advisory body - known collectively as the "two sessions" - are taking place amid grim economic news. Factory production is shrinking, deflation has taken hold and property prices are falling.

Most observers are focused on the government's plans for 2024. It announced a growth of around 5%. Meeting that goal will not be easy. Forecasts for growth this year range from 4% and 5.2%, with an average of 4.6%, according to Bloomberg. To reach 5%, the government will have to provide more stimulus. But Mr Li announced only modest measures to gin up the economy, disappointing businesspeople who had hoped for more.

The Economist | Mar 5th 2024

【"China sets an ambitious growth target"の訳】


火曜日[Tuesday]。中国[China]の議会[parliament]はLi Qiang氏の演説[speech]と共に始まった。議会[legislature]の会合[meeting]と諮問委員会[advisory body]。彼らは経済[economic]のニュースについて真剣に議論を交わす。工場での生産事業は縮小傾向。デフレ。そして。資産の価値は下がっている。