dimness of eternity

dimness of eternity

for what petty reason do we still seek eternity forever-more,

when the world is already overflowing

with cold eternities of so many nameless dead gods?

the regrets and wrath of these dii in the welcoming white powder

of flour, the host bitters the already gross taste of bread.

and in the rotten and desolate mind-juice,

image-evoking; bled from frigid grapes,

the lukewarm firesputter chills my spine.

this and that which shall not die, and O flow

my tears cracked crystal

din of supplication making up queues and lines

swineherds and their sense of season

the mud they wash off

cakes flowers of high hills with dark dew of the morn

by the shore the river wends so clear

when one is submerged and drowning

it smells like the mortality of soul

and we purged, we purged

all profound blacknesses

we treaded the water-mill

ferried the flow upwards---

then let the bottoms of hearts die

in the paddy field of newly grown rice

the lymph is clear of aught but microbiomes

and at the bottom with caked mud

the meat of eternal, great gods died.

in necrotic stillness...maybe a colour deeper

than the purpureal

phantasm, do you too

wish to disturb my profound sadness?

even death has no more life to give

the "Mandaliet" sojourn


let all that are eternal and changeless

veil themselves with nothing than their own eyes

before their own illusory funeral




