
ロード・オブ・ザ・リングもThe beatlesも気になるので、NCISは落ち着いて🌆更新致します🙇


🌹I learned a lot 



という歌舞伎の家系に生まれる。50年、東京劇場にて父の襲名披露で初舞台。その後劇団新派に所属し、62年に正式入団。新橋演舞場や明治座、三越劇場などで多数の舞台に立ち、2011年に紫綬褒章、16年に旭日小綬章を受賞した。大河ドラマには多数出演。『赤穂浪士』『竜馬がゆく』『花神』『葵 徳川三代』などで存在感を示している。

Born in 1945 in Tokyo. He was born into a Kabuki family, his father being the 17th generation Kabuki actor Kanzaburo Nakamura, and his younger brother being the 18th generation Kabuki actor Kanzaburo Nakamura. In 1950, he made his first stage performance at the Tokyo Theater to announce his father's succession of his name. After that, he belonged to the Shinpa Theater Company and officially joined the group in 1962. He has appeared on numerous stages at Shinbashi Enbujo, Meijiza, Mitsukoshi Theater, and other venues, and was awarded the Medal with Purple Ribbon in 2011 and the Order of the Rising Sun with Gold Ribbon in 2016. He has appeared in many taiga dramas. He has shown his presence in works such as ``Ako Roshi'', ``Ryoma ga Yuku'', ``Kashin'', and ``Aoi Tokugawa Sandai''.
