

🌹刄田 綴色(はた としき、1976年10月5日 - )は、日本のドラマー、パーカッショニスト🌹

It's great to listen to with a nightcap. That song.

It's definitely the best three piece

It's an impulse, it's an emotion

don't leave me

The sun, the typhoon

don't leave me

The great voyage live looks great! Last night was amazing! !

A worried Higuchiai



Looking for messages! ! This is a new theme✨

The first one is...

① “Top 3 non-negotiable conditions in love”💗

…Please tell me three conditions that you look for in a romantic partner! Anything is OK, such as "we have similar tastes in food" or "I don't like people who don't accept my hobbies!"

And the second thing is...(continued↓)

(I wonder what it would be like to have a real boyfriend in real life (lol)現実彼氏が出来たらどうなのかなと思います。絶対音楽の趣味嗜好が一緒がいいな〜。あと、読書家📕)

In reality, I wonder what it would be like if I had a boyfriend.

It would definitely be nice if we had the same taste in music. I'm an avid reader.


After all, it's easier for one person.
1人が楽だな(⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠) 
