

Forimi GEN and Pierre Nakano talked about summer festivals

The alcohol was delicious!


#Jack Daniels


A really nice photo.

Is this your first meeting? !

  "Rock'n'Roll Kyodan" first record event "Psych!"  

We will liven up the psych scene!

The opposing band will be Japanese psychedelic top runner Geometric Pattern's Daud Akira and his project, and psychedelic rakugo's Kaimintei Akira and Yumeko.

The DJ will be Mino Music.

At Koenji Green Apple!

What is the Rock and Roll Church? ? 👽

9/5 I will be performing as a DJ!




「名古屋市在住。漫画・アニメとFMラジオを携え、忙しい日々を送る一児の母。ラジオきっかけでアーティストを好きになることが多いので、食わず嫌いなジャンルはほぼなし。特に好きなのは邦ロックです。大好きなアーティストは、メジャーデビューからずっと追いかけている高橋優。開催日が出産予定日が被ったfreestyle stroke以外、名古屋公演は全通しています。最近のマイブームは、育児の息抜きに見るようになったYoutube出身のアーティスト探訪。Youtuberとしての推しが被っていることもあり、UUUM所属アーティストが私の中でアツくなりつつあります。」

Tamiko Katayama

Lives in Nagoya. A mother of one who lives a busy life with manga, anime, and FM radio. I often fall in love with artists because of radio, so there is almost no genre that I don't like. I especially like Japanese rock. My favorite artist is Yu Takahashi, whom I have been following ever since his major debut. All Nagoya performances will be held, except for Freestyle Stroke, which was held on the same date as the expected birth date. My recent fad is exploring artists from Youtube, which I started watching to take a break from raising children. Partly because of his popularity as a Youtuber, the artists affiliated with UUUM are becoming more and more appealing to me.」
