
🌇ken ken 🌆中村達也🌇灰野敬二🌆RIZE🌃

Today, I'm having a live performance in Akihabara with Tatsuya Nakamura and Keiji Haino.



Last time, Haino-san was absent on the day of the event due to illness, so today is the first time we are meeting. That's exciting.

Thankfully, I've been so busy that I've been neglecting Twitter, so I'm sorry

I have to upload a new schedu
le. …

Well, the RIZE revival live, exclusive to the fan club, will be held somewhere in Tokyo in just one week!

Regarding the results of the lottery application, I am sorry that only 1/10th of the participants were able to enter. . … twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

With Prince KENKEN of the Demon World

Emperor Keiji Haino


in the dark

Akihabara Goodman





a goodman

(On ken ken's live ART, there was a question, ``Which do you like best, average, or below average?'' I like what I like.ken ken のlive告知で、好きなものの質問で、最高, 普通, 普通以下どちらが好きですかという質問です。凄いREALな質問💦私はどちらかと言うと、好きになったものが好きです(笑))


Keiji Haino was amazing.

His guitar playing was eccentric, but his singing was truly more powerful than any of the recent young artists.

I've been depressed ever since yesterday's news of his death, but Tacchan's hug and Haino-san's spirit really cheered me up.

I'm glad I was able to play music today. Hey

It's already too amazing...😳

I've had KenKen take me to a lot of different sounds, but today was on an entirely different level.

Even though I was just standing there, the sound made me lose my sense of balance and several times I felt like my body was floating.

I wonder if...
