
🍒2/11(日・祝)🎻やまぎん県民ホール 14:00開演🎹反田恭平 JapanNationalOrchestra🍒


“#Kyohei Sorita & #Japan National Orchestra Concert Tour 2024”

The first day of the tour is finally here🏃‍♂️

We look forward to seeing you at each venue!

There are also surveys and treasured photos by members that can only be read here, and be sure to check out the venue-limited tour pamphlet as well.


 After the highly successful Tochigi performance

The second day of the tour is Yamagata🍒

This is one of the few opportunities to request a same-day ticket!

\Same-day tickets available from 12:30 onwards at Hall 2F🎫/

2/11 (Sunday/Holiday)

@ Yamagin Kenmin Hall 14:00 start
