
Learning about religious

Hi! It's Haruto. How's it going today? I'm glad cuz I had only two classes.
There is no topic that I really pick up so I will write something I've been

 There are many international friends in my course, who I talk to often are Indonesian friends since they're so talkative and I think we have the same vibes. I love them. Through spending time with them, I asked them some questions about their religions.

 Actually, before came my course, I'd talked to my grandpa about interacting with people from outside of Japan because he used to work abroad and has a lot of experience. And he always said to me "Don't talk about religious and political things which are sensitive topics" for avoiding the problem.
However, even though he said so, I've talked a lot because it's fun to learn it.
We Japanese basically do not belong to any religion, we celebrate many religious anniversaries regardless kind of religion though.

 One thing that I got interested in is fasting which is the abstention from eating and sometimes drinking. They do it occasionally, I'm curious how they live a life ordinary. 
Let's say, tomorrow I have a game of soccer while keep fasting, I bet I would lose definitely. Different from my outlook, they spend their life as usual even playing sports.
One of them says the purpose of fasting is to discipline ourselves from appetite and desire things like that. That sounds very vital. So I feel like trying to do it someday. 

This is all for today. Seeya

