
💖Ijō以上、IU(言うsay)でしたThat’s it for iu (lol)💖「I」と「You」💖

活動名「IU」は、「I」と「You」を掛け合わせた造語であり、『あなたと私が音楽で1つになる』という意味が込められている[3]。公式ファンクラブ名は「UAENA(ユエナ、朝: 유애나、様式化: U愛나)」で、IUの「You」、愛を意味する「애」、私を意味する「나」を組み合わせている。慈善活動時はIUとUAENAを掛け合わせた「IUAENA(アイユエナ)」という名義を使用する場合がある[4]。

The activity name ``IU'' is a coined word that combines ``I'' and ``You,'' and has the meaning of ``you and I becoming one through music.''[3] The official fan club name is UAENA (morning: 유애나, stylization: Uai나), which is a combination of IU's "You", "애" which means love, and "나" which means me. . When doing charity work, she sometimes uses the name "IUAENA", which is a combination of IU and UAENA.[4]


Horie Atsushi says.

"I was able to meet IU, which I had always wanted. She's just so cute."

(本当にYour (iu)voice is clear and really nice)
