

🌁雷神god of thunder🌁

🌁風神の手hand of the wind god🌁






"A huge plot twist that will leave you shocked until the last line! A thunderbolt on the day of the festival mercilessly takes away bonds and memories" ⚡

🍃Fujin's hand🍃

“A tear-jerking ending where we learn the true meaning of the miracle! The whereabouts of the many rumors surrounding a photo studio specializing in photographs of dead bodies.”

Kazureza's radio talk about "N". With Miyuki Nagon.

A video version has been uploaded to YouTube.

🥨薄 幸(すすき みゆき、1993年〈平成5年〉1月24日 - )は、日本のお笑い芸人。お笑いコンビ「納言」(なごん)のメンバー。
Miyuki Susuki (born January 24, 1993) is a Japanese comedian. A member of the comedy duo "Nagon".🥨



I was very surprised because Shusuke Michio was speaking (lol)

The process of becoming a writer is very interesting.
